'I wonder what Staxius is doing,' sat under a now blossoming red tree, Xula had snacks and waited. The garden obeyed her every whim, she could change the weather and season without so much as lifting a finger. A latent power from when she still was a fairy. More often than not, it would change depending on her emotions. The blooming tree was a sign of said effect paired with the more than chilly wind – one that signaled loneliness of which was reminiscent. *Sigh,* her gaze faced the horizon, the plants sang with the wind acting as the messenger. Green hair flowed gracefully, it blended with the surrounding.
"Still as pretty as always," a voice came from her right side. A voice that seemed familiar.
"It can't be," she turned, her expression went from stoic to blissful. No care to tact, her cup slipped for the lady rushed into her lover's arms. "-You're back," she exclaimed with a smile.