"What is the meaning of this, why have I been summoned out here?" a familiar voice asks and I try to figure out what direction it is coming from. Rapid footsteps start to slow down before the pace picks up. Someone stops near me and I pat my hand about, hoping to find them, however, she takes it into her own instead.
"H-Hello?" I ask, uncertain as to who is here.
"Lady-Heir, you have come home." this woman lets out quietly as a face starts to come to mind but I am still not sure. A name... I have no way of knowing, the name is on the tip of my tongue but I am not sure...
"Who is this?" I choose to ask as heavier, metal-carrying steps come closer.
"Oorika, Lady-Heir, I am the Housekeeper." I hope she answers with a smile as another soft hand goes on top of mine. Moving forward, I act unbecoming of how I am being referred to and hug the woman I can now remember. Oorika, my mother's trusted assistant, if Mother could never be there for me, she often was.
"You are still around." I remark, a little surprised to meet a familiar face, even if I cannot see how it has changed. She's probably a lot older looking than how I recall her, but, I'm sure she doesn't mind me only seeing her as a more youthful woman in my head.
"Alright, that settles that, then." Senator Caetusi comments as he seems to step up onto the wagon.
"Senator, what are you doing?" Oorika questions as she tightens her grip on me.
"I believe it to be prudent that I explain the situation to the Lady-Heir in a hushed tone." he explains from my right side as I otherwise fail to pull myself out of Oorika's grip.
"I can explain everything just fine, now, if you do not mind, Senator."
"Housekeeper Oo-"
"Have you no eyes, Senator!?" she reacts with as I manage to keep myself in the wagon.
"No, Oorika, I want to... I need to hear this now. I have spent far too long away from my home... I want my mother... Where is she, Senator?" I say and then ask, tearing up towards the end despite the discomfort it causes me. I try to find him and when I do, I grip his toga tightly as it is all I can do. He cannot see my despair, my worries and concerns, I can only try to express them to him like this.
"The Lady Bosphama left for the Imperial Palace a few days ago under pressure from those aligned with Senator Burspharosa." he explains sorrowfully.
"Not to be...?"
"No, no, the Senate has just deemed it necessary for her to be taken away from the role of territorial governance."
"What a load of rock-hard ryphurgok messings." Brewbrt mutters under his breath as I feel the wagon shake under the weight of his back-to-the-side leaning.
"She will be gone for some time provided nothing else occurs, Lady-Heir."
"But she is safe...?" I demand to know as I pull on his clothes.
"She is, as safe as anyone can be. As a guest at the Imperial Palace, she will be under the watchful eye of every establishment involved in protecting the royal family. All external groups and regiments, all palace-exclusive groups and orders."
"And when is she coming back?" I ask and all he seems to manage is a sigh.
"Lady-Heir... We can only really lie as to how long something like this may take." Oorika tries to explain as she places a hand on my back.
"All this effort to get back home and she's only ended up further than before..." I let out as my body starts to slump with my grip on the senator otherwise vanishing.
"Think of this as a blessing, imagine your mother's face if she saw you come home like this!" Oorika tries to joke, but she only gets anything out of Brewbrt.
"Said the same thing."
"About that... Why are you in such a state, Lady-Heir? You are filthy and covered in injuries. More belonging on a battlefield than the halls of a homely keep such as this." Senator Caetusi asks as he likely starts to get a closer look at all the little things bothering me right now. The layer on my skin that doesn't go away, the painful throbbing, the fact I cannot see.
"Assassins!" Brewbrt growls loudly, clearly, loud enough for even those far away to hear as they suddenly turn to gossip amongst themselves in their coaches. Or around them, it's whatever, really.
"Yes... They, they threw a spear at me and I've been blind since then... While we were travelling a place called the Copper Band Terraces."
"I see. This changes quite a bit and I can only hope we can make it back to the Senate quick enough to bring this up."
"The Senate isn't going to care about some daughter being attacked!" Oorika snaps as her grip envelops me again.
"With all that has been going on with The Lady Bosphama, without a doubt I can make something work. This wouldn't be handled by us at all unless it became a national affair or concern, but, again, in the midst of the past few years." the Senator goes over before thoughtful sounds quietly escape him.
"Let's not keep you then, Politician. I am sure Einervaene will be very eager to make it into the safety of her home's walls." Brewbrt almost growls as I hear his steps go around the back of the wagon.
"Unlearnt as this foreigner is, I have to agree. We shall be on our way and I promise you, I will do what I can to keep you in contact with your mother." Senator Caetusi assures me as the grip I find on the wagon seats tightens. The wood creaks and I feel it snap under the pressure of my noble-blooded grip.
"Please... Please hurry, I have what I need to solve everything that has happened thus far. I need her to be here for it, however... So please!" I beg as Lightning starts to linger in my mind with memorial echoes going off inside it.
"I will ride for the Imperial Palace as soon as I am able, I will seek residence there and explain what I can."
"Gods and goddesses be with you, Senator Caetusi. You have done more than enough for My Lady Bosphama already." Oorika tells him and the wagon rocks as his feet meet the road.
"Hopefully, the next time we shall meet will have me being the bearer of good news." Senator Caetusi likely waves farewell to as I hear him walk away.
"Guess I best move this off the road." Brewbrt comments as he gets up.
"No, don't worry, I shall return to the keep with the Lady-Heir." Oorika tells what I can only guess is the guard who brought her here.
"Hurry up now, get moving." a guard remarks as Brewbrt whips the animal into motion. I start to lean to the side, falling against Oorika as my exhaustion starts to get the best of me. A hand rubs my dirty hair and a far more easily shared source of magic starts to pass into me.
"Try not to fall asleep, Lady-Heir, I will have my staff sort a bath out for you as quickly as they can." Oorika whispers soothingly close to my ear. I nod with a grumbling moan and try my best to keep myself awake even though all I can see is the dark.