Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 318 - Incline 20: Vadei

Chapter 318 - Incline 20: Vadei

It had been a quiet affair, getting Dad ready for his trip to the temple. We made sure his body was clean and then we dressed him properly. Not in his finest clothes, but what we felt like were his favourite. And, it wasn't much, but he was a man who had few interests outside of his family.

We had dressed him up in a pair of old, but polished boots he often wore to work. His trousers and top were also old and worn, but they both had stains on them. With each stain having some connection to this family. Be it blood spilt to protect us, or sweat marks he got trying to feed us.

We also gave him our presents before we loaded him into his open casket coffin. Conquei had put her jewellery onto his right wrist while I had put the flower in his hands. I don't know what Mom might have done, but some others had come by to offer small things. Debts that could not be repaid, lost items, just small things in general, really.

You also had the usual stuff such as more flowers and quiet prayers as we carried him by. Mom and Conquei both used a supporting frame to ease the weight they had to carry. But, thanks to the strength I have gained in my journey to save them, I did not need one. So I was at the rear, holding Dad up.

And, I was very careful with him, because, for some reason that I did not know. I wanted my tears to fall onto his cold, still face. Maybe I just hoped they would elicit some kind of reaction. Maybe they would encourage some kind of return to the living...

But nothing like that came, and instead, we carried him out of the house and around the village. All to the chanting of Priest Simar as he recited the words given to him by Undwote. He also periodically blew a soft but quite hearable whistle. His words were both quiet and loud.

Some were to comfort Dad as we carried him to his final place of rest. Others were for us so we could let our pain out easier. Not that we needed such goading or encouragement, they were coming out fine on their own. And finally, the rest of Priest Simar's words were to attract Undwote's Pack of Seven.

Their loud barks would get the God of Death to come so Dad's soul was no longer lost. I could only hope Priest Simar's prayers were loud enough. I did not want Dad to be lost. I wanted him to be safe.

I wanted to at least make up for a failure I had a role in. I might have not been the wyvern that set the barrier off. But, I could've at least made sure Dad was safe in his bed. I should have made sure...

"Vadei," Mom whispered, "Just a little more, my Little Va." she cooed gently as her tail went out towards me. And, after gulping down my uncertainty, we began to move again. And now that we were on the main road, a lot of people were now watching. I could not see my friends, but I did not need to.

For once, I needed the people of this village to be here for me. Because they all knew Dad to some extent. And it was because they knew him a little bit that made their words stay with me. I just wished I could say they were saying it because of Dad, not me.

However, it would all cease to matter as Priest Simar was now guiding us up the path to our modest temple. Then, when we got close enough, the other priests and priestesses made sure our path was clear. Unlike some of the people outside, however, they said nothing. And, because I did not want to cause a scene, I assumed a good thing on everyone's behalf.

Maybe it had to do with their god or goddess not being related to death. Maybe it was because they just did not know Dad. Perhaps it had something to do with it being a small building. Either way, they were quiet and said nothing all the way to us settling Dad down.

A stone table of sorts is where we put him. And, with the guidance of Priest Simar, we took him out of the coffin. Then, we brought him over to the ornate rocking chair I had been scared of for so long. I did not want to be here, seeing this thing, I just did not want to be near it.

"Now, can Wastla, please go to your husband's side. Gently rock him asleep." Priest Simar gently instructed as he guided us away from Mom. Mom in turn headed to the rocking chair and did as asked. And, I was a little confused, why were we separated from Dad?

"W-Whats going on?" my sister asked me with tearful nervousness as she shuffled closer to me.

"And you two, daughters of the father." Priest Simar said as he handed something to us. He had given us two options at this moment. Either we could share a small booklet between us or we could have our own. And I think I made the right choice when I decided to take one for us to share.

I could only guess one thing when I opened the booklet, it was some kind of prayer sheet. Because then, when we had it in our hands, Priest Simar rose his. His mouth moved slightly with a tune coming out of it. Something he kept up while he tried to entice words from us.

"U-Undwote, hear our plea. Greatest Friend to all within the mists beyond. Pack of Seven Loyal Hounds. Take heed of our cry. For we have a Father and Husband to send unto you. Batteild is his name. Undwote, Friend of all. Hear our cry, please, we beg of you." we somewhat chant nervously. Neither of us was sure if we were doing it right but Mom was trying to encourage us.

