Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 470 - Incline 30: Prostitute Rose'lhia

Chapter 470 - Incline 30: Prostitute Rose'lhia

"Come on you, up and out!" one of the thorns snapped as they barged into the cell to disturb me again.

"What now?" I asked with what seemed to be lustful eagerness but was in truth annoyance. My mind may have had a purpose and a well-driven spirit guiding it. But it was just too easy to fall into the ease that all this comfort offered. The roots lines up to please me and I wanted to feed on the similarities it had to my memories.

"You're gonna be playing dress up!" one of the others laughed as the cell door violently slammed shut behind me.

"I hope it is something tight... Something binding." I suggestively say as I look down at the cuffs one of them has. Yet, without my magic enhancing my position, nothing came of it. They disappointingly kept their professionalism and dropped me off into a changing room. And promptly left.

I was left furious by this, and I was ashamed to admit it was because of this rejection. My body wanted the flesh of a man to be against it and within it. But none of that even happened. Even if I tried to think of my Love, reality was still reminding me of my satisfactory lack.

"So what is it they wanted, anyway?" I ask myself after I struggled to get back to my points. With a fresh does of this corrupted honey within me. My body and its senses were on fire. Nothing could be done without pleasure filling my body.

It disturbed my breathing and quivered my body. I had to fight myself just to keep my reactions in check. Thankfully, the lack of provocation by the roots was helping me right now. Yet, the moment someone else came in here, this discipline was gone.

So I made the most of it and just got on with whatever task the hideous woman wanted me to do. And, to a mixture of delight and concern, I found a dress. One I could vividly remember growing tearful over a long time ago. Einervaene, Rossie-chira...

She helped me at least get over the emotions back then. But, I just couldn't hold the tears back right now. Even if it wasn't my one, it meant so much to me to see this dress. Its fine silks and precious metals...

And even though I knew it was all fake, that the name-calling was hollow. I felt like, if I put on this dress, I would start to feel like my old self once again. The version of me I thought I would never get to see again. Ivy-Mother Rose'lhia.

So I hasitly put it on with well-pracisted ease even as the metal provoked my body. Despite how teasing the process was to my body, I was soon wearing it. The revealing, sexy attire that detailed what I was simply and in a more educated manner. But it felt off even with all these pleasurable sensastions.

"This is a fake..." I realised as I stared at myself in the mirror. The metal was plain but still polished. But that was just it, it should've been decorated. With natural gemstones of amber and that which my hair matched.

Most importantly as well, it should've honoured Aahtha and Motrtha... My role was to teach and enhance the pleasure of my flower. To care for and nurture those who would go on to invite the First Mother into their lives... But this dress had none of it.

Yet, despite the horrors this discovery revealed, I did not take it off. My desire to just feel like Ivy-Mother Rose'lhia again was too strong. I could not tell if it was the nostalgia or the corrupted honey, however. Was it myself, or evil desires keeping this dress on?

Whatever it might be, I needed to complete it as this was clearly here for a purpose. And, I was right, there was more to it. Similarly soulless tubes had been laid out for me as well as lingerie for my lower half. Yet, no staff was in sight.

I sighed in relief at that, for I could at least rest easy knowing the image was not corrupted. I could still say that I was little more than some whorehouse display. An attraction to empty their personal treasuries and divulge merchants of all they had. They would trade it all just to see me...

And I could admit that even without this honey in me, it still made me excited. To have so many want me and desire me but I got to stand there knowing they could not. But only Nin was here... I don't think I would ever be able to hold myself together.

I would make a child with him right then and there. I would let that crowd know who got to touch me. And he did not have to pay a single coin to do so. His love opened doors their gold never could.

"I suppose that is what they want me to do anyway." I comment once I was done blushing up a storm and squirming. It was clear that this was not done as part of an homage to me. I had been in here before. I knew what this room was here for.

It was to prepare the brokenminded roots for shows that riled up the crowds beyond the stage. At least, those who had not already found a partner to disgrace the world with. That is what they wanted me to do. And they knowingly wanted to do it with me dressed as an Ivy-Mother...

"This won't turn out the way you want it to." I knowingly smirk as I slowly drag my fingers across my slender, worked-up body. Pulling and tugging at the thin strips of fabric and tickling my flesh. My hips buckled and shook and it all heated up. My childmaker roared in demand and my breasts gaped wide.

