Chereads / A Bend in Time / Chapter 1201 - Evans Home Visit

Chapter 1201 - Evans Home Visit

Sunday at the Potter home passed quickly, and Rowan was only too glad to head home to Prince Manor at the end of the evening. She and James hadn't had an opportunity to speak again, nor did she purposefully seek him out as she had needed time to compose her thoughts. She had been a bit taken back by how matter-of-fact James had been about the possible consummation of their marriage.

Not that Rowan had expected James to be a paragon of maidenly virtue. She had even known that he would be experienced before marriage. Obviously, he was, and she had been expecting him to have been so sexually active during his time at Hogwarts. However, the idea itself had never truly occurred to her until now…

Pulling herself back to the present, Monday morning, Rowan glances down to double-check that she has everything. She had been a bit distracted while packing and was greatly relieved to find everything. Grabbing her luggage, she walks out of her bedroom only to meet Severus in the hall waiting for her. The two of them head downstairs toward the hearth.

Onyx-colored eyes intently observe Rowan as she ignores Severus's poignant gaze. "What?" She impatiently snapped annoyed by the intensity of the stare.

"So, you and James," Severus carefully said, "did something happen between the two of you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, you avoided looking James in the eye during our entire visit and mumbled a hasty goodbye."

Knowing she can't lie, Rowan murmurs, "It was just something he said that wholly caught me off guard that's all."

"Well, it must have been something," Severus frowned. "Do I need to plot revenge on your behalf?"

"No," Rowan shook her head. "This something I have to come to terms with."

With a speculative look, Severus doesn't pry any further. Though he makes a personal note to write to Terry. If he wasn't going to be sneaky about finding what just had occurred, he would need Terry's expertise. Maybe, even pull Sirius as part of the plotting since any retaliation made by Sirius would always be waved off as a practical joke.

Taking a pinch of sparkling floor powder, Rowan turns to Severus. "It's 9 Mayfield Road," she firmly repeated.

"Yes, yes, you said that already," Severus rolled his eyes.

Ignoring her twin brother's antics, Rowan tosses the sparkling powder into the hearth. "9 Mayfield Road," she called out and stepped into the roaring emerald flames. Sucked through a swirling pipe, she emerges out of the fireplace in the home of Andrew Abbott's squib uncle residence.

The Abbott household is expectantly waiting for them as is her friend, Andrew Abbott. Rowan worriedly gazes at the much thinner face of Andrew, which has a scar running down the side of his face. His clothes hang loosely on his figure, another indication of sudden weight loss. He is pale with violent shadows under his eyes clearly denoting his lack of sleep or nightmare-filled sleep.

Rowan greets them with a head nod and steps aside as Severus emerges from the floo hearth. He blinks in surprise at seeing the light-haired household of the Abbotts. Severus had never met Andrew Abbott's squib uncle, but he could see the family resemblance in the shared round faces.

Mr. Abbott has a round belly and a pair of glasses on his cheerful face. His wife, Mrs. Abott is a dark-haired muggleborn witch that is rather short and petite in comparison. Their three children are three, five, and seven years of age. The older two children are boys with the youngest being a little girl.

The children rush off to play showing off early traces of child magic. Despite Mr. Abbott being a squib, all of his three children showed early traces of magic. They would all likely one day attend Hogwarts much as their mother did.

"Thank you for allowing us the use of your hearth, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, we are most grateful," Rowan sincerely bowed to convey her gratitude.

"Likewise," Severus echoed in appreciation.

"Always a pleasure," Mr. Abbott chuckled as Mrs. Abbott smiled warmly at the two of them and said, "The two of you best get going as the Evans are waiting for you."

"We will," Rowan and Severus chorused before waving goodbye to the playful children and departing from the Abbott home.

Severus walks ahead while Rowan and Andrew trail behind. "How are you doing, Andrew?" Rowan quietly asked. "Petunia has been worried," she carefully observed Andrew's reaction.

"I've been better," Andrew shrugged as if not wanting to discuss the subject.

A sad expression flashes across Rowan's face in understanding. Andrew had been more than just injured that day. He had lost his childhood innocence as well.

"It's fine if you don't wish to discuss it now, Andrew," Rowan firmly said. "But don't push Petunia away, she isn't to blame."

"I just don't know what to say," Andrew lamely said as he clenched his fists together in frustration. "I don't even know how to begin to explain!"

"In that case, leave some of the explaining to me," Rowan sincerely requested. "Petunia will naturally seek you out when she learns of the circumstances. You don't have to give fine details, but still talk to her about your feelings."

Andrew nods his light-haired head. "I'll try, but I can't promise anything."

"That is more than enough," Rowan said before changing the subject. "Petunia's birthday is coming up. She rather was looking forward to going out that day," she hinted.

Blanching Andrew stammers in a panic, "I forgot all about it!" He grabs his hair in frustration causing Severu to glance back with a worried expression.

Motioning to Severus to keep walking, Rowan gently pries Andrew's fingers from his hair. "It's fine, Andrew, Petunia just wants to spend time with you that is all."

Andrew doesn't appear to be fully convinced, but he relaxes and allows himself to be pulled forward. Resuming their walk, they pass children playing hopscotch and riding their bikes or playing in the front yard. A few children even play marbles on a rather flat portion of the sidewalk.

The morning is cool for now, but it will warm up soon enough. They turn the street corner to see a street filled with rows of red brick homes and small front green yards filled with flowers. With Severus leading the way up the front steps, he knocks on the door of one of the brick homes that has planted roses.

The door opens to reveal a light-haired woman with emerald eyes, Mrs. Evans. She had on a light blue plaid cotton shirt and a flower-patterned light greenish skirt. And an apron with pockets to keep herself tidy while she cooked and cleaned.

"Severus, Rowan, Andrew," Mrs. Evans warmly greeted each of them. "C'mon on in. Lily and Petunia are both upstairs."

Turning around, Mrs. Evans calls out, "Lily, Petunia, Rowan, and Severus are here!"

"Coming!" A scamper of feet can be heard as Lily emerges first at the top of the banister. Her flaming red hair is pulled back in a ponytail and her emerald eyes sparkle in pleasure at seeing them.

"Mum, set you up downstairs," Lily eagerly recounted to Severus. Before flushing and recalling that Rowan and Andrew are here as well.

"Hi Rowan! Hi Andrew!" Lily sheepishly greeted them.

Rowan and Andrew already used to being ignored by the two lovebirds nonchalantly return the greeting, "Hi Lily," without actually expecting a reply.

Grabbing Severus by the hand, Lily says, "Mum, I'm going to show Severus to his room," before tugging him away by the hand to the usual guest bedroom.

"As if Severus could get lost or needed the guidance," Rowan drily muttered under her breath.

Shaking her head at her son and well prospective future son-in-law, Mrs. Evans looks on in amusement. Turning back, she warmly says, "Petunia asked that you bunk with her this time, Rowan. You know the way dear," before moving to the kitchen. She had much to do, and she knew that Petunia and Lily wouldn't help out much with their friends in the house.