Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 231 - Incline 36: Larishazza

Chapter 231 - Incline 36: Larishazza

"Yeah, yeah! Just like that!" I said to Nin while looking at a data console we had created earlier to help with his training. The screen before me being lit up with various numbers and symbols and other mind-dulling pieces of information. All the while, Nin was within a large glass chamber surrounded by moving panels that glowed as he used his magic. The screen also giving me keen details about what he was doing with his magic.

Then, it all just disappeared, "Are you sure you can't give me more help than this? You and everyone else is just giving me vague suggestions and stuff about feelings... I need something more practical to work with!" he complained after he put a stop to his magic.

I nearly sighed, "Nin, I know it is difficult, but we can't have you being too influenced by us otherwise you will never become a great witch." I said to him, smiling at the end after I tried to raise his spirits.

But he would have none of it, "I don't want to be a great witch! I want to live! To be able to get the chance to go home!" he complained loudly yet still softly before he fell into a sitting position on the ground. His hands soon cupping his face while I got rid of all the machines.

"Is that really it, huh? Just so you can get home?" I asked him as I sat in front of him. Staring intently at the saddened man before me.

"Yeah..." he let out after a short period of nothing.

"Then how about we try and have your magic be influenced by it? To give you that constant push of what you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"What did you use to do at your home? What was your job? What annoyed you about your family?" I asked, laughing a little towards the end.

"I was a wall-engraver, I worked with metal and made pictures with various tools."

"You were an artist?" I said with some excitement as what he said sounded like that. Well, a statue-maker was probably closer to what it actually was. But artistic efforts were still art!

"No, just some lower-floor labourer. I just copied what those above handed down to me. Most of the time, however, I just polished and cleaned the panels."

"Maybe that is the problem then." I said to him as I leaned back on to my arms.

"What is?"

"We are all trying to speak to you with the usual witch terms and that but you were brought up with a practical mind. You need something more tangible to work with."

"That is what I have been saying, yes." he sarcastically commented as he sat up.

"Can you show me that spell you made again?" I then asked him as I took ahold of his left hand. Carefully looking at it as I sensed a magical presence solidify and push out slightly. Smiling slightly at the ticklish sensation it gave my hands as it tried to cut through them.

"It's not really anything... I just thought about how to cut some sticks and then it happened."

"That's it!" I then said as I hopped up onto my feet.


"Just think of a tool that you can use to get yourself out of certain problems!" I said before running off to the main console. A wall and a chained iron ball soon appearing near Nin. The wall wasn't particularly dense but that ball was!

"Hey... What are you..." he muttered to me as I locked that chain around his leg, carefully inspecting it before leaving. Wouldn't want it to dig into his leg because of its superior internal-magic making it too heavy.

"Reach for the wall!" I then told him as I began to gently smack the block of cement and brick. Quickly stopping the slapping, however, when it became clear I was loosening one of the bricks.

"I can't." he simply said after trying to move the ball closer.

"Now try and reach for it with your magic!" I clarified to him so he clearly understood my intent. An eager smile on my face as I watch on, anticipating so many ways he could reach the wall.

"Reach for it with my magic..." he quietly muttered before he began to reach for it like he did before. Only this time, his magic was slowly forming and extending out towards the wall. He was so exhausted by the attempt, though, that he just fell down onto his back. Rather hilariously too as he forgot to dispel the magic so he suddenly jolted to one side when it speared the floor.

"Progress!" I cheered as I came closer to him. Grinning down at him as he looked up at me with a slight glare before he whacked me with his magic. Well, he would have whacked me, were it not for my superior external-magic flow and control dissipating it all.

"Eh? It felt like I snapped something? Like a plank of wood going breaking when you just hit a pole with it." he explained while looking at the hand he used. The magic extension he made indeed being jagged now as my magic had broken it.

"That's because my magic is just better, but, don't worry about that too much. That won't really matter unless you get into a fight."

"Seems like it matters a lot then." he commented before he began to prod at the chain he was clamped to. His magic causing the iron rings to jangle and dance about as they went near it and got stuck in their loops.

"Oh! New idea!" I then said what must have been out of the blue for him. No pun intended on my part, though, I was fully aware my hair was blue and a lot about me was too. And once I got to the console again, the ball went and the wall was made weaker than it was before.

"So what is the idea...?" he asked me after I moved over to him to then gently push him towards the wall's front. A grin on my face before I then sent it at him with a light gesture. The signs of a laugh appearing as I began to chuckle at the brick-dust covered man.

"Try to catch it without breaking it." I then explained to him through my chuckles, giggles and light laughter. Then, once the wall reappeared, I did it again and my joy just kept on rising. Because he couldn't do it, the walls just kept breaking into two main pieces and dozens of little ones. So, soon, I slowed down as the humour had also run off, too.

"Without breaking... I don't think I can do that... I might be able to stop it, though." Nin said in a surprisingly calm tone. It being surprising as he would have normally gotten angry or frustrated at this point. But, I suppose him knowing I meant nothing harsh with my laughter kept him calm. Or, maybe it wasn't annoying him as much as I thought it would.

