Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 466 - Incline 26: The Madame

Chapter 466 - Incline 26: The Madame

"Madame, I understand it is a bit late now, but are you sure this is wise?" Darling asks me as he uses his fingers to gently open up my litter's window.

"Yes, Darling, it is. I am too accustomed to breaking the runts of that filthy race. I need a better idea as to how their so-called best are like."

"You can learn that back at your establishment."

"That is where you are wrong, Darling. I could never learn if that creature continued to treat me like that. I would be drowning in my anger and I would only hurt my own desires." I explain to him as we start to go up a slope of some kind. It must've been a steep one too, as I quickly slid towards the back of the litter.

"Petals rarely set foot into our towns, you are aware of that, Madame?" he tells me, putting forwards his knowledge of the outdoors for me to consider.

But I thought about such details before, "I had a feeling that might be the case, even their dullest are pretentious creatures."

"And where did those thoughts take you?" he asks with a sigh.

"That I shall watch those afar in the same manner." I tell him as I watch with some amusement as his angle suddenly changed. It was a childish thing, but, it gave life to an otherwise boring transit through this town. And I was quick to exit the litter and make my way out onto the private viewpoint.

It had tools already here for me to use. But where was the fun in that? Instead, I brought out my own pair of custom-made opera glasses and looked down upon them. Once someone brought me out some cushions to sit on, of course. And I would have to make a note of having these things washed.

Public benches were always filthy...

"Now, where are we?" I asked myself as I surveyed the great host that surrounded the open side of the town. This appeared to be quite a common occurrence as well, as it seems the merchants and traders got along quite well. And while it was amusing to look through the creatures gathered outside the town. Pondering how I would break each one, I was just distracting myself from the prize.

But, eventually, I came upon them... The petals of this disgusting, hideous, horrendous flower! And I felt like vomiting upon seeing such arrogant things. They were so insufferably aloft and full of themselves.

Especially this one they gathered around in a strange, vine-decorated dress. Whereas the others were snooty to those around them. This one was above all of them and it made me sick to my stomach... Were it not for the fact the circumstances were different, I'd say this one would remind me too much of her.

"So have you figured anything out about them?" Darling asked me as he lit his pipe. And, while he was doing that, I held out my holder and had him light what was coiled at its end. I didn't smoke as often as he did, I did it for the look more than anything. But I steadily got why he did it, it was just so soothing...

"So far I am just reminded of why I hate them."

"And why do you hate them?"

"Darling," I sigh out, not in the mood for his jokes, "you know why."

"Think about my question again."

"I see, clever. Well, I hate how these hideous creatures think they're so beautiful. I hate how they put on this facade of being the best but have little to show for it. Those thorns as they call it, they're talented fighters! The roots work hard despite it all and the stems fill in for everything else... But the petals... They just look down on you..." I explain, steadily and slowly moving into a growl as I went on with it.

"Interesting to hear you say good things about the other aelenvari."

"Do not twist my words, Darling. I hate them all equally, but petals are a unique frustration."

"Not equal, then."

"What did I say about your jokes?" I ask him with a glare as I put the glasses down and turn towards him.

"Must've lost the warning on the way here." he retorts as he calmly walks to the edge of the platform.

"To get back on track, however... I just hate how their only role is beauty. Or whatever it actually is. They sit around and pretend that they are beautiful... Not just some common street whores acting as if they are queens." I growl.

"Then maybe that is what you need to do with our new petal?"

"Elaborate for me, Darling."

"Work her to the bone like a root. Make her live with the others outside of just sharing a cage with one. Your new girl would've lived a high life just like that. Doing little, doing nothing."

"So force her to play the part of a root..." I utter with some annoyance as it was such a simple thing. So very alike how I would've treated her anyway but it was very distinct in how it otherwise worked. Of course, I would still do the normal tasks, but, I needed to be more hands-on here. Really enjoy the process of grinding her down into powder...

"Sounds about right, she's already out of her comfort zone. Clearly, she's willing to do some things she wouldn't normally. You just got to apply the pressure." Darling elaborates to me as he turns around. With his elbows and upper back going long and far over the bar as his legs straightened out.

"Oh, Darling, let me give you a thanking kiss just once." I joke to him, knowing how he normally is.

"No thank you, I'm good." he reliably answers, to which I smile. A smile I quickly lose as I go back to watching the petals. A mixture of envy and anger built up inside of me as I remembered certain days of my life.