Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 592 - Incline 20: Senator Caetusi

Chapter 592 - Incline 20: Senator Caetusi

Setting up some of the final bits of the information display, I step back and turn to face the crowd, "Members of the Senate, as per the motion put before us by Senator Burspharosa. I and... Others have come back with our potentially first allotment of books and keepings from the keep of The Lady Bosphama."

Within moments of this declaration, Senator Burspharosa's people swarm into the centre of the chamber under the eye of the guards behind me. Somehow, with delicate grips and seeming manners, they clear the table of documents and move to sit back down. I glance over towards the opposition as many walk to the shoulders of Senator Burspharosa's faction. Awkward stares and needless hiding of public information become abundant.

"As much as I love buffets for the mind, I often prefer my belly to be filled." Senator Lepiaciai comments as he walks up to me and places an arm around me. Going with the direction he is pulling me in, I look towards the aged leader of Senator Burspharosa's opposition.

"You are not a glutton as far as I can tell." I remark, the veteran's worn, war-seeing body all the more refined through the layers of cloth keeping us separate.

"Much to be honest, I want an excuse to walk." he tells me with a confident smile as he lets go as we leave the Senate Chamber and enter the Halls of the Nation. Looking slightly at one of the many tapestries hanging from the walls, we so happen to go past the bit with him in it. His greatest victory over the hated Grand-Kingdom at the Battle of the Nelsonile Archipelago.

"I would hate to remind you to get to the point, Senator Lepiaciai." I say as I come to a stop by a display of ancient armour.

"Little things all about me have led to me concluding that you and The Lady Bosphama are getting along quite well."

"Rumours are just what they are, rumours."

"Yes, but when everyone else struggled to get back, it becomes easier to believe." he points out with a slight bit of distaste for the tactic. Coincidentally, his tightly locked up duelling spear blade and shield handle come on display.

"Whatever you want out of this is already being handled by me on behalf of The Lady Bosphama." I explain with nearly sealed lips as his hands come together so their corse skin can smooth each other out.

"I know."

"If you have come to me directly, however, there is more to this."

"A fine archer's eye." he remarks with a smirk as we start to move again, per his silent, gesturing request.

"Can I perhaps expect the support of your faction in this affair? Both you and Senator Burspharosa are making self-interested moves against the investigation." I ask and point out as some remarks by The Lady Bosphama come to mind. She and her staff were quite keenly aware of the influx of messages being posted to the confines of her walls.

"Do what you can to frustrate Burspharosa, yes. Depending on how well you can do that, myself and others will consider being more open to your usual propositions." Senator Lepiaciai offers more so suggestively. I frown at the lack of his word and keep my eyes locked against his.

"I am not looking to here shallow and empty promises." I point out as I turn to head back to the Senate Chamber. A strong hand comes to my shoulder and gently holds me there.

"I have also heard rumours of something that terrifies Lord Burspharosa. The longer you can delay this whole affair, the more desperate he will become."

"There is little reason for me to take pleasure in his frustrations. My career has not been notably moulded by being in opposition to him over this affair. Were it not for the motion Senator Burspharosa put to the floor, I would not be in contact with The Lady Bosphama at all." I tell him as the old general clearly gets to thinking. Unlike a sailor or soldier under his command, the mere promise of booty isn't enough, plunder means nothing until I can hold it.

"Forgive me, Senator Caetusi, I do not think as well on the move. Perhaps I can interest you in a finer place to discuss these details?" he offers and I raise a brow as it would be a hard-fought claim to prove. We are in the Senate of Eusorochii, one of the grandest and most architecturally beloved places in this land and beyond. Though the contents of the people who attend it have always been held in fickle question, what the Senate means remains a pure ideal.

A counter-balance to the tyranny of the overbearing, a frustration to the corrupt and a clearly known place to petition.

"As you remarked earlier, I will not say no to a fine lunch if you want a better place to talk." I almost joke.

He laughs and smiles, "I have a wonderful place in mind, I always manage to get things done after visiting there."

"That works for me just fine." I reply as I turn around to head back towards the Senate Chamber. As the only one who was able to attend this meeting after dealing with the well-thorned nest that is The Lady Bosphama's keep, I am needed.

"I will have someone come to get you before you are next slotted to depart for the investigated!" Senator Lepiaciai calls out to me and I give a somewhat disrespectful wave back before picking up the pace. Arriving at the Senate Chamber once again, I step inside a room full of arguments and grips that would leave these books terrified if they were alive.

"Things are looking lively since I left." I remark to one of our esteemed elders, retired men of the Senate who are otherwise too bored at home.

"Lord Burspharosa has his heart firmly set on undermining those of the Bosphama name." the elder comments as I go down on my knees at his side. Leaning against the decorative dark wood that keeps them separated from the main members of the Senate.

"He will not find what he wants amongst this presentation. With the unfortunate circumstances of the rest of the investigation, I only have so much time." I comment as the esteemed elder places his walking stick under his chin. The metal carving of a lightning dragon decorates its hand-held top.

