Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 482 - Incline 42: Dandel'lhia-evwifoad

Chapter 482 - Incline 42: Dandel'lhia-evwifoad

"Mama! Mama!" my son called out to me as he came running at me with something in his hands.

"What you got there?" I asked him with a smile as he entered my arms and I picked him up.

"Picture." he let out slowly before he showed me what we made for Rose'lhia after she had saved me.

"And a lovely one at that." I let out as I took it into my hands and looked at it. It hadn't been that long ago since we took that. But now, it felt like a lifetime ago when you looked at the woman resting in it. However, I smiled at it.

"We still have her stuff..." my little one then commented as he started to gesture towards a bulb in the distance.

"Do you want to look through it then? She says it is alright." I lie just because I wanted to at least save some positive memory of her.

"Okay!" he let out with a voice full of excitement as he started to bounce about in my arms. And, amusing as it was to feel and see this excitement. I couldn't help but feel anxious as we moved into the place where our bag was being kept. Then, once we arrived, I put my son down so he could rush over to it.

"Let's have a lookie, then, shall we?" I asked him with a smile as I snatched him up and opened the massive bag. Huffing in amusement when the first few things that came out was but one of many outfits she had packed.

"There's lots and lots!" Spruce'endoor cheered as we brought out the first set of clothes. And, as per usual, I found myself jealous of the kind of attire Rose'lhia was entitled to. Being a full name aelenvari came with so many perks... I also was somewhat sure she'd be fine with me making use of this now that I was officially Dandel'lhia-evwifoad.

"We best make sure to keep it all neat, then." I say, using this opportunity for two different reasons. The first was my own scavenging so I could honour her memory, while the other was to teach my son about cleanliness. Wouldn't want him to become a messy man later now, would I?

Yet, as time went on, I couldn't help but feel like that I was the child. Each time I found an outfit, I let out a sound of excitement and I played around with it. Carefully and thoughtfully feeling them out while also seeing how it might look on me partially. And later, I was tempted to try them all on in private.

Even with the excessive amount of care I was now receiving, I still had issues with how I looked...

Eventually, though, the clothes were all taken out and all the other things were starting to come out. Interestingly enough as well, there was a piece of something. Whatever it was, it was hard and shiny and seemed to be a little wilted. Was this...?

"A piece of Nin?" I questioned slowly as I looked at the memento Rose'lhia had had me carrying all this time.

"Mama... What does this say?" Spruce'endoor asked me as he tried to pick up a thick piece of stone.

"Wait, hold on there, Little One." I said to him affectionately as I picked it up for him. And I put it back down the moment I read the first word.

"Mama?" he asked me, clearly confused and understandably why.

"This is something we're not allowed to read." I tell him with a smile as I make sure to properly cover it before leaving it somewhere specifically. After that unfortunate discovery was made, we then got back to it. Pulling out all sorts of random items that must've meant a lot to her. It made me laugh to some extent as well.

Despite how she was before everything went the way it did, she still had all this proof. All this proof that despite what she said, she still did in fact think she had a chance. Yet, that also made me frown as I looked it all over. If I had known this stuff was all here...

"I suppose I can keep most of it safe until the odd chance I might ever see her again." I mutter quietly as I start to put most of the stuff back into the bag before securing it tightly. Then, without anyone pushing me to do it, I put it on my back and left the bulb with my son. And I must've confused most of the petals we went past.

Eventually, though, we reached our personal bulb and I placed the bag into the corner. Stepping outside once that was sorted and I smiled at my son before we headed towards my Lover's throne. Moving past everyone else with ease before I then curled up next to him in the open space the wide chair had. And oddly enough, despite how fresh the horror was in my mind.

I had no problem being near him, the Gilded-Bark...

"We have a lot to do." he commented as our son moved from my arms and to his lap. And, I am sure it came to his amusement, but our son caught more gazes than either of us. I was also sure I could hear a clock ticking in regard to my son. In not so long a time, he will have a burden thrust upon him...

"I think we should take it easy for the moment, while we are here in the Garden-Mount." I sigh out tiredly as I spend a few moments looking around our home.

"We can only be here for so long." he remarks as one of his hands moves to take mine.

"And in that time, we'll catch up on all of the stuff we promised to do when our little one finally sprouted."

"I guess we can." he says happily as he helps our son stand up on his legs.

"I also know it probably doesn't matter here, but I think we should start with his first pair of tubes." I say quietly, but, even then, my words were still brimming with excitement and anticipation. The moment I withheld myself from doing was now about to come.

"His first pair... I admit, I had forgotten that promise." he sheepishly chuckled as I started to squeeze his side as hard as possible.

"Honestly..." I remark as I gently take ahold of one of my son's points. Pondering what we could make it out of before I looked towards our bulb. There was nothing metal in Rose'lhia's bag that I felt comfortable touching. However, I am sure she wouldn't mind if we went picked apart an old outfit for it.

That way, she could still help my son without being here...

I'm sure she would like that, so I slowly got up and moved to leave, "Where're you hurrying off to?"

"To get an idea of what to make the tubes out of."

"Isn't that a joint decision?"

"Not after you forgot about the promise." I joke before I leave.

"Fair..." he chuckles to himself before he got back to whatever he must've been doing beforehand. And, after a brief case of getting lost heading back there, I eventually made it.

"Hm, what here is more... Rose'lhia-ish..." I ponder aloud before I start to look through the pile of clothes. And soon, I found something I think would work. But, I spent an odd amount of time looking at it. The name of the material for some reason escaped me for a moment.


"But I don't think I can use this..." I then remark in shock as I realise what it was that I was holding here. Was this her...? No, there was no way I could wear this or take it apart for my son... This would have to go join the other things I was going to keep safe.

To think she had brought along the attire she would've worn for her... First time... But why would she have brought this along with us...? I honestly could not figure it out at all...

"Don't worry, though, I'll look after it." I say with a gentle smile as I looked at it. It was a very pretty set of clothing. Everything about it was about love and motherhood. Perhaps even more so than her Ivy-Mother's dress and its associated attire.

It must've been invaluable emotionally and physically. Gemstones and fine silk and of course, magically engraved rose-gold. It was a highly personal thing that I couldn't take my eyes off of. It showed just how much she valued herself once upon a time.

But knowing that all this stuff was here... I felt guilty trying to keep it for myself. So I briefly left the bulb and looked in the direction I came up from. Then I turned to the exit of the mountain and kept my eyes upon it.

"Allow me to help you, Rose'lhia..." I promised with a mutter as I suddenly hurried towards my own bulb. I had to get all this stuff back to her. There was simply too many things here that mattered to her. And I had hope that I could still catch up to her if I hurried...

But with all these thorns watching me... What was I going to do...? I guess the only real thing I could do was be inspired by Rose'lhia's forgiven cruelty. She did all this to me to make me look the part of a root.

And no one would notice if a root left the garden-mount!

"Oak, Spruce, I am sorry. Please bear with me..." I quietly said as I passed the pair by on the way to our bulb. But, they had not noticed me and that made it all the easier to get going. So that the woman who saved me would not fall into despair, I would return these memories to her.

I would remind her of how much she loved the Champion!