SO WHAT WAS SPECIAL IN THE BOOK? It was that... the book was not a normal book (that everyone who had read the previous chapter would know) but was a living book. Living in all sense. Peter and Jeff could not stop themselves to open the book due to the "INVISIBLE ATTRACTION FORCE" that the book possessed.
Peter and Jeff were interrupted by a phone of Peter's friend Tony who was the actual owner of the book. He said that he had a very important information about the book that Jeff and Peter need to know before opening it. He had something to say describing the title and acknowledgement.
Peter and Jeff agreed for a meeting at the park near the old factory that was inactive since decades. When they reached there they were surprised to see that many of their friends along with some new faces were sitting with Tony.
Tony said that he was pleased to see Jeff and Peter there. Tony explained them the whole scenario what was the book. Tony told them that the acknowledgement in the book had respects and gratitude shown to those who died before the book's first page was written, also he told that it had names of witches and wizards of the time when his grandfather's, grandfather's, great grandfather was a kid and the book was written and published just a couple of decades ago.
When Peter asked about the title Tony changed the topic saying that the title is not very important but that the meeting was important. Tony started with an extremely boring speech which everybody heartily disliked and then coming to the main topic that the meeting was for the creation of a 'Mystery Union' whose aim was to solve mysteries like the one of the book.The first mystery was of course of the special book. Yet they were teenagers they took interest in everything that had risk. The Mystery Union had to be seated in permanently closed building where no one ever saw towards and the old factory was a perfect place.
Mystery Union was created and the mystery of the...
(To Be Continued...)