"You best make sure that you are present to mediate, then. Even men can be prone to hasty thoughts at a lone sentence." the elder cautions as he pats my back, urging me forward. I thank him for his brief advice with a quiet prayer and a lone coin that taps to a still at his side.

Paying attention to the noise in and around the centre, "See, clearly she is not fit to rule, she is selling off vast amounts of properties to third parties!"

"It is well within the rights of The Lady Bosphama to handle her finances for the sake of her people's fortune!"

Using my exclusive right at the moment within the Senate Chamber, I walk up onto a podium. Imitating our most beloved god, I reach out to the sky with my hand. A bolt of lightning enters my clutches and I strike it down three times. Each thunderous crash drawing the room ever closer to complete silence.

"Members of the Senate, if you'll place all documents back to the centre for the sake of their undamaged return." I motion and they do. Were it not for my current place and the focus around me, I might've even smiled. This is going to be the closest to commanding the Senate I will get for a while.

A senator raises his hand and I allow him to speak with a precise gesture, "Senator Caetusi, can you in fact confirm The Lady Bosphama's hasty economic revisions?"

"Selling the property of your land and rearranging that which you have to handle is well within her right. Well within all of your rights as land-owning subjects of His Imperial Majesty." I point out before many mouths open to the point of incoherency. Senator Burspharosa, however, keeps his side silent with but a raised palm.

"But she is not just doing that, she is selling off her ship-cutters, her mines and farms. Strategically placed warehouses and the rights to develop in the towns within her borders. Even that which you have already collected makes it clear this is all happening so very quickly. Her long-term gains are not being considered at all and her realm is becoming patchwork."

"I repeat myself, she is within rights to sell off property. She is also one of the largest owners of land in all of Eusorochii, what you see is barely anything compared to what is still in possession of." I counterargue as my hands come together.

"As we do not yet have access to the documents clarifying where this money is going, what can you say about her physical and mental well-being? That which this investigation was created to check in on." Senator Burspharosa asks as I do my best to keep my eyes going against his. It is not something I can win, however, and I start to move.

"Her well-being is within what we amongst the investigation team considered to be acceptable. Especially given what she has had to put up with these past few years because of you and your supporters. Senator Burspharosa." I clarify whilst my opinion remains the only one that can be called upon. It will not be enough to keep Senator Burspharosa's faction and him off of her, nor will his opposition accept it so easily. But, for the moment, it keeps her out of an imperial guest room.

"And what of the health of the rest of the investigation, many were sent but only you come back, Caetusi?" someone at the back asks me and I become tempted to invoke some of the authority I am able to wield at the moment.

"Difference of climate." I shrug at.

"Does the fact that several of the properties listed in the red-bound scroll on the right end table being sold for scraps of wealth not concern you, Senator Caetusi? Is the investigation team not bothered by such a blatant disregard for even its greater immediate, short-term profits?" a man from Senator Lepiaciai's opposition asks.

"Can you cite any other similar examples?"

"I cannot, no, bu-"

"Then we can accept it as being little more than a mistake that was given its chance to happen through the stress of her environment. With all that has happened, I am sure her mind is prone to slipping even with the support of her household staff." I interrupt with, maintaining a loud tone and preventing him from continuing his point.

"Mistakes of this magnitude are cause for concern." one of Senator Burspharosa's lackeys remarks as I turn their way.

"Senators, must I remind you all that deliberation within this great hall takes the time it does so that we are entirely sure of its refinement? The eagerness of which some of you push for a pre-decided outcome goes against everything our sashes and garbs mean. I bring a modest selection to be looked over with that which can be easily explained and you would speak as if evil reaches from the deep seas below? If you wish for haste then remove yourself from this room."

"Very well, I motion for a brief spreading out away so that cooler heads may prevail." Senator Burspharosa asks for as his main supporters already get to whispering amongst themselves.

"We support this motion on the condition that we not of Senator Burspharosa's support may be given a proper chance to look all this over." a senator of the opposition asks for and my eyes move to the back as an esteemed elder rises. The rows of politicians hold their feet and mouthes as this well-decorated man makes his way down to the centre. Viciously denying any offer of aid as his weak bones carry him to us.

"Esteemed Elder, what do you wish to say?" I ask as I slightly move from the podium so that his weaker voice might be able to take advantage of the acoustics. A wrinkled hand rises as his head shakes and he slowly turns to face the crowd with a straightening back.

"Lest I remind all of you that we are discussing a mother who's very daughter has been chased from these beloved lands for her own safety." the Esteemed Elder warns as the many who are fathers quiver slightly at the unspoken accusation.

"May tempered minds prevail." I say as I move to leave, making it clear what my vote on the matter is. But, first, I quickly remind myself of what is most suspect and take it up. All under the impression it is so that I may better argue for and if I need to, against The Lady Bosphama.