―She eats one of his pizzas almost every afternoon around this time. I was going to join her today. He walked over to her and started to untie her. ―Leo, your love has blinded you to the reality of what's going on, her brother persisted.
―Sadly, it's always the husband who's the last to know.―Do you see what I have to deal with? She motioned to Brad. ―And you wonder why I was hitting him with an umbrella.―Nothing's going on between her and Jim, Leo told Brad.
―She eats pizza this time almost every day with Constance and Geoffrey. Geoffrey and Louis are at the market getting food, so it's just her, Jim and Constance today. Jim said he was going to show Constance how to make a pizza. He turned back to Jessica and untied her hands.
She gladly sat up and massaged her wrists. She knew it was childish but she stuck her tongue out at her brother anyway. ―Did she sleep with you last night? Brad asked. Leo's face grew red. ―I don't think our private life is any of your business.
―Thank you, Leo, she said. ―I've been trying to tell him the same thing but he won't leave me alone. Maybe he'll listen to you.
―We're fine, Brad. Leo stood up from the bed. ―We're staying married. Let's just leave it at that, alright? Her brother finally calmed down. ―So there isn't anything going on between you and Jim? he asked her. ―Of course not, she responded.
―Really, where do you come up with these ridiculous ideas?―Now that I think about it, Constance was wearing an apron and she did have flour on her hands.
Finally, her brother was beginning to see the light. She stood up and tied the curtains back with the cords again. ―I'm sorry, her brother stated. ―I was wrong when I assumed the worst.―That's better, she remarked. Leo grinned. ―Alright. Now that everything is settled, do you want to eat some pizza?
―Do you think Jim will welcome me into the kitchen after I fired him? Brad chuckled. ―You didn't do that.―I was trying to make sure Jessica wasn't tempted to do something she shouldn't be doing. Leo looked at Jessica. ―What you must have put up with while growing up.
She smiled at her husband. ―It's nice to know I have you to protect me from him for now on. He walked over to her and kissed her. ―I missed you, he whispered.
―I missed you too, she whispered back. ―It's good to see you two together, Brad commented. ―Now, are you satisfied? she asked him. ―Very much so.―Good. Now you can stop pestering me.―Aren't are you going to ask me if I'm satisfied?
Leo looked expectantly at her. She blushed. ―I know you are. She recalled the previous night vividly in her mind. As she walked past Brad on her way out of the room, she told her brother, ―And no, I'm not going to explain it to you. Leo chuckled as he followed her.