Chanyeol stared at the picture a girl handed him and he smiled. Baekhyun was holding his hand high into the air with their hands clasped together tightly.
He was also doing the same thing with the girl on the other side who was just as flushed in the face as Chanyeol felt inside when the picture was taken. But other than the slight tinge to his ears you really couldn't tell that he was just as surprised as her.
Chanyeol sighed happily and headed over to the waiting spot. The other group finished their photo a lot faster than theirs and the last group went. And the same man who had moved him to the front of the line before came and stood in front of him holding a little white slip.
"Would all those with a blue ticket and sparkly wristbands lineup. We are going backstage for the final part of the package. I hope everyone had a great time, and please remember no flash photography, no pushing, no rude requests and no badgering the artist."
He said flatly. Then sighed and turned to talk to someone while they all scrambled quietly to obey.
The people who had finished the photo op were now walking out of the stadium and only about six people broke off from the pack all girls. They walked towards him a few of them giggling and staring while whispering among themselves.
A few people had people bring stuff over or talk to them while they stood in line but he was alone.
A short girl in a flowery dress under a fluffy sweater blinked up at him. She smiled brightly, bearing a row of small pearly white teeth.
"You're very pretty." She said.
He smiled politely at this pretty girl with round fake glasses that sat low on her nose, her big brown eyes peeked from behind the rims. Her short strikingly blond curly hair looked very nice fluffed out under some sort of small brimmed hat.
"Uh, thanks... Your hair looks really nice." He said politely when she looked back up at him and flushed. She clutched her small backpacks bands tightly.
"Thanks, I did it for Baekhyunee he said his ideal person is someone who shows their cute side."
He nodded. Then looked off to where the guy motioned for them to start following him back behind the curtain now.
'Of course, he likes small cute things, not that I had any chance in the first place.' He thought sourly. They all shuffled back there quietly and the man opened a door that led into a small room with three small brown couches in them a few small tables and a drink machine in the back.
He assumed it was probably this stadiums lunch room for its workers, but had been set up for this impromptu event.
Baekhyun stood beside one of the couches and the moment they all came in and he bowed slightly in hello then motioned that people should sit.
"Get comfortable, wherever you like." He said gently.
"I wanna sit where you are!" the girl who had called him pretty called out in a baby voice.
All the other girls squealed and echoed the girl's thoughts. He thought there must not be a single one of them over twenty in the bunch and suddenly felt very old despite being only a few years older. Chanyeol looked up to watch Baekhyun's reaction.
Baekhyun's eyes twinkled with delight.
"Ah, what if I stand then." He threw a hand onto his cheek in mock surprise.
The girls giggled with delight, but no one made any move to find a spot to sit.
Finally, Baekhyun raised his hands in mock salute and then pointed with a smile at the couch in the middle farther back. Chanyeol noticed he picked the couch that faced the other two couches the most evenly out of the three. Then sat in the middle of it and adjusted his shirt.
The girls all giggled again like they were some sort of weird group that had practiced it all beforehand. Then all six broke up and started to sit down on the other two couches facing Baekhyun.
He looked quickly and realized with how big he was there just wasn't any place he could fit on those couches and he thought it would be rather awkward if he sat in one of the chairs a few feet behind Baekhyun. Looking around, he realized he could sit on the floor or stand which he had a feeling would make everyone else very uncomfortable.
But there were two spots open on either side of Baekhyun.
Baekhyun watched him, his eyes unreadable.
Chanyeol walked slowly and gently being cautious about his size. Then moved in and sat down beside Baekhyun with a little bow.
Baekhyun watched him carefully, then bowed back and turned to the girls.
Chanyeol turned out to face them only to be met with six very shocked faces.
He flushed and felt the heat that was growing warmer and spreading through his system and warming his ears.
"Sorry, there was nowhere else to sit." He said sheepishly.
The girl who had talked to him finally broke the spell that had settled all over the room.
"OMG, YOU LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER THERE! LIKE A COUPLE OF PRINCES!!!" She whispered, squealed, her breath flowing out of her like a balloon.
Everyone else suddenly started to pitch in and they all babbled like a cluck of chickens right after someone had stolen the eggs. Baekhyun looked at him and smiled, warmly not his fake princely stage smile. But a warm, genuine one that lit up his whole face and stopped Chanyeol's heart as he got flashbacks to that young boy singing in the field.
Luckily the rest of the meeting went off without a hitch.
Chanyeol walked back to the stadium as the, few girls waved goodbye to him. He smiled and threw his jacket back on and started to button it up then grabbed his backpack.
He was so happy to have gotten to spend so much time with Baekhyun today. It really was a dream come true. The thing he couldn't figure out was how had the guy he just spent a whole half hour with been really that sweet and kind? He had been so gentle it almost seemed unreal.
It reminded him perfectly of the kid he met when little and for the third time today he wondered which Baekhyun was the real one.
He sighed zipped up and then walked over to the pile of stuff that was waiting at the far side of the stage near the back door. He started to search for his two black bags and sighed.
The pile of stuff everything was basically black bags.
Why didn't I make sure to put something on my bags so I could tell them apart? He thought regretfully.
Someone saw him rifling through the bags and came towards him.
"Ah, sorry I put my bags here earlier is this all the stuff that was here before? It seems like there is less stuff here." He asked the man.
"Oh really, sorry to hear that. But yes, stuff was removed, all of the personal belongings of Byun Baekhyun's staff was separated and then placed into the company vehicles to be taken back to their respective buildings and people.
"Sorry, maybe your stuff got mixed up in there."
I swore annoyed with myself that I hadn't taken care of my bags properly and now the documents that I needed to actually stay at a hotel or take a train back were all gone. I had a bit of money but without my personal identification, it was useless.
I groaned and rested my hand on my hip in frustration and stroked a hand through my hair.
"Ah! Chanyeol, you're still here. Did you have a great time tonight?" A chipper voice asked from behind him.
"Depends, I saw someone I thought was the angel of my dreams act like a devil. And then that devil's staff ran off with all my stuff by accident. So, now, I can't even get a hotel and will have nowhere to sleep while in Seoul." He slapped his hand on his thigh and turned around in frustration to answer the bouncer named Dongwoo's question. Dongwoo had been really chill and friendly with him tonight, so he answered him in bantimal since the man was younger than him.
But his mouth dropped when right beside him was Baekhyun.
Chanyeol stared at him and ran his hands through his hair, in the way that was clearly a nervous habit of his.
Baekhyun stared at him, an emotion Chanyeol couldn't read warred across his face.
"You...." Baekhyun started, his eyes flashed.
Chanyeol watched him with curiosity. Baekhyun seemed to be struggling with something but he didn't seem angry like earlier. So Chanyeol waited to see what he would say. He very much wanted to know what Baekhyun had to say to him after he had called him the angel of his dreams and the devil all in the same sentence.
Because there was no doubt in his mind that Baekhyun had understood Chanyeol had been talking about him.
"Stay with me..." Baekhyun whispered.
"What did you say?" Chanyeol asked, uncertain of what he had just heard the man whisper from a few feet away with all the background noise.
"YOU CAN STAY WITH ME!" Baekhyun said a little too loudly in the sudden quiet.
Chanyeol gasped in surprise.