Apologies everyone, but my life has become what they call a SHIZ STORM. As they say, it never rains but pours. Here is a life update:
Both of my cats have gone to the Vet due to an infection each time. Ironically, one was stomach, and another was on the skin. I didn't even know that could happen, but apparently, it can. Now, they are recovering along nicely. Never mind, the Vet bills that have left me gasping for air with my hand held closely to my chest like something out of the Victorian era.
As you can tell, I become rather flippant when I am royally peeved. My health has taken a turn for the worse, and my sleep has been impacted DRAMATICALLY. So, I am hoping within the next month or so, that at least my sleep will take a sufficient turn for the better and I will be able to write. As it turns out, sleep is a fundamental requirement for creativity. Otherwise, nothing comes out.
I may be over-optimistic, but such is the case. Apologies again for the lack of response on my part, I haven't exactly been as well as I ought to be.