"Senator Burspharosa, by order of the Senate, you are to disassemble this unlawful gathering at once!" a man atop his mount barks to me with a small procession of senatorial guards.
"It's Lord Burspharosa, Senator Hirallustoppai." I correct as I am not bearing my sash at the moment. While this will not prevent anything from being held against me, I am hoping it will at least confuse them enough. More so that the senator confronting me in particular at the moment is, or, was, one of my supporters in the Senate.
"You have already long since crossed the line, you must disband your troops and face trial!"
"I will be heading to a court under my own right." I answer as I motion my modest gathering of skilled, professionals closer towards the capital. My men have already seized one of the gates close to The Finest Cut with the support of those loyal to me. We must plunder that place for the sake of what is currently my main concern within the Senate.
"LORD BURSPHAROSA YOU WILL CEASE AND DESIST IMMEDIATELY!" the impotent man roars with all he has as his senatorial guard wisely backs away. My troops carry on and I have my mount move closer to the Senator so I can properly look him in the eye.
"Hurry along now, you shall have your explanation once I have my proof." I tell him coldly before whipping my animal the right way, its strong legs speeding us along back to the head of the private army.
"Word is the city is unsure of what to do, there's been nothing reported either around the known secret exits." my commander informs me as he makes a point of keeping his voice down even with the march of sword and spear so close behind.
"Remember, we go in and out, straight for that facade and we leave without a fuss. The blame will all go on me so do not fear for your own." I remind those closest with a louder voice as we come to spot a crowd by the gates. Travellers and city-dwellers trying to get in and out and offering resistance because of the inconvenience.
"No weapons men, no weapons!" my commander reiterates as we pass under the triumphal arch placed before the gate on the interior.
"What's going on here!?"
"Who in the gods' name do you think you are!?"
"Not much different from a protest or gathering, is it, My Lord Burspharosa?" my commander asks, his unwelcome amusement not eliciting much from me.
"Keep your eyes open, they might not know at the moment, but as we go on closer to them, they'll know." I caution before looking back towards the gate as those that can be spared move to rejoin us. The city entrance otherwise resuming its normal functions at great risk to the safety of my men.
Meeting the eyes of one young boy watching us, I pay close attention to the uncertainty and awe in them. He's probably read a lot regarding the history of this great city, how the laws came to be and the way the events have played out. I cannot control the minds of the people and for all that I do yearn to become master of, the mind is not one of them. Rumours shall spread about and those with me, my banner clearly present on all of their standards and ornamentation.
This is no coup, I want the people of the city to know that, we are not here to pillage or plunder our own kin. I am not sure how blatant I can make it, but, even with the careful selection of my most disciplined men, I can't help that worry still finds my mind. Once The Finest Cut comes into sight, I will need to have the men move quickly and well so that we can focus our force on it. Any unwitting diners shall be removed from the premises and I shall seize what I am after and that alone.
The care shown to the citizens of the royal city, however, shall not be shown towards those of the Partahinobi or their employment. Distinct as they might be for their famed sense of honour, I shall not go in with a stupidly clueless sense of awareness. They are first and foremost assassins, well-trained at that. The idea of a hidden dagger isn't extinct amongst them just because they are spearmen of the strangest type.
A scout comes running down the road and I raise my fist.
He drops to a knee, sweating and panting, his armour likely steaming him alive, "My Lord Burspharosa... They're likely growing more aware, we must move now."
"How far?" I ask our guide and he quickly narrows in on what street we are travelling.
"If we pick up the pace now, we can arrive with no time for them to prepare." he explains as he points and shows me. I gesture for them to go about and spread the information.
"My Lord Burspharosa, your orders?" my commander asks and I look back to my men, my grip tightening on the reigns of my mount.
"Onwards." I answer plainly as I let the harsh thwack of the harness carry my order further. The speed of my beast making my intention all the clearer with people rushing to get out of my way as barks and heavy paws striking the road alert them. Spotting the focus of my ire, I dismount and send my creature further back as I step towards the restaurant. Those dining are confused at first, but, as my men come rushing onto the scene, some start to mildly panic.
"What is the meaning of this!? Explain yourself now!" one patron demands of me as soldiers move to secure the premises on all sides. Wagons and crates are moved about and several perch from the roof of the establishment before I even reach the door. The masked guards of this place lower their weapons at me, the tips coming dangerously close to a quick skewer. They back up as rows of swords and shields clash behind me, the unified, firm strike on the entrance path unsettling the otherwise well-equipped restaurant staff.
I have them seized and disarmed before I kick the doors open, my magic crackling and my sword present.
"The Lord Burspharosa, a surprise to be sure." an elderly man greets as he slowly shuffles in from elsewhere while stroking his long, grey beard. A well-kept thing that could serve as rope if need be.
"Make the order and have your men stand down." I tell him, quickly deducing that this man is the highest authority on these grounds.
"Why, whatever do yo-" he starts to play me off with, only to stop as my sword finds his neck and draws blood. My power otherwise crackling his flesh and skin.
"Do not make me repeat myself." I say as more and more of my men march in and establish themselves about the restaurant. Guests are taken as hostages and those who resist are swiftly beaten to the ground with disturbed guts and stomped feet.
"Very well." the old man says before he rings a bell. A knife sheaths behind me.
