Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 488 - Incline 2: Student Vadei

Chapter 488 - Incline 2: Student Vadei

"Thought I smelt something good!" I let out with a smile as I finished hopping down the stairs. The mixture of good-smelling food and some actually joyful people... It put me in a good mood.

"Hi, Vadei!" Liadanann waved from her seat next to Omb. With the pair having clearly already done a brief exchange of snacks and meals.

"So what brings you around?" I asked as I took note of what was there. Interestingly enough as well, it was all Einervaene's favourites. But that didn't mean they weren't also mine one way or another. So I sneaked a few bites here and there.

Smiling and grinning as I nicked salted, crispy bird skin or bits of juicy fruit.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure Einervaene was okay. After that..."

"She seems to be fine to me, she is clearly bothered by it but she hasn't said much." I tell her as my smile disappears and I glance upwards towards where I could sense her.

"She hasn't left her room either." Omb adds on as he taps the nearest tray to point out what he has been doing.

"Have either of you tried just going into her room? Speaking to her?"

"She locked the door," I say with a shrug before I hear a distinct click, "She's unlocked the door."

"Now might be my chance the-"

"It might be best to let it rest for a little moment." I whisper to Liadanann as I hear footsteps move towards the stairs. Then, they went down and it wasn't long before it was clear she had made it downstairs.

"Is that Liadanann?" Einervaene asked from the other side of the doorframe.

"I like to think so, how have you been?" the woman in question jokes as she tries to get a better view of our friend. The efforts, however, come to a halt when she moves into the kitchen on her own.

"Thoughtful." Einervaene tells her as she moves closer to the table to look at the food. And, that is when I noticed something that struck me as odd. Her outfit was very different from usual. Being a country girl, it was easy to note when something was built for long journeys and hard work.

"Einervaene...?" I asked her as I looked at her outfit very carefully. In terms of colours, it was very dark and was broken up by the copper she normally had on. The designs though were very focused. She has clearly put all of her knowledge up until now into the layout.

To some extent, it was like a fancy set of armour...

Armour that was all built on top of a clearly new kimono and a long, flowing cape. The usual details were also all different as well. It lacked the sexiness she picked up from Rose'lhia and it did little to emphasise her figure. She did, however, still have high-heeled boots, though they were far thicker and sturdier in design.

Why she didn't move onto actual boots, I did not know but...

"So that's everything I have brought!" Liadanann happily declared as it became clear that I had been ignored for the moment. Something else clearly happening as I inspected my friends strange and sudden fashion change.

"Einervaene! What's all this?" I asked her before I noticed the staff she had left beyond the doorframe. Said staff being far more like a multi-tipped spear than anything else. It was very concerning to see this. Her clothes were now like armour and her staff had shifted into being more like a weapon...

She wasn't planning on starting another fight, was she?

"I suppose there's no point in hiding my intentions... I am leaving."

"What!?" I let out as the formerly noted practicality was made sinisterly clear.

"I can't take it anymore... I refuse to be so close to someone who is going out every night only to be slashed apart into a bloody mess... I refuse to stay here when I have things I need to do... My mother needs me but I am staying here in this school with people who cannot HELP ME!" she explains as tears start to take hold of her. Her anger and frustration rising higher and higher as she went on...

"Einervaene..." I let out as I tried to hold her. But, she refused such comfort and instead backed away. In a way, it reminded me of Nin back when we saved my family. He had a hard time letting it all go so he just tried to snap away.

"I am sorry... You lot... But, I've already handed in all the stuff I need to make this official. I am a student no longer. I am just Einervaene Bosphama." she explains as she goes for her staff. But, with quick reflexes and a strong aversion to this. I rush ahead and knock away her staff.

"You aren't going away that easily!" I snap out at her face as I do my best to obstruct her path.

"Einervaene, if you had something like this, why didn't you ask us fo-"

"BECAUSE NONE OF YOU CAN HELP ME! NONE OF YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH! ONLY NIN WAS AND HE ONLY CARES ABOUT THAT DYING GIRL ON A BED!" she screamed out before she seems to suddenly switch in behaviour.

"No, I am not letting you just go out there on your own!" I tell her as she looks down at her hands.

"Besides... Was he ever really my friend? I was just a slave to this damn bracelet..." she adds as she reveals the accessory Nin always wore.

"Don't be so hasty with this, Einervaene-"

"Hasty? We've all thought it. Leaving, what good is our stay here!? It was never any of our plans to go here! Besides, it's been two years since Rose'lhia disappeared with the other one like her! Now it's my tu-"

"Don't you ever speak like that to me again." I say as I bring back my sore hand after the harsh slap shut her up.

"Please don't try and stop me... My mother needs me... It's why I came to this land, to begin with... To find someone or something that could help her..." she tearfully explains as she staggers back to the nearest wall. Only to slide down to the floor.

"You two, I think it may be right to let her go." Omb chimes in as he walks out from the kitchen with Liadanann.

"You too!?" I asked as I stared at the duo. To my despair as well, they both nodded in answer.

"I know I shouldn't be saying this to my friends... But, I know why you two come by as often as you do. You're always hoping to catch a glance of Nin, hoping that he is alright. But it is the same each time, he comes home bloodied and beaten and ever-driven to vengeance..." Liadanann explains.

"That doesn't justify our friendship suddenly meaning nothing! That doesn't mean we should suddenly fall apart and never see each other again!" I bark out to them.

"It was only ever going to be temporary." Omb admits with a saddened expression.

"Fine, guess I'll go too." I huff out as I cross my arms. Offended by the idea that our friendships were clearly that easy to break.

"Vadei... No, you want to protect your..."

"Yes, I want to protect my family. I wanted to be so strong that no slavers or osibindah would ever threaten us again. But what good is that if you're all gone...? Even with my goal, I can't motivate myself to do it as the rest of you can. I feel like I have just reached my limit here..." I admit in defeat yet also triumph as I had gotten stronger.

I may not be like Vapooliar, but I could now cast spells and use magic! I was incomparably beyond what I thought I could ever be!

"So we'll be even quieter now, then?" Omb asks as he looks down at us.

"Seems that way..." I mutter as my ears fold downwards.

"Then I will see you off properly, my friends." he says before he picks us all up to hug us.

"Eh!?" someone squeaked as Omb started to tremble.

"I will see my friends ready before they go." he explained as he tried to keep a straight face.

"No onions..." Liadanann quietly lets out with an upset giggle as the hug got tighter.

"I'll make the best food you ever ate!" Omb declares as he finally lets go. His belly then briefly showed as he wiped his eyes on his shirt.