Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 721 - Incline 28: The Prince-to-Ascend, Jhrartur

Chapter 721 - Incline 28: The Prince-to-Ascend, Jhrartur

Walking through the gunfire, I stride past the few soldiers of Thrurstradtur-Suhurlodst who still fight. I limply move a hand near and disarm them quickly and without hassle. Shattered weapons cover the floor and they back away, hands raised as my footmen follow through. My collection of prisoners grows and with each step I take, more of the Gnomon falls.

Rooms ahead surrender without firing a shot and several turn to infighting to secure my passage. All heard me during the storming of the invader's fortress, all with heart can sympathise. The rumours are true about this soon-to-be-gone republic, wisdom is a sought-after virtue. The average man has vision for what exists beyond the moment.

Coming to a stop, I gesture for the pair of braves closest to me to bring up their prisoner. One of the members of the Clockwork Council, I will have them all in their chamber. They will hear what I have to say and I will see to it that my will is done. Nothing shall prevent me from doing what must be done.

Alarms blare from the building's core and several corridors ahead lock down. So tight, in fact, that I can no longer feel the natural breeze of this gigantic structure. I could break it down with but a simple wave, however, I feel it necessary to allow the people a short time to think. My destruction of this country shall be entirely limited to the government ruling it, not the people it is made up of or those that enable its ending life.

"Show my men to your chamber if it can still be reached. I will be having words with you all." I explain to the sweaty politician and I hobble off to tour these halls while there's time. Digging a finger into one of the wall panels, I flick it off and tap my sword on the ground with a ting. One hand comes to my chin and I guide the hairs of it down into a rigid form.

Now the Gnomon will soon be mine, perhaps I will be able to see what makes the legendary weapon work. Hearing of it firing twice within my lifetime is already exciting enough but to have recordings of how the city itself changes. All of it starts here, within these bronze and brass-coloured walls. Mother copper must be so proud her weak, ductile form gave rise to such a grand, strong design.

Though, unlike with the giant, I cannot think too much of what I could use such power for. Perhaps, this elusive group known as the Guiders of the Gnomon shall turn themselves over to me. My future plans can make use of the Gnomon's weapon but I need more details. If they're bound only to defend the lands of the Dual-Republic of Thrurstradtur-Suhurlodst... Then I guess I can adjust to it.

It's a disappointment, potentially not being able to use this weapon to secure the future of all Jhermonikra. But, if my body is not up to the task, if my mind fails and the people fall. A weapon of this scale shall rake our shores clean of all assault. No lander shall unload its throthing bounty of pirates and invaders.

I will have it carve up the lands if I need to and the waters shall be drained away. Never again shall the peaks be our only refuge. Though we scorn those in the ravines, we will join them. The wilderness of our valleys and plains shall become tamed and known. 

My sword taps, "Now, I do believe I have matters to attend to."

Taking a quick glance at the unarmed workers peeking out from their offices, I get on with it. Feeling out through the network controlling my troops, I find the braves tasked with escort duty. Making my way quickly through the Gnomon and paying for it dearly with many bodily pains, I reach the chamber. Clasping the wall, my moment of lapsing energy makes my grip a bit too strong.

There seems to be some confusion as to which politician takes what seat...

"It matters not where you sit, only that you listen!" I speak up, taking advantage of the speaker's platform presented before the aloft great table. Hm, how quaint. The Clockwork Council is in an elevated position that lets them surround and gaze down upon the one called before them.

I have to admit, it's not nearly as terrifying as being under the light of His Lunar Majesty during a session at the Mountain of the Union. There are so many more eyes there. No matter how hushed your voice or slight the movement... They all see although it's a completely carved open mountain.

"To not even make a declaration of war before you march on us without even finishing what came before..." one of the politicians hiss and I look him over. I suppose a country doesn't do much to change the way this kind of people look or behave. No matter, I shall rearrange the lot of them when this current crisis ends. I will even finish that war he thinks he can chide me over.

Jherikra will be united, the Jhermonikra will no longer turn on each other like pawns in a great game. The Grand-Kingdom wants us disunited, they do not want us to form into something greater. Though we lost the ancient war so spectacularly, I know they do not truly think it was easy. My political imprisonment taught me so much about their minds.

Fear, they fear a challenge to their power! Not just a contienental hegemon here, but one under each other magic heart. Mountains of lightning, fire, light and dark.

"I will make this quick and simple to understand. Surrender your country over to the Seven-Peaks Union of Jherikra. Swear your loyalty to His Lunar Majesty and let us put an end to this excessive loss of life and homeland." I tell them and they seem to share the same thought. The quiet cracks away to reveal nervous chuckling.

"For all your spies and means with information, you are missing a key detail right now." what I want to assume is the Stroke of High Noon remarks.

"Ah, yes, of course, the Emergency Powers Act. The sacrifice of democracy on the alter of security, for a short time of crisis, of course." I scoff back and I turn to leave. Guess I have only one person to talk to and I suppose that makes things all the easier. Here I thought I needed all these politicians to make it happen, but, legitimacy is in the hands of the Grandguard.

An Errakurd, hm.

"Do you hear me, Grandguard Inerish?" I ask, forcing my voice through any opening it can find.

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