"Off you go now." I warn the waitress who had snuck up on me as she goes around with a wet cloth to tend to the old man.
"Would you be willing to take a seat, Lord Burspharosa?" the old man asks as he otherwise has the girl stand aside, his wounds not all that severe despite their location.
"No, I will not be."
"I will, however." he says as his old bones crack and pop on the way down, a relaxed groan leaving his mouth as he props his back up straight.
"For the sake of everyone here, I suggest you do not try to draw this affair out." I tell him as I put my weapon back in its sheath.
"I am no mind reader, you will need to give me an indication as to why you have come."
"For what reason could I possibly come?" I question, taking a step forward and leaning towards the old man as more and more of his people are brought out under watch.
"Nothing has been ordered against you or your family, Lord Burspharosa." the old man admits with the bowing of his head and my eyes narrow.
"No, you just took a job to go after the returning Lady-Heir of the Bosphama clan." I make clear as he strokes his lengthy beard.
"I am confused..." he may or may not sincerely remark.
"And I care not if you are, you will have someone show my men to your document stores and you -will- hand over the request that paid for the attack." I explain loudly so that everyone throughout this entire, detestable place can hear me above the rummaging of my men. A girl screeches and is quickly forced down to the floor, a foot on her head right after.
"The privacy of our clients is something we take very serious-" the old man explains before an unnatural bolt of lightning strikes high above the glass dome near enough to his current table. His aged eyes watch the sky and my power strikes again as I glance at an abandoned meal. A fairly typical meal by my standards, well-organised and decorated with richly coloured sauce teeming with oil bubbles. But, with the one trademark that betrays this cover-up of an institution, the fine cuts of meat.
Rumour has it that the Partahinobi have all their recruits train as chefs for most of their early years. Each becoming famed in their own right from as low as a simple tavern to the Imperial Palace itself. Their semi-protected nature as an organisation coming from that involvement with His Imperial Highness' gut. A steak may be fundamentally different to the heartbeat-filled flesh of a man, but it has its lessons that it can teach.
"You will give me what I want." I tell the old man as his options for what he and his people can do run out by the second. The stories are all quite fond of speaking about how capable these assassins are, striking down strong targets with ease. But, that's all they are, stories of a group versus... One.
"My dear, do we still have the request brought in during our previous business arrangement?" he asks a girl who is then quickly shoved forward and smacked about in a rough check for weapons.
"Do not seek to protect Senator Lepiaciai's name from me." I almost growl, but, to my surprise, the old man tuts.
"Not him, Lord Burspharosa, not him." he clears up before he makes a point of gesturing for some of my men to follow the girl.
"Keep your swords up against her back, her limbs otherwise restrained." I order on top of it as my commander sends otherwise idle soldiers after them. A piece of pottery clinks on wood and I glare at the old man as he helps himself to an otherwise abandoned meal.
"For your sake, I hope you aren't planning to test my patience."
"I understand the kind of man you are, Lord Burspharosa, angering you will not bring well-being to anyone. I will make a point of acknowledging how we will burn." he remarks as he cuts up a small slice of juicy, red-in-the-middle meat. The utensil holding it squirms in the sauce, leaving behind some attritioned, loose strands before it drippingly rises to his mouth.
"Good, if luck so happens to not be with you this day..." I mutter, touching my blade as I eye the exposed neck of someone my soldiers had discovered to be armed. Though, I am somewhat curious as to who might possibly be imperial secret police and who is a member of the Partahinobi.
"Despite your transgressions against us, Lord Burspharosa. I am fully prepared to allow all you have set out against us to leave with full respect. Compliments of the restaurant may be taken and we will forgive what you have done." the old man explains as he takes the moment to wipe his lips of grease and dry them of sauce.
"A strange offer, I have to admit."
"If you have found out about what we tried to do to the Lady-Heir of the Bosphama then you will already know she is still alive."
"Incompetence on your part?"
"No, we've been to the site of our many dead. Shields broken like glass fallen from a badly made frame."
"Not one of them left that place alive." I huff, impressed by the strange circumstances of what happened. The Lady-Heir was last seen with copper hair and pale skin, yet, all of her assailants are dead. Such a degree as to leave the Partahinobi scared for their own safety. How curious.
"We knew the job was going to be hard, going by what the rumours have told us. Only the disgraced or the volunteers were allowed to go out onto that mission. Whatever caused such bloodshed is a dangerous thing, one would have an easier time buying the loyalty of a thunder-shogun."
"Hm, there's an idea." I mutter under my breath as the doors swing open again, a sealed scroll in the girl's hands. Once she is close enough, I snatch it out of her grip and open it up, sneering at the blood money as it rattles to the ground before giving it a quick read. I shut the scroll back up and turn to the exit, satisfied with what I am not in possession of. I don't quite recognise the signature on the container, but, that is beside the point.
"My offer is sincere, Lord Burspharosa, damaging as it might be to our finances and reputation." the old man calls out as my men start to file out. A few taking the offer and quickly being reprimanded by hypocritical officers. One even thinks he's being sneaky by using his knife idly as he passes a plate which mysteriously looks all the lighter afterwards.
"Good, do not let me find a reason to come here again." I tell the old man as I leave The Finest Cut behind with my soldiers forming up behind. My mount is brought back and formations are reformed as I turn my eyes towards a place that will prove more difficult to get into.
The Imperial Palace.