Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: A Clone Wars Interlude

Diana, Kanan, and Alduin were mostly separated during the Clone Wars. But they still kept in regular contact. While they all led clones, Diana taught hers magic. That same clone Batallion became the most feared because of their training.

The chips were removed and the clones were given their freedom by Diana and her force abilities. Although separated from her childhood friend and her Padawan friend, Diana grew close to Obi wan. The missions they were on were always almost too dangerous for normal Jedi because of the high intensity of magic power.

Most Jedi would die from the waves of magic but Diana knew how to use that to her advantage. The separatists never could withstand the magic being thrown at them. Although Kanan had a slight crush on Diana, he knew that Obi wan Kenobi could keep Diana out of trouble.

Obi wan often tried to figure out Diana's main strategy in fighting the droids and he found that out at once when helping her and her clones take back Ryloth. Lightning runes and spark spells were thrown with full force and were devastating.

The fact that Diana had taught her clones to cast magic gave her an advantage. Obi wan always felt that when she fought, she rarely used magic but opted for the force. "I mainly use the force because I can go overboard when it comes to my magic power.

I hate to be this concerned for the Galaxy but I may have to use my magic in order to protect it like any Jedi should." " I don't mean to sound bad but I think you should use every one of your abilities to help in the war. Diana, I was tasked to keep you safe. No matter what, hit the enemy head on and not from the sidelines. I think you are the purest Jedi I have ever met.

Despite how you grew up, I know that your heart and your will always will be stuck in the light and I hope I can stay by your side. You inspire me to protect everyone I care about and I can only thank you Diana. Thank you my lady in waiting." He got down on one knee and kissed Diana's hand.

Diana wasn't used to Obi wan being like this and her cheeks went as red as her hair. When the Duchess of Mandalore died, Diana was in rage. Satine warned Obi wan of Diana's rage state. He was the only that could save her from herself. Fire roared over the platform and Obi wan got burned severely as he tried to reach Diana.

"Diana! I know your anger! But you are destroying everything that we have worked so hard to protect in all our years fighting this war! Please do not leave me alone! Please! I beg of you to spare everything from. your wrath! I only have this left to say! I deeply love you and I can't lose you like Satine!" Obi wan cried and Diana hears his tears hit the metal.

The fire died down and Diana ran to him and kneeled before him. "I did a great wrong and allowed my anger to control me and I hurt you in the process. I am not worthy of your forgiveness." Alduin made a bet with Kanan that Diana would find someone to love during the Clone wars and that someone would be Obi wan.

"Nothing is more important to me right now than to do this." Alduin told Obi wan about Diana and her raging fire and said that he would have to kiss her. And that was what Obi wan did. The warmth from him stopped Diana's tears from falling. And Diana kissed him back.

But Diana soon heard that most of the Jedi were killed by the clones because of Order 66. Her clones did not listen to the order but Diana heard that Obi wan had died because of the resulting firefight with his clones.

But even after his death when he was struck down by Vader, he thought of Diana and blessed her with his lightsaber when Luke found Diana and Kanan. The result of that was named Ashlynn. For Obi wan always wanted a daughter named Ashlynn.

As for Diana and Ashoka, they kept in touch until Ashoka found a sleeping pod and climbed into it. Diana thousands of years later would go through her final trial to earn her third set of wings.