Then, Priest Simar began to gesture for us to follow along, "Great Friend beyond the mist. Hallowed be your name, Undwote. In both life and beyond. On this day, herald our loved ones to a place of love. Forgive them for their wrongs and do not judge them by ours. For yours is the Kingdom of the Dead as it always has been." we all sang. And, upon finishing, Priest Simar made a gesture eight times.

Undwote's holy number was seven, but, in this case, I think it became eight. For we were invoking him as well as the pack he led. And, when Priest Simar was done invoking them through gesture... Dad's body began to glow softly.

Silverish light filled the room and his face began to move before a soft smile appeared. And, for a brief moment as he rocked on his own, colour returned to his body. It was almost as if he was alive again and I wanted to run up to him. But, it happened so fast...

Because when I finally mustered the strength to move, he was cold once more. Yet, the smile was still there on his lips. And, all of a sudden, a chilly grip gently pulled me back before a man made of mist walked by. This strange man then knelt by Dad and held his hand.

He also turned the other one over so my flower could be held in it. And, it didn't take long for this strange man to disappear. But, when he did, Dad had changed. He now looked like he truly was asleep and at peace.

"W-What...?" I then let out quietly when I heard a whistle and barking. And it was only when we turned around that we noticed seven other misty figures. And I think I knew what they were, because that misty man was back.

"Go, while they are here, take your loved one along the route they have prepared." Priest Simar urged as his eyes gently watered.

"Vadei, grab his top, j-just like before." Mom quickly told me as she got us moving. And, once again, we were carrying Dad. This time, to his final place of rest. Somehow, as well, there was a fine bed-like coffin prepared for Dad outside.

We put him inside of it and looked on tearfully as it was closed up. The misty man then took it away from us with the gentlest touch before he put it into the ground. Three flowers then grew from his palm. Each of them with petals the colour of our hair.

"Let him know you will always be with him." Undwote asked of us as he stepped aside. And while Mom and Conquei moved ahead to give Dad their flowers. I found myself stalling and clutching mine close to my chest. I did not want to do this...

I thought I got this out of my system, yet, apparently, I had not. I was still terrified of saying goodbye, and now that it was here...

"Vadei, it's alright. Don't worry." Mom told me as she and my sister guided me forward towards the coffin.

"N-N-N-No!" I barked loudly as I resisted them. Yet, despite my strength, I moved forward and the flower soon left my hand. And when it did, I wept once again like a baby. I did not want to, but I could not help it.

"See you later, Dad..." Conquei said for both of us as the seven misty shapes began to slowly fill the hole up. Something they kept up until only a patch of freshly dug up earth was all that remained. And now, Dad was just another such patch alongside so many others...

"Come on you two, His Holiness is likely going to want to see us." Mom told us as she helped us up before she wiped her tears. It was done as far as I knew. Undwote had come and made sure Dad was safe. And he was no longer around.

But there was something off about the temple because it was leaking mist. It had not done that in the funerals before this one. So we were all very worried about what it meant. At least, until we heard someone speak from within it.

"So when are they going to get here?" I heard Dad ask someone from inside the temple. It was as if madness had filled us all at that point. Because all three of us suddenly rushed inside the temple. It was almost like there was never a funeral, to begin with!

"D-DAD!?" I shouted out with tearful excitement after we had stepped into an open field...? Yet, none of it mattered to any of us. Because as soon as our cries came out, we were all on the ground assaulting Dad with affection.

"How're my favourite people all doing?" he asked with a hearty laugh as we tearfully dug our heads against his body. And, being what she was to him, Mom had his lips occupied between joyful cries. But that did not mean me and my sister were neglected. Because our heads were both enthusiastically rubbed and patted.

"H-How're you here, D-Dad!?" I demanded to know once the initial rush of emotion disappeared from my system. Yet, even that kept on coming back because I just did not want to let go. None of us did and we were nearly fighting each other for space to hug.

"A question better suited for me." an odd voice said. It was odd in that I had never heard it before, yet, it made me incomparably happy. And, at first, I was confused when I turned to face them. I also reluctantly let go of Dad just so I could see the man.

