Chereads / dragons rising / Chapter 3 - The Terror of Renix

Chapter 3 - The Terror of Renix

Ughhh sighhh hufff all these sounds could be heard from McAlister as he gets ready to begin his introduction, he grew up as a warrior and as such warriors were best able to found out about each other through combat was his belief.

McAllister: "Well I guess I should start off with the question most on your mind, I am a dragon yes, actually a prince of the royal bloodline, but I am also a human, son of lady doctor who could heal any injury". "I am the son of the True Dragon King Fang who was betrayed by my uncle 20 years ago and what follows is this world of chaos you guys know. I grew up as a fugitive dragon in the dragon country I've fought all kinds of dragons from nobles to other royals, it was just me and master up until three years ago…. I have nothing left to say of my past, I won't ask you to trust me but if you even halfway follow my plans at least you won't die but if we united truly I think us six alone could become the strongest legion EVER."

The group stands there staring blankly as this guy calm but boastfully claims he can make them the strongest legion in front of everyone. "hahhahahaaha I like you, you know that" says the elf boy he has all the features of an elf but his presence is of something way more dangerous and dignified.

"Hi allow me to introduce myself formally, I am the last high elf Noel I awoke from a 700 year slumber to find the world in this state, I was a mere child when an ice spell I cast went wrong and froze me in time itself along with my trusted partner, THE TIME TO BE A WEAPON IS GONE, REVEAL YOURSELF ARTEMIS THE MIGHTY AND STRONG." As the boy finished the chant like incantation everything begin to shake, and when I say everything these tremors were reported all over purgatory country. That was not even the beginning from the emerald bow it began to change or to say evolve into a 30ft majestic dragon with skin of actual emerald and eyes of piercing gold, then the aura released by it was an aura enough to call to attention of every legionnaire currently in purgatory it was that of true dragon royalty and so much even McAllister's display earlier of royal aura was like comparing a pond to a ocean. Then It all happened so fast attacks flew in from every direction literally! McAllister and Axina surprisingly stood beside the Elf and dragon and hopelessly prepare for the onslaught of attacks almost upon them, WHAM a man who was on-looking earlier with the principle and looked similar to McAllister except with more masculine facial features a lazy looking man about age 25 with wild black hair, very unkept even his clothing was subpar just simple hoodie with some slacks and sandals he just oozes laziness lands on the dragons head and says in a low voice " Matter Manipulation: Vanish" and every single on coming attack vanished be it energy attack, an elemental attack or even weapons all gone. Then the man speaks again his lazy demeaner gone now he seems noble albeit only demeaner he still looks scruffy. "These freshmen are my direct students and not to mention the legion upon which I will bestow a name how am I to take this as anything other than purgatory has made an enemy of me Renix?" silence and more silence, then a light laugh from a familiar voice came" calm down you brat and you didn't even want the brats if I recall" says the principle with an ominous smile like every person in purgatory was dancing in his hand. "well you didn't tell me they would be a group of monsters like this, makes me miss my legion" Renix replies in a complicated voice. The principle then goes to announce over some sort of magic speaker phone that a couple of the newcomers had dragon blood and it seemed to calm the people for the time being but some didn't seem convinced but that is a problem for a later date.

Noel: "Well the world really has changed have they never seen or at least heard of a soul contractor?" from your looks seems you don't know of this as well, it is when a being's soul is bonded with a being of another species unifying them." Noel ended his introduction there but he told us one more useful bit archery is not his forte he uses Artemis as a scythe who just so happens to be a dragon born with the legendary reaper energy. As far as teammates go noel is solid thinks McAllister now next is this angel girl.

"my name is AnaLayaLis but that is my angelic name if you would please just call me Laya, I am a Nephilim born of a certain Archangel I cannot say who, I am sorry but I will be vital to the team I have holy grace and a soul so that makes me stronger than most angels, I thought I was good with a sword but after watching you guys I think I'll go back to my bow days I am in possession of the bow of Gabriel, and I am the sole wielder of soulgrace a special energy I've had since I was born if I had to say it is the exact opposite of Mr. McAllister's energy of chaos…. But that's not the only rare energy I observed from him actually you guys all have a unique element and energy base from what I saw of your battles." Thus, ended the halfling Laya's introduction apparently her angel eyes let her see people energy base but I won't pester. It's been quiet is no one else going to spe..

Lexin: I am Lexin Pendragon son of Arthur and the princess of Tigers, I am half tiger clan and half human but the highest class of human a warrior king. I have had Shea since birth actually we were born together at the exact same moment my mother's guardian Tiger had Shea, as you know I own the holy sword and use lightning Shea and I were gifted something called the Odin force from the sleeping god I'm still learning of it myself but I doubt It will be as useful as the gifts of my parents, a royal tiger's prowess and the ability adrenaline rush ability from my father I won't reveal any of my cards I still don't trust those dragons and those who frolic with dragons". That is Lexin he is a funny guy it will take a while but once he gets over his hatred his true power will blossom I hate to admit it though. Now here's the tough one.. or so I thought.

Maxin: "I am maxin prince of the fallen tiger clan and I inherited ten of the previous kings unique abilities plus I own the pelt of the Nieman lion it cannot be pierced I use lost and long forgotten tiger clan techniques and my personal energy is called Apex or king predator which ever you prefer, do not mistake this is not trust but as you revealed a lot of your hand I must do the same on my honor as prince for if you every bear your dragon fangs against purgatory or any of our comrades I would like to kill you fairly". Wow well at least he already views everyone here as comrades I don't mind him hating me hmmm "I name Maxin Vice captain of this legion. I know it sounds strange but he is going to be cautious of me regardless and I don't mind but I do like that he vowed to kill me if I turned on any of you guys he already sees you as comrades a perfect vice-captain… oh and of course it's not like he can kill me" McAllister says in absolute confidence or unyielding arrogance it's hard to tell. "Now last but not least the beauty to which whom I owe a debt and I always pay my debts" McAllister says in a charming way.

Axina: "I am Axina Daughter of Zeus and special race of human who were known for their might, I was found out by my father's wife and threw in the river Styx to die but Uncle hades fished me out and taught me and one day my father noticed my power and forced my uncle to send me to Olympus I was used as a tool of war, but that's fine as daughter of Zeus I am the princess of the skies and my powers are mostly weaker versions of his but I received the blessing of hades from my uncle so I am also gifted in death energy unlike reaper energy death is to take away life whereas noel's essence is to steal away time correct?" noel nods she then continues" so similar to the captain here I have to divine level blessings albeit not as complex that left side of yours that healed me restored everything almost like creation." Damn she's a smart one use and she is already touching on the essence of my abilities, flustered I try to think of an excuse then....

Renix: "Enough chit chat you've all met now all six of you come at me if you can't wound me than you don't deserve to be a legion named by me Renix the man who wounded the true Fang".