Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 171 - V4 Incline 54: Nin

Chapter 171 - V4 Incline 54: Nin

"Just you two...!?" one of the gate guards lets out as we close the distance to the town's walls. Minding the position of the Orbital-Halo in the sky, I grumble under my breath at the time this sped up ride back has taken. I suppose it puts into perspective how long we had to be out for and how far. Not that I was paying much mind with how my focus was on the osibindah, myself, and the wild ones.

I snap my focus back to the guard as Neeameth intervenes to prevent what seems like an imminent alarm.

"The rest are fine, we just left ahead of them due to... Reasons." she explains, her tone much improved since this morning. Though still notably grim in its aspects. 

"We'll explain to Brewbrt the big details. But the bugs are gone for now." I add to prevent the way she ended it causing any issues. Though, my casual saying of the town leader's name has created quite the flabbergast. I'll call it a win. Being offended over a lack of tact is better than paranoia over giant killer bugs. 

I glance again at Neeameth as she gets over her own surprise and she gives me a little smile. Seems like all of her talking has got most of her concerns out of her system. Admittedly, towards the end, as the familiar trappings of the road came into view... I actually started to enjoy her rambling, but I guess it's pointless anyway.

I've got to go see Rose-sweerui and then we need to talk about getting on our way. Einervaene as well if she is truly set in wanting mine and Rose-sweerui's company. I have my concerns, what with her being a stranger and all, even with us basically bunking together. But, her being a foreigner should make the situation palatable. It's hard to know.

"Ah, well, we hope to see them soon, then!" the gate guard says with some jitters still. He returns to his duties, and the gate opens up shortly after. Riding through with Neeameth, I watch her fiddle with a few items that she then hands off to the guards on the other side. I've no clue what those items are at all. Whatever they are, they must be important, going off into the small building attached to the wall and then not coming back.

"So... What will you do now?" Neeameth asks as my eyes slide up and over to the pointy, shiny tip of the temple and the very edges of its main dome. Our juperses slow down to a sluggish trot and we catch some eyes of the townsfolk. Looking around, I note how well and ongoing the repairs to the town itself are. The roads need some work. I doubt filling holes with gravel will help in the long term. Brewbrt's home takes my focus a few beast-powered jumps later.

"Probably go back in there. Or, over there." I tell her with a lazy gesture. Longingly looking at either building, I yearn for the comfort of being out of the public view and somewhere private. A proper bath will be nice about now. A weird one where I do it with all my clothes. We can all come out bubble and squeak.

"Must be nice to be given such a nice place to stay." Neeameth whistles and I shrug.

"It certainly was nice of Brewbrt to let us stay. But I can't say I particularly like being there." I tell her, lying at the end as it is the town, that is very much the issue. Not so the living-like-a-high-floorer. Though, it does feel off... I haven't worked for it, there has been no earning or such.

"Why? He has the best quality stuff in town. Thanks to his ownership of all it's-within-the-walls property. And, as part of his taxation policy, he gets first dibs on all the highest quality goods that have been made or gathered." she blabbers on and while I have a 'well done' in the chamber for the accomplished man. It's... Still a shrug from me. Tobaballe, born and raised I am, that's not going away anytime soon. No death or rebirth is going to change that.

"Because where I am from, this would not have happened. Not unless I could pay for or earn it. Thing is, I am getting all of this for free. Just because I have a lot of magic. It's... It's not what I am used at all." I let out with some bitterness, though I am not sure as to what it is directed at. Does living life as I have since met Rose-sweerui entitle me? I keep getting it easy because of something I never worked towards. I didn't wake up one day and commit myself to being up... Magicman? 

The proper term is escaping me.

Even then, I have issues built up from my time at the aelenvari flower. I'm not sure what it is, but it feels like hatred. Hatred to the idea people are charitable to me over something so arbitrary in the scheme of life. I have no clue in the slightest if this is Tobaballian in me speaking or if it's my actual thoughts. A city where provable, genuine merit is the only way up seems to be the unpopular way of life in this land.

"Pfft, what a load of nonsense. What are you really complaining for? Just enjoy it!" she teases, dismissing my entire thought process with a winking smirk. As if the gods are remarking this as well to me, we pass by the entrance of Brewbrt's home. I glance around at the mountains with a shiver in my breath.

"I'll enjoy it when it is not all rooted in a place I never want to return to." I say, thinking of what mountains now mean to me. They're the lairs of the bugs. Osibindah could be crawling under and around me at all times, only a mountain's hide away. My words kill her smile.

"You got this powerful because of your time in an osibindah hive," she points out and I nod instinctively. 

"I did, and that is all I will say on the matter." I let out with an accompanying sigh. How would I even explain it even if I wanted to!? It all started after one of those freakish things tried to swallow my entire body into its own! Then... That light, that saving emerald light that led me to Vapooliar.

"Well, now that we are back here, we can stop talking about osibindah! So how about I buy you a drink as thanks?" she offers and my eyes blink as my head turns.

"Thanks for what?" I ask, lost for multiple reasons.

"Thanks for killing those osibindah...?" she lets out sketchily.

"You best order a whole round for everyone in your group, then. I am sure they all offed at least one." I point out, scoffing at the offer.

"I mean sure... But... No... No! Just you!" she struggles to get out as her face suddenly finds itself unable to present itself.

My brow rises at her stammers and I tut with a right vile smirk, "Cheap Neeameth."

"Hey!" she snaps, her voice thick with offence.

The girl surprises me and leaps down from her juperse so she can draw her gun fully.

"I am not cheap!" she insists, a barrel pointed at me.

"You are pulling a gun on me because of this?" I let out, unimpressed by the threat. I've taken bullets to the head before. But, then again... It's a gun. It doesn't look primed to fire, though, so it's a joke...?

I want to take it as one. Yet, still I am scared that a gun is aiming for me. It's still a gun regardless of what about my life has changed. Growing up around them and knowing what they can do still has a healthy respect rooted in me.

Neeameth cackles. She guffaws. Her body bends over and backwards and she waves me off. The gun goes back into its socket and holster. Buttoned and fastened under leather belt.

"I'm sorry, I was going to challenge you to a duel for the sake of my honour! But, then I remembered you'd probably beat me at anything I challenged you to," she explains and I go back to questioning if her motivations were really to joke around.

"I can't shoot a gun, so you'd probably win that." I point out, not wanting to test the reality and to keep up the façade if this is it. 

"No! The best part of a gun duel is seeing the challenged or challenger fall down after being shot. The rush you feel after having shot faster! But you'd just walk through it as if nothing happened!" she giggles and swoons, the crazy parts of her mind spilling out for the public's imagination to latch onto.

I think on her last sentence and how it went with my second meeting with Heiya on that mountain, "Point taken."

"Still, anyway... I won't hold you. You get to doing what you need to do, Stud." she tells me and I choke.

"I-I beg your damn pardon!?" I go, watching her laugh and she slaps my juperse's rear to put it back into motion. Going on further than her, the temple comes into view. And, as a little flower told me... Here she is, waiting.

The rose-haired beauty lights up emotionally and literally.

"COME BY FOR A DRINK!" Neeameth screams from down the road and I raise a claw in acknowledgement as I get down. Rose-sweerui leaps into the air and I flinch, arms coming up.

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