"You're..." I started to say as I quickly deciphered who he was from what he had on him. He was an old man with silver hair smoking something from a pipe... His demeanour was friendly and warm and around us were seven shadowy animals.

"Your best friend? Yes." he answered with a smile before he huffed out some smoke. And even though I moved to block my nose as I had a feeling I'd hate the smell... I could not smell anything.

Then, I got paranoid, "Why are you doing this?" I asked him as I remembered something I should never forget. Dad was dead, so why was he here right now? What did Undwote want from us?

"A question I'll answer later, for now, enjoy the moment." he insisted as Dad came up from behind and picked me up.

"Got you!" he teased as his tail swished around into my face. I laughed and fought back against him so the hairs would not get in my mouth. But, once again, Mom took his attention and he was forced to let go of me.

"So... Are you my best friend too?" Conquei asked Undwote as he sat on a fallen tree, stroking one of his hounds.

"Indeed, because if I wasn't, how would I know where you like getting stroked behind the ear?" the God of Friendship answered and asked before he started to stroke her ear. And, the moment she did, Conquei let out a shameless purr as her body twitched.

"Hey!" I complained as I moved into to stop what seemed inappropriate. Only for him to then start wiggling his finger in my best spot. And I tried my hardest to stay reserved. But I just couldn't help but whine joyfully.

"Surely a pat from Dad is better, no?" Dad jealously asked as he took us into his arms. And, when he did, we were both happy, but for different reasons.

"I don't know..." I answered honestly as Undwote's finger really did hit the spot.

"So, is there anything we can do here?" Mom then asked the God of Friendship as he got up from his tree.

"Indeed, I even took the liberty of preparing a picnic." he answers before he takes the lead. His hand soon emptied itself of a stick as well. With his Pack of Seven happily chasing after it as it flew away.

"I could go for some food. Especially with my favourite people." Dad said as he took me and my sister into his arms as we walked. A smile on both of our faces as our tails swished about unceasingly.

"I don't mean to brag as well, but, I know you will all enjoy it." Undwote's huffed confidently as Mom took some time away from Dad to walk by him.

"So is it always mountains here too?" Mom asked him, her voice sounding a little bored with what we were surrounded by.

"It can be whatever I want it to be. I just happen to like the world me and my family made." he tells her as he bounces his pipe in his hands.

"Then, how about something new?" Mom asked in one moment before everything changed. It was still mountainous, but now we were in a half-cave. Walking behind and under vast waterfalls which lead into a colourful pit of flowers. I could recognise some even from this great height, but there were so many new ones too!

"New enough?" he asked back with a smirk as the tunnel we walked along suddenly opened up to reveal gigantic wildlife as well. Armoured creatures with many legs, fast and agile creatures with high heads. Just like below, there was so many creatures I had never seen before. Each one a being of titanic proportions that meant they could squash a collection of villages!

"I like that one..." Conquei let out in awe once she got close to the edge of a stone bridge. Her hands was extended out to one that looked very comfortable. In fact, in a way, it reminded me of our own kind because it had many fluffy tails.

"No, that one is clearly better." I argued once I caught up with her. And my hand instead went out to direct our attention to something else. Large, like all the others, of course, yet it was also the smallest of them. And I liked it because it had trouble staying upright.

Not because the great animal was injured, but because that was just how it was. It was like a long line of attached tubes that kept trying to get up. Only for it to fall down into the vast body of water below. Which it then climbed out of to try it all over again.

"So, which way do you lot want to go?" Undwote asked as a split in the path suddenly appeared before us. Mom and Dad seemed to want to go right, inwards towards the flowers. But me and Conquei both wanted to go towards the white earth by the water.

"Come on you two, Dad can decide." Mom said with a knowing smile.

"Are you not seeing what is out there!?" I loudly asked back as if she was crazy. All to the backdrop of Undwote's laughter and chuckling.

"Compromise it is then." he would say before the world vanished and reappeared. No longer were we in a tunnel path, instead, we were going down a vast hill. One which led towards the white earth by the water, but was bordered on the other side by a flowery countryside. And there was, as well, oddly enough, a pair of carts of some description.

"HAHA! YOU'LL NEVER WIN!" Undwote suddenly shouted back at us as he raced down the hill in one of these carts while we were distracted.

