Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 506 - Incline 20: The Crimson Viceroy

Chapter 506 - Incline 20: The Crimson Viceroy

"Viceroy Aneaur on deck!" the Commodore declared as my heavy, metal-decorated toe-claws signified my arrival further.

"How goes the pursuit, Commodore?" I asked him after briefly looking at all the equipment on the bridge. I may have had knowledge of naval affairs. But I had to defer to men like him to elaborate for the sake of my understanding.

"The humans have shown signs of exhaustion, and are holding up at the base of that mountain." he explained as photographs of the humans and their vehicles were displayed. Dented from battle and starved of fuel by their chaotic withdrawal.

"Peculiar shape, but you can confirm that they are trapped?" I comment about the mountain's peak first. Before I then asked as I carefully eyed the wide-open fields the photographs seemed to describe.

"If they were to split off, they would be annihilated by the Royal Scepter and the Sovereign's Orb. Currently at our port and starboard respectively." he explained as one of his aides came up and presented a work-in-progress sketch.

"Would a flanking manoeuvre really be necessary given how small their remaining forces are?" I questioned as I returned my eyes to the photographs.

"As a precaution to ensure none can break off." he clarifies with a slight nod.

"Are our own guns not sufficient to just devastate them?"

"We are a golem carrier, Viceroy. Our role would be to press them against the mountain's stone hide and to squeeze." he explains as he curls in his gloved hand into a strained fist.

"Very well, approved." I told him as I turned to head towards the commander's chair. Only to stop before I could even curl my tail around and place it on the rest.

"Is there something wrong, Viceroy?"

"That mountain, Commodore, is there anything off about it to you?" I ask him as my thoughts began to stir. I couldn't help but worry about it having seen it.

"I am unsure," he began with as he turned around, "well?"

"Immediate records tell of its relation to the Great Poisoner." someone from beyond my view answered.

"Of course... Anvil-Peak..." I recall in terror as I realised where we were. Despite the calm nature of the fields below and the clear skies we flew in. The ground below was littered with precious but tainted gold.

One of the staple minerals of our diets was laced for hundreds upon hundreds of leagues... And further beyond these vast fields, we knew full well that the humans had a major city. Could it be that their hatred of us, given to them by their vile god had led them to do this? To saturate the earth with vile thunder so that our people would starve and suffer?

The decimation of this mountain would serve as a powerful symbol... Even if it required the stretching of our resources to accomplish it. I suppose we could call upon the army besieging the humans enclosed up in that odd, pocket-like mountain range further west. Either way, on the honour of the people I worked to defend and our divine saviour beyond our world...

I would see this mountain destroyed! I would see it reduced to a pile of loose pebbles! A victory for the Lord over the vile Poisoner! And I am sure the crew of this ship could see my growing fanaticism.

"Have the Quartermaster prepare my armour, I shall lead the golems." I then declared all of a sudden, surprising the whole bridge. And to the delight of this eagerness-fevered mind of mine, they would not be able to counteract my choice. I may have not been a man of our people's navy, but I had been given the supreme authority of one.

"Of course, Viceroy..." the Commodore answered with a distinct lack of professionalism as he turned to go about my orders. And as I left the bridge, my lifeguards returned to my side and accompanied on my walk. With all the lesser soldiers that we passed forcing themselves up against the walls to make way.

"Viceroy passing by!" many of the more attuned able airmen declared as I did so. A phrase that was repeated often in order to make sure discipline was still present amongst the crew. It was a little tiring, I had to admit, but it had its purpose.

But soon, the only noise I heard was the sounds of machines whirring to life and the hiss of leaking pressure. A vast chamber that was seemingly never-ending yet packed for every inch it could offer. Each possible place one could step held a masterwork of engineering. A life-saving soldier that could be spent with little cost to our threatened people.

Vast hordes of pawns that would march forward at no risk of turning back. Then there were the more elaborate designs. Pillars of strength that filled in for the common weakness. Strength, presence and firepower.

Thick-armed juggernauts could break down any wall, no matter how thick! Sudden and light fliers that offered the speed of an airship without the obnoxious size of it! And heavily-armed gunners that set themselves down to blast holes that needed precise destruction. And at the centre of this vast chamber, was the commander of it all.

Unlike the others, it was only a suit of armour. My armour. Crimson-scaled as the Lord himself and with so much blessing worked into it. It could be as divine as the Lord himself!

A true son wrought from steel and made for war.

"After I am anointed in your holy flesh, I shall be your instrument." I breathed as the Quatermaster's men worked diligently to prepare the amour.

"Hold your clothes, Viceroy?" one of my lifeguards asked as I began to take off some of the clutter I had on at present.

"Have them sent back to my quarters so that they stay clean." I explain after having seen the state some of the crew down here with in.

"Of course." he answered as he turned to leave and head on out. And, with a determined smile, I stepped forward so that I may be properly dressed. It didn't take long, thankfully, so I was quickly able to step out once again in a full suit of armour.

Rich with the same colour as the Lord and decorated with a delicacy that I often enjoyed. With these golden horns, spikes and claws as well were bright green gemstones. Centres of the divine power we called upon to defend our homes and lives. And when you had armour this fine, it required many of the gemstones.

Far more than anything else in this golem carrier bar the airship itself.

"Someone get me a line to the Commodore, I shall be hearing updates from him!" my voice boomed unintentionally as a result of the armour. Not that I minded it, it offered me so much authority after all with my voice.