Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 618 - Incline 46: Lady-Heir Einervaene

Chapter 618 - Incline 46: Lady-Heir Einervaene

"Lady-Heir, Doctor Constfritine is coming up with good news!" Oorika gently cheers as she comes to disturb the covering of warmth keeping me bound to my bed. Tucking myself in further, I secure my position of comfort and I refuse to yield when it comes to her efforts to unroll my quilt and blankets.

"It can wait..." I grumble as I keep rolling away.

"Lady-He-" she starts to go before I hit the ground.

"Rerurgh..." I groan as I force my face off the floor. Unwrapping myself, I pat around for the bed and use it to get back on my feet, the cold disturbing my formerly settled temperature. Finding one of the legs of my bed, I pull myself further up and along with it until Oorika takes hold.

"It's fitting, anyway, we're going to be changing your bedding today, anyway." she giggles over and I smile as I find myself placed into a chair of all places.

"We're not going to him?" I question as someone seems to enter my room.

"He's not here yet? Dammit, I wanted to walk into something good!" Brewbrt grumbles on his quick approach. My head moves with his ruffling motions and someone's hand guides my smile the right way.

"Am I the last one up, again?" I ask, a laugh is my first answer.

"Yes, you have been sleeping in a lot." Oorika chastises as she pinches my cheek.

"Wondering how, really, she can't do anything on her own." Brewbrt snickers and I pout.

"Cruel, old man..." I mutter with swelling cheeks.

"Don't be like that, you're going to be well soon." Brewbrt reminds me with the shake of my morning gown-covered legs.

"The bandages are coming off today, aren't they?" I ask as my eyes move around under them.

"Doctor Constfritine is of the impression, yes, Lady-Heir." Oorika explains and I smile, nervously patting my hands together. I've been feeling a lot stronger since I got home and with everyone's help I should be able to overcome the wounds inflicted upon me. I can sense as well that Brewbrt is getting the rest he dearly needs as well, I am glad this is the case. He's been looking after me for so long but no one's really done the same for him.

"So how come Einervaene's not had anything to eat?"

"The Lady-Heir has only just awakened and while I am fine letting her ladiness shirk as she recovers, I will not be an accomplice to slobbish habits." Oorika explains sternly whilst I find my stomach at the mention of food.

"She needs the energy, the quicker she gets it into her system the better."

"She can start by finishing the cup of cold tea she didn't finish last night." Oorika comments and I shiver at the mention of it.

"Tea? No, give her a cut of meat, something filling!" Brewbrt argues before a soft hand forces mine open, cool porcelain entering its grip right after.

"This tea is her best source of high-magic nutrition."

"But it's cold!" I complain before the liquid in my hands makes a dripping noise. Electrical cackles go off and a cloth is moved about. Sniffing the freshly made steam, I move the reheated tea to my mouth, testing the possibility of being scorched with the edges of my lips.

"Lady-Heir, please, in future, drink your tea when you are told. Doctor Constfritine is working diligently to ensure your recovery, you should in a show of rightly raised, good manners make use of his efforts." Oorika tuts disapprovingly as I hopefully hide my expression behind my sips. A gentle slap bobs my head forward, proving my inadequacy in the act of hidden mimicry.

"So, are you feeling any better today, Einervaene?" Brewbrt questions as something seems to enter his lap with a gentle, against-cloth poof.

"I feel mostly the same." I shrug before putting the lingering sensation of a hot cup against the bandages. I can't feel any sensitive pain and I am pretty sure my eyelids are working again. My sleeping problems aren't bothering me as much anymore, either.

"Lady-Heir?" a similarly old but new voice asks as the door to my room slides open again.

"Good morning, Doctor." I greet before I excitedly put what remains of my tea down my throat. Coughing gently as the heat provokes a reaction I was foolish enough to create.

"Have you told her?" Constfritine asks Oorika as something in his possession rattles and jingles. Something obviously metallic, hopefully, scissors or a fine blade to begin the process of getting these bandages off.

"I have not, no, I have only told her that you have good news." the Housekeeper answers honestly as some kind of spell from the Doctor starts to assault my senses. I calm down with the magic senses on my end so his immense and kind power does not blind me a second way.

"You've not been drinking your tea on time." he tuts, much to Oorika's delight.

"This isn't going to be a problem... Is it?" I ask, fearful that this might be a miserable delay in my ability to see once again.

"No, no it will not. Arguably, it is even better to have a fresh dose of magic in you right now." Constfritine explains as he guides my hand into holding my hair out of the way. Oorika steps in to help but I otherwise do not want her to as I can hold my hair myself! Oh, soon I will not need any of this degrading support from anyone!

"Keep still, Lady-Heir." Oorika cautions as I seem to over react to the amount of hands touching me at the moment.

"Sorry..." I mutter as I hear fabric snip and the light but noticeable weight of bandages unroll from my features. A smile comes to my lips and the excitement makes me shiver more than the loss of my bed's warmth ever could.

"Thank you, everyone, this is the final one now." Constfritine explains as it slips from my face with the frays tickling as they do so.

"Oooooh, I'm going to open my eyes now!" I cheer, only to be met with silence.

"Einervaene... They're already open." Brewbrt explains quietly and my body slowly starts to slump.

"O-Oh." is all I really can say as I find my knees and hide my face. A strong hand finds my back, gently moving up and down.