"You two, in the front, tails down. Wastla, with me." Dad suddenly ordered as he jumped into one of the carts. Impatience all over his face when all of us stayed still, unsure of what to do. But his enthusiastic reminders and gestures soon had us racing down the hill. And, as he said, we kept our tails down while our hair flew in the wind.

And we all laughed and laughed as we raced down the hill. Catching up with Undwote in no time, much to his surprise. And, despite all his attempts to get ahead, we were the ones he reached the bottom first. Yet, all of a sudden, we were all flying through the air before several splashes marked our landing.

"Huh!?" was the first thing to come out of my mouth when we just as quickly washed ashore dry. It was almost as if we had never been in the water at all. The grainy earth below did not stick to me and it just fell through my open hands. Its warmth barely left me as the warmth of day kept it there.

"Hurry up, Vadei!" Dad said as he and the others had already headed inland. They had left me in the white earth and I did not mind. But, I did want to be near Dad like everyone else. So I hastily stood up and ran through this white earth.

Laughing as if I was a little pup again as my strangely bare feet impacted against the warm grains. With small clouds of it flying about me as I caught up with them before I then fell to my knees at the end. A wide smile on my face and laughter in my mouth. Yet, when I saw Undwote, the smile disappeared so quickly it was hard to describe.

I was so happy right now, yet, what he wanted out of this worried me. Maybe there was nothing to be concerned about as the God of Friendship surely wouldn't be cruel...? Yet, even when I tried to downplay it or ignore it, he was always there. Everything we had just done was because of him...

"Sorry, you were taking too long." Undwote then apologised after I had suddenly found myself next to them all. And I was freaked out by such a change in location as I could still vividly remember not being here. I was over there, by the white earth!

"R-Right, sorry." I said before I straightened out my dress and sat down. Carefully watching Dad while idly eating the berries arrayed before us. And, despite them just being simple fruit, I felt like I must've been on drugs. Because these were incomparably tasty berries.

And the only way I could describe my nose's state was by referencing something I had never had... It really did make me understand the odd saying I heard sometimes at Suhurlodst. When something was so good it was compared to sex... Yet, I hated thinking about it like that.

However, I had yet to find any food that I hated. Because it all just tasted so good and I felt like I was already turning fat. What surprised me about all of it, however, was how there was still lots left. We were all scoffing it down as if we were starving and yet there was plenty left.

"Wait... Hold on," Mom said before she suddenly let out a man's burp, "Manners everyone." she finished with a smile. And everyone started laughing at her hypocrisy. But, her words did have some effect. Because now we were all eating far slower and with manners appropriate for the situation.

"So are there any recipes for all this or did you just make it exist?" Dad asked with a laugh that we all added to. Even if some uncertainty was present before it went away like nothing.

"I don't think it would matter if I had a recipe, my sister is a very good cook, see." Undwote tells us before he hands us a tome anyway.

"I've never even heard of some of these ingridients!" Mom let out with amazement as she quickly flicked through the massive book.

"I'm not surprised, my brother, Pluuit makes most of it. Some of it has never seen a mortal plane and some of it is from one that no longer exists. Others are just extremely rare plants from your world and some of it is as common as a pebble." he explains as he picks up a few plants to serve as his examples.

"C-Can... I have the seeds for some, then?" I asked Undwote as I began to think of my old hobby. Some of these fruits had signs of coming from flowers. So, maybe, I could have a go growing them in my flowerbeds? I knew how to take care of flowers, after all.

"Don't see why not, Father has never had any issue with us leaving things in the mortal realm." Undwote says as a dozen or so paper packets suddenly appear in front of me. And, interestingly, they all looked like they belonged to a specific farm. I could not read it, however, as the language it was written in was foreign to me.

I don't think the language was even native to our home, it had no similarities whatsoever!

"Oh, wait, hold on, wrong language." Undwote then said before the packets suddenly changed into a language I could read. Yet, oddly enough, I did not care. If I was to introduce these flowers into the world... I wanted to name them!

"So... What's all this?" Conquei asked after she wandered off towards the white earth.