And I struck my hips out one way while my arms went above me. A sultry, confident giggle then slipped out as my fingers gently pulled at my lips. Then, once I was done calming myself down after working myself up like that. I smirked once again.

"But I'll still make a point of enjoying the show." I say as I move closer to the doors that lead to the stage. This place must've opened up again at this point because I could hear it all. The muffled sounds of disgusting sex and revelry. Sounds that only went on to mix with the carefully chosen music.

Rhythmic tunes that I knew dictated the way people moved. One sudden beat and crotches would move. One screeching sound and chests would bounce. Such a simple way to work people up.

And I had to fit into this music like no other to enhance such behaviour. Though I hated what I was about to do. The corruption within me compelled me to do what I did not want truly. My own idiocy as well made my body shake with anticipation.

Then, the doors opened and the smells and sounds came at me in full force. I was briefly taken aback by it. I even struggled to walk in there, it all being so overpowering on top of my already weakened body. Yet, eventually, my body started to follow the mesmerising music.

My hips naturally swung along with it and my legs strode forward gracefully yet knowingly. My body was blessed by the Goddess of Pleasure to bring it. And it would be my pleasure to watch them. But as my body was working its way into the tune, another sound caught my attention.

"Now we got a very special show for you tonight, gentlemen... For you see, the Madame has picked quite the flower. The Flower of Love. Make sure to give her a lustful welcome, because here is Ivy-Mother Rose'lhia!" a root cheered out before the roar of the crowd bit all the way down to my bones.

The excitement within me just exploded and I immediately got to work showing off my body. At first, I stuck to the centre of the stage. But the scent of booze-laced breath drew me closer to the rapturous crowd. With their mind-poisoning scent mixing with mine as I danced close but too far for them.

On occasion, however, I let them get close. I let them feel my body and utter their vile wishes to my ears. Yet each time, I pulled away, a smirk on my face as a different man filled my mind. A man who was far beyond them in all ways imaginable.

And just to show how little chance they had with me. As I fell to my split-apart knees, with one hand on the pole in the centre and the other on the ground. I let my magic loose, letting it flow freely as if it were spice and I were the bottle. Each thrust of my crotch and jiggle of my breasts just let more of it loose.

The air once dominated by the crowd was now commanded by me. All stopped and looked at my dance and my body. Those engaged in mindless, loveless sex turned to me and lost interest. The thorns who were normally stoic became entranced.

And beyond the doors as well, I could feel more people coming in. My magic was alluring and beautiful and it carried all that was in my mind. It was a song that called them all as if they were trained birds. Soon as well, there were too many in here to come in.

So I put more of my emotions and sensations into my magic as it blew out into the crowded streets of the town. My light was the only one that mattered and it was a beautiful emerald. And then, I stood up once more and carried on dancing until I started to slow down. A thankful smile then appeared on my face as my Love started to leave my mind.

The corrupted honey had been burned out of my system and I was standing above them all. An entranced horde looked upon me and I brought all my power back towards me. The joy and enthrallment they felt was gone in an instant. And they looked clueless.

Until one of them clapped and another whistled. And like what devastated our kind so long ago, the men were overtaken by something. And as it happened, I stood triumphantly at its head. The foul nature of this place had been put down and I stepped forward.

"Thank you, my Love." I uttered quietly before I turned around and gazed up. A smirk on my face once more as that woman turned ferociously livid at what I had just done. What little magic she had flared and it did what something that pathetic could do. Nothing.

"H-Hey... Where you going?" one man asked another before he started to leave.

"I dunno, just, not in the mood anymore." he said as he walked off. And pride filled me more so than when all their eyes were on me. Because by expelling the corruption within myself, I was able to show others there was something purer. Even the roots, so easily enticed by it all.

They were hesitant. To my surprise as well, it actually made me proud of them. Knowing that despite the despair they likely feel knowing they are not allowed to be mothers. For the sake of our people...

They could still resist such dark desires, even if they needed someone like me to do it. More importantly, however, I could feel her. The one I came here for. I could now feel where she was.

Down below it all, even beyond the cells where all the others were...

"PUT HER IN THE CELLS, NOW!" someone suddenly roared before armed thorns suddenly got up on the stage to attack me.