"You're joking..." I let out in disbelief before I collapse into my seat. Around me, dark fires cackled like he would. And, I hid my face behind my hands. How could this have happened!?
Just earlier, that spearman had struck fear into all those in the city and our neighbours! A bodyguard of Union royalty was scared! The city needed to be put under lockdown! Yet, that damned Smiling Bastard made little work of him...
He put on a show with our help... And while we were also suffering from a mole in my staff. A problem I had yet to take care of because of Smiling Jhurack's crimes. And, before I knew it, I was getting a call from those I despised.
"Head to the Council Chamber, Inerish." spat the Stroke of High Noon. And I recoiled in anger before I abruptly ended it.
"Bastard..." I growled lowly as this was now clearly going to be pinned on me. They wanted me to focus my everything on Smiling Jhurack whenever possible. Yet, they completely forgot that whenever moments like this happened. When the city got a full, public broadcast of a dreaded criminal winning against a great fighter...
The press would eat it up and further tighten the noose around my position. After all, why'd they let that half-breed Errakurd take the position? She wouldn't care at all about this city! Never mind the fact I have spent years here!
I have kept them safe for all this time and one criminal was all it took... One smiling madman was all that was needed to turn the world against me... It made me snort in disgust. Perhaps I should just leave them to it, let them forever be tormented by one killer.
Not my problem after all... I was the Grand-Guard of Thrurstradtur, such petty men did not concern me. My job was to watch out for dragons, survey Suhurlodst and stalk the Union's intentions. One criminal was completely and utterly beneath me!
"You called for me?" I asked with forced politeness as I entered with none of the disrespect I showed earlier.
"Yes... Explain to us why a full broadcast of that fight, just made it into everyone's homes!"
"I don't know." was all I had to say. Our equipment was completely separated from the citizen's standard. There should have been no way for them to interact. So unless I have been lied to about the capabilities of my own workplace...
"And how do you not know, Grand-Guard Inerish? That broadcast came from one of the airships you dispatched!"
"NO AIRSHIP UNDER MY CONTROL HAS THE CAPACITY TO PERFORM A CITY-WIDE BROADCAST YOU IGNORANT FOOL!" I shout back at whatever administrator just spoke to me. Lighting up the chamber with my dark fire before I regained my composure. Something I made sure to do quickly to mitigate the already tremendous damage that outburst had done.
"Then present your theory as to how it is done, Administrator of Communication Gobboels." the Stroke of High Noon says as he brushes it aside. At least, that is what it seemed like and what I hoped was true.
"They would've had to have a direct connection to my facilities. It is Grand-Guard Inerish so firmly put, she does not have the equipment for it." he answers. Details I was very thankful for even if it was clear that he did not do it out of kindness for me. No one did kind things for another within these walls.
"Then perhaps you'd like to explain why such a broadcast got out?" the Stroke of High Noon accuses. Words that made Gobboels flinch in disgust briefly.
"It was my daughter's humiliating death that brought the issue of Smiling Jhurack to the Grand-Guard!" he angrily admits in response to the question.
"I know, but those who work for you don't have that same badge of loyalty. Perhaps, Smiling Jhurack is even one of your staff?"
"Impossible, if someone as powerful as that walked in here, we'd know! Not to mention with a face as distinct as that!"
"Could he not just heal those strange cheeks of his...?"
"No, scars form as a result of lacking magic during the healing process. His wounds are likely irreversible." the Administrator of Healthcare and Safety points out.
"So, Grand-Guard Inerish, how do you suppose we will handle it now?" the Stroke of High Noon asks me with a reluctant sigh. And, from my position down below, I watched as he leaned back into his seat.
"We've exhausted all options currently known to us. It may come to the point we have to spend in order to recruit independent witches."
"Finance mercenaries? PAH!" the Administrator of Wealth comments with a sneer.
"If you have a better idea where to spend our defence budget, I'd love to hear it." I quietly snap as I turn towards him.
"Maybe we should just strip you of your rank and be done with you? One less pen pusher to waste our money! All rise?" he bites back with before he stands up.
"Sit down!" the Stroke of High Noon orders to any who took the insult seriously.
"As I just said, outside help is clearly needed. Failed as he might have, the Worm Rider was the closest we have ever gotten. My troops have accomplished nothing over the years. Yet he was at least able to present the hope he could be beaten."
"He made a complete fool of the world's most prestigious warrior group... A Royal Ibeneroccian Rider of Worms..." one of them reiterates to undermine my words.
"Regardless! We are at our wit's end and no solution is in sight within our walls!" I tell them all before I turn to leave.
"You have not been dismissed, Inerish!" the Stroke of High Noon disrespectfully tells me.
"Unlike you lot, I still have a job to do." I viciously sneer at every single man and woman in the chamber. Letting the door slam behind me as I made way for my office once more.