Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 709 - Incline 16: Grandguard Inerish

Chapter 709 - Incline 16: Grandguard Inerish

Putting my mouth in the gap between my thumb and index, I frown in thought. We've fired the Gnomon again, and, it failed once more. The giant didn't even deflect it this time, it just side-stepped the blast and now we have to survey the impact area. For a weapon of such power, it sure isn't getting us anywhere.

The only way I can think of it possibly working is if we manage to get the giant to focus on our ground troops. But, in doing that, I would be sending hundreds of thousands to their deaths and not against an enemy. It would be us here in Thrurstradtur that would've gotten them killed. Rather, it would be me as I alone have the authority to call upon the Guiders.

"Grandguard Inerish." an officer calls and I bring my mind back to the meeting at present.

"Yes?" I go, in the event I missed anything.

"On display right now is the list of munitions and magic grades you requested. We've trimmed the fat and have reduced the number to what has been most effective. We're just waiting on your word in regards to their mass production." he explains and I nod. Bringing a hand up, I wave someone over and sign a tablet.

"We are still within a tolerable range production-wise? Each time we are forced to step up, fewer facilities can handle the magic required." I point out and the head of the military engineers steps up.

"With your approval, I can begin to bolster factories, workshops and what have you all across the country. We can increase production and seize what we need in order to get it done." he explains and I nod slowly, taking the information in while glancing at what has so far proven most effective. I shouldn't think about it right now, but, the long-term issues created by these changes will be troublesome. Economies built around lower-grade produce are going to be facing issues, especially when not everywhere is as magically dense as here.

Never mind what we have lost thus far...

"Get to it, then. I know we are not in a position to hasten things to the degree best suited for our needs. But, the sooner, the better." I answer, muttering towards the end as I fight back this sudden surge of a headache. Nothing's working. Why is nothing... It's happening again, just like with Smiling Jhurack, a problem I cannot do anything about.

"Recent reports as well following the Gnomon's second firing may be to our benefit." one man points out.

"How so? The giant avoided the strike entirely, we barely scrapped enough off to garnish a plate of pasta." another goes, some bark to his words as his elbows hit the table.

"The giant has gone immobile. Depending on how long it does this, our window of operation grows. Every second matters right now while we continue to mobilise what can to the effort." the contested one points out and I bring up a still image of the currently still giant. He's not wrong, it went still right after the Gnomon missed but it's not destroyed. We haven't overwhelmed it, a scout bomber made sure of that.

"Perhaps our operation succeeded in a way, then? There is only so much magic the giant can handle before it needs to rest." one man suggests and another presents his tablet of notes.

"We also need to consider the possibility that it's contemplating the next move." another says.

"He's right, this thing is on a specific path and it can react with skilled manoeuvres. The machine can think or the pilot has a clear intent." one more adds on and I stare up at the magical projection. Reclining into my seat some more, I look into the empty sockets this skeleton has. Its head has always been turned in the direction of the Gnomon's firing line.

Perhaps we need to ship the Guiders about and try from another angle? Perhaps even see if we can split the blast amongst multiple of them? I'm not sure if the city's magic reserves can handle this. I've already been getting reports about the struggles of the manufactured and brought-in power supply.

I catch onto the sound of erratic banging and raise a brow as the door practically smashes open, "GRANDGUARD INERISH, WE GOT A PROBLEM!"

Snapping to my feet, I carelessly make my way out of the conference room and run back to the command centre. I almost tear straight through the automatic doors and arrive in a maelstrom of activity. Finding the closet screen, I frown at the static. It's the same on all the others as well.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" I roar with all I have so I can be heard over everyone.

"Grandguard Inerish, we got a feed!" someone calls and I shove people out of my way on the way there. Nothing, the screen is showing nothing. The desert is empty.

"Where's the giant!?" I demand to know and a single screen pops up in response. The giant is soaring through the air. It has leapt in the direction of... Our staging area.

Sword in hand, ready to crash down.

"GET AS MANY PEOPLE OU-" I start to scream and the giant makes impact. The sword slashes through the converted city, reducing it to a pair of sand tsunamis that are washing over the melting world. The giant turns and starts to jog in the direction the Gnomon's weapon took.

Going quiet, I back away to my chair as more and more eyes fall on me. Our troops were there, nearly everyone from the previous operation was relocated to that city for the time being. Ungzieluck. It's... Was not even in the direct path of the giant, it should have been safe.

I whimper and blink as the edge of my eyes start to feel strange. Straightening myself out, I put my hands behind my back and my face goes blank. Everyone is looking at me.

"It- It is almost time for the night shift. I... I w-wish everyone a good nigh- night. " is all I have to say as I leave the quiet room, going on into quieter halls.