Following the interview, the uncut version of what Emi retold of her experiences added to the downfall of the association.
"VICE DIRECTOR," stood lifelessly in the middle of the conference room, the man who had planned to do much more fell in disarray. What he had built over the years crumbled. The walls felt as if straw and the destruction outside was of a starving tempest. Out of the Six executives, only two remained. Lady Six and the leader, Mr. Zero. The other associates cut their losses and severed any links to the shady organization.
"Yes, Lady Six," said he with no ambition.
"The AHA is done for. Mr. Zero, I only came to give my sincere regards as to what is to come. The Emperor's message is clear, this association was doomed the moment the Dynasty got involved. I've said it countless times, being rich doesn't mean one is almighty."
"LADY SIX, YOU BETTER SHUT UP," yelled a differing voice from screen 'Zero'.