"Sand." we were told by the God of Friendship before a pile of colourful tools suddenly materialised. We did not know why they were here all of a sudden, but, Undwote seemed intent on showing us. So me and my sister watched from the edge of the sand as he headed out to the water. And he went in as deep as his shins which he had recently exposed.

Then, he bent over and filled one of these buckets slightly before he came back. He did not leave dry, however, so maybe that was part of it? But how did I make magic water make me wet? Or should I assume he already sorted that bit by making it normal again?

"Water in the bucket, then, put sand in it and make it wet." he explained before he used one of the small shovels to fill the bucket with sand. And, then, he turned it upside down and slowly pulled it out. Yet, it came out looking like a building. That was also when I noticed how everything had a shape to it, these buckets were frames of some kind.

"A sand house?" my sister asked as she picked one of the buckets up. She then put it down and went for another one that was blue. She then put that one down too, because she saw one that had a fancier shape to it.

"Castle." Undwote corrected as he gestured for us to repeat the process. And while my sister went ahead to do it, I went back to Mom and Dad. Maybe they'd like to join in with the making of these sandcastles?

"Do either of you two want to join in?" I asked Mom yet begged Dad as I stood before the pair. Dad at first refused, but Mom managed to get him to do it. So that left me happy, and, much to my sister's jealousy. I came walking with Dad to the water.

"So how does this work, Vadei?" Dad asked before Conquei came over and snatched up his attention.

"You put water in the bucket-"

"And then you go back to the- HEY!" I interrupted as she completely justified me doing it to her. But, she just shoved me to get my attention.

"GET OFF!" she screamed as I thrashed her against the water.

"Both of you! Pack it in!" Dad sternly warned above us before he splashed us with a wave of water. And, in a way, it worked, because the fight between me and my sister turned into retaliation against Dad. Just like that, the anger from before was replaced by a dogged determination to soak the other. All the way to the point you just got fed up and ran off.

"VICTORY!" I screamed triumphantly before Mom came from behind and poured a whole bucket on me.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked teasingly before she ran away slowly through the water.

"Get back here!" I demanded with a smile as I kept trying to slap water at her as she ran off.

"No, you'll just get me!" Mom argued with a loud laugh before she plunged into the water and swam off. And I was left growling as I watched her leave. She knew full well that I had trouble swimming... This wasn't fair.

"Don't worry, I can help with this." Dad whispered on his way past me. My annoyance went away somewhat as room was made for my curiosity. Mom had gotten overconfident and was now doing back strides until she saw Dad.

"Need something, De-AR!" she started to ask before she started to scream as Dad picked her up. He then waddled back over to me and kept Mom's struggling form in front of me.

"GET HER! GET HER NOW!" he enthusiastically shouted as he used his wife as a shield to be intentionally struck. And he held his ground all while I went to get a bucket. Then, with Mom in my sights, I began to scoop up and chuck water at her over and over.

"VA- STO- ST-" she struggled to scream out as I practically drowned her in water. But a sudden, finger-like sensation striking my ear made me jump in fright.

"Remember, pump this bit to make it shoot further." Undwote encouraged my sister who was holding some kind of gun. Just before I was then shot in the forehead by another stream of water.

"Oh, looks fun. Get me one, Conquei!" Dad said as he shoved me into the water on his way back to the shore. Like that, Dad had turned from an ally into my enemy. The same happened with Mom, she was willing to forgive me so long as we got to the shore.

"AH!" she quickly screamed joyously as she was beaten back by one of these guns. It was almost like she was not even interested in capturing these weapons for our own use. Not that the God of Friendship was going to let us do that as something suddenly floated by us.

"Water fight!" he chanted from the beach before he was pelted by the swishing coat of one of his hounds.

The machine he had given us reminded me of a catapult, and it was backed by a barrel of sorts. One filled with peculiar bags that must've been filled with water. At least, I hoped so. Because my nails popped one before I even got it on the catapult's hand.

When I finally got one on the device, however, I unleashed utter havoc upon those two. Because, despite their size, they went over quite a decent area. Assuming they didn't just thud into the sand and not burst for some reason. I didn't like those ones as it meant I was going to be shot at by my own failed munitions.

Yet, despite having so many water bombs to shoot at them, I found myself coming to a halt. Because the sky was no longer blue, in fact, it had turned orange and purple. The water also seemed to have gone out for some reason. It did not take that long to get to dry land now.

