She couldn't sit still and had the urge to pace after just a few minutes. The only advantage was that Xiehan would not be there to receive the news with her. If it was bad news, he would not have to bear it.
He had not said it out aloud but she knew he was disappointed just as she was, but while all she blamed was her life for not being fair, he was blaming himself for supposedly disappointing her. It was not even his fault.
She sighed when she heard the gynecologist's footsteps. She sat straight with her back like a rod as she looked in the direction of the door.
"What are the results?" She asked impatiently.
The gynecologist got back to her desk before she handed an envelope over with a smile.
"Oh my God! Are you serious?" She stood to grab the envelope before the gynecologist could finish her statement. She tore the envelope open in disbelief and opened the report just as the gynecologist managed to get a word in.