Even though the Orbital-Halo was gone now, however, it did not mean it was cold. Because Undwote had created a fire surrounded by benches for us to head to. He was also cooking something attached to a string on a stick. Yet, when he was done, he did not eat it, he just held it.

"What're you doing?" I asked him as the others got nosy around this blue and white container. Inside were some kind of metal containers. I think the wind-people settlements had things like this.

"Just roasting a conker." Undwote answers, but his answer confused me further. When you roasted something, you often ate it as you just cooked it. But he was just warming it up for all intents and purposes.

"Here you go, Dear." Mom said to me as she suddenly put one of those metal things in my hand. It was mostly pink and it had a pink flower on it with two red balls hanging from it.

"Hm..." I let out curiously as I fiddled with the metal thing on its top. Moving my head back suddenly when it made a sizzling sound after I snapped off a section.

"Can of drink, stop sniffing it already." Undwote told me as he shook his bemused head.

"Right..." I let out after trying some of this drink. And I smacked my lips afterwards. Because it was a weird sensation. It was like someone took water magic and mixed it with wind magic.

"Mine is a colour of a fruit I have had but does not taste like it..." Conquei informed us as she stared at a little puddle she made on her palm.

"Mine's a rose colour." I tell her as I copy what she did. Slurping it up with a grin once I was done comparing it to hers.

"So, have you lot had fun today?" Undwote asked as he got up and took a huff from his pipe. And we all answered quietly while focusing on Dad. The God of Friendship smiled too before it all began to disappear.

"Come on you three, come here." Dad asked with tears in his eyes as he beckoned us closer. We were confused as to what had just happened, but we were quick to catch on.

"No! Don't go!" I begged Dad once I was able to get him to myself somewhat.

"Don't worry, Little Va. It's going to be alright." Dad told me before he kissed my forehead and rubbed my ears.

"Dad...?" I asked with a whimper as he stepped away from us and towards the God of Death.

"I love you, Dear."

"Bye, Dad..."

"DAD!? NO!" I let out with a scream as everyone suddenly disappeared into the mist that came from a certain pipe. And when I couldn't see Dad anymore, I violently lashed out at the God of Death, determined to take that pipe off of him. I don't care how long it would take for me to learn, but I would see him again!

"Vadei, calm down." the God of Death asked me softly as he restrained me. And he did nothing to make it clear he was not gloating. Because he still smoked that pipe before me... My means to get Dad back was right before him...

"GIVE HIM BACK!" I demanded after I spat in his face. Only for my rage to suddenly leave my body as if he had cut it out.

"I'm sorry, Vadei, but, to answer an earlier question. I was doing it so I could ask a favour of you." he explained with regretful expression before he handed me a letter.

"What's this?" I asked while I tried so very hard to get angry again but to no avail.

"It's a letter for Nin that I want you to hand him on my behalf." he explained as his hand rested on my head affectionately. But I did not want it there, I wanted Dad's hand to be there...

"But, you're a god, why can't you do it?" I asked him as I felt like this was convoluted somehow.

"Father has forbidden us from interacting with the mortal realm since the Fourteen turned on the Sun. I am only able to do this because it was part of a ritual regarding what I am. And I did not believe it fair that I take your father's soul and ask something of you right after. So, I gave you one last day with him. I gave you all, one last day with him."

"Y-You should've just buried him and given me the letter..." I whimpered out tearfully as I had just been revitalised by the memories of Dad that made me love him so much. This strange way of going about things had completely reversed any progress I made getting over his death!

"Please don't hold it against me, Vadei. I know you loved him to a degree I can't describe myself. But, don't think of it as me taunting you or something so callous as that. It was not my intent. Think of it as one final day with him, when you thought those times were gone. I cannot bring him back, but, I can delay the inevitable and allow you to enjoy one final day with him." he explains before he began to disappear into the mist.

"Give him..." I started to beg before I found myself back in the temple with Mom and Conquei. We were all dressed up again and Simar had seemingly not changed a bit.

"If any of you three would like to spend some time by his grave before we finish, feel free to." Priest Simar told us as he made sure everything was in order.

But I just shook my head and walked out of the temple, "No..." I said before I ran off back home.