"Send another your way?" I then asked him as he looked down and moved about, a quick nod coming soon after. So, with that answer there, I sent another wall towards him. Watching carefully as it broke apart before getting to him this time. His magical extensions having stabbed through the wall before it reached him.

"No... Platform... Shield... Panel... Door... Bin lid..." he began to repeat quietly to himself. At first, I understood what he meant, but then he mentioned things that were not traditionally thought of as flat. But, in time, I understood what he was aiming for as now I could see the signs of his magic moving more freely. A wide barricade soon forming once he got a hang of it.

"Last one and you are out!" I then joked before sending another wall towards him. It wasn't actually going to be the last wall, but, I was wondering something at the time I did it. Maybe it would encourage him to do better? Or, at the very least, make his body understand better.

"Well, it's something." he commented apathetically after the wall was stopped by something. Its damaged frame soon collapsing down much differently than the prior walls. Something had indeed stopped it. It was stopped by a barrier!

"Well done!" I said to him as I skipped over to him, keeping a smile directed at him until he was infected by it. My own growing much wider when one came to his face.

"I didn't really do much, though." he said before he rubbed his neck with a hand. A strange noise leaving him just after he did so as his magic once again caused him issues.

"Try to remember to decast the spell."

"Yeah... Put the tools away into their box." he said to his hand, it subsequently becoming less bound in magic as a result.

"At the rate you are going, you'll be right set for our extra points to bring you across the finish line!" I cheerfully told him. But, unfortunately, it seemed to make him sad, or, bothered at best. Even if I hated thinking like that. Being upset was never something that should have had a better option.

The only good option was not being upset at all!

"I'd rather make it through the exam on my own merit." he said before looking at the wall and becoming distant.

"And you can improve after the entrance exam on your own merit and the merit of your friends! But, for now, let us handle as much of your burden as we can." I said to him as I put my hand on him. Rubbing my finger along his skin and slightly wetting it with my magic just to make him notice more.

"Friends, huh," he mumbled before looking down with a frown, "To think I once thought like most of my countrymen did. That you were better off on your own for as much as you could do." he said with further mumbles. His eyes suddenly watering up before he wiped them dry.

"You don't have to worry about anything, Nin. Your friends are here for you. And you will be there for them, just like a good friend should. So don't feel bad about them helping you, being their friend means you have earned it."

"Right..." he responded with before he stared at me. His eyes following my head as it moved from side to side. A smile coming back to his face as he moved to looking at my own.

I then moved, "Now, that's enough of that, let's get back to work and make you even better at magic!"

"What do I even have left to learn? I have no idea where I even am to be honest. Am I on track? Am I undereducated? Am overdoing it? Personally, I hope the latter but I can't dismiss the other options." he began to ramble on with uncertainty before I put a stop to it.

"Like everyone, you have so much to learn, so don't worry about it!"

"Normally learning doesn't involve a gun barrel if you fail..." he remarked before I moved closer to him once again.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." I let out in his face.

"What idea do you have this time, Lari?"

"Trying to think if it is possible for me to have my exam earlier than I previously wanted." I told him before letting out another noise of thought.

"Won't that cause issues with the point sharing?" he asked me as his hand fidgeted about. Shaking my head over and over as I picked it up.

"Don't you worry about that, leave it to me!" was all I was willing to tell him on that. So, in order to change the topic, I moved us over to another part of the chamber. We had another set of things set up over here so we could now start using this.

"The race track again?" Nin said just as I crossed the start line.

"Yep, I want to see if you can finally catch me now!" I tell him as I slowly move away from him before breaking out into a sprint. Laughing the whole while as he chased after me, his progress clear as he was no longer struggling. He was actually able to run without having to enter phases of slowness like he used to when we first started.

"Shit, shit..." he then said, proving that he still had some kinks to work out. A boisterous laugh from me, however, got him back on track and he was soon catching up. If it was because his legs were longer than mine or if he was just faster because of magic, I did not know. Or maybe it was because I was not going all out in order to make it more fun?

Who knows indeed!

"Oh, you're so close, so close! You're so close!" I teased him as my heart began to pump harder and harder. He was right behind me now and his fingers were missing me narrowly each time. And soon, I was twisting and twirling as I ran in an effort to shake him off. However, much to my joy, that failed.

"Got ya!" he called out as he landed a firm grip on my arm, causing me to lose balance. And now we were violently but safely rolling along the floor and were soon becoming increasingly entwined.

"Looks like I have you!" I giggled out when we finally came to a stop as the end result was me being on his gut. A gut that kept rising as he laughed himself before he then went quiet when his head turned away from me.

"L-Looks like you two are having fun." Einervaene said as she approached us with her eyes looking at me wearily. A certain awkwardness about it as her eyes kept looking down at Nin's gut and my bare legs wrapped around his sides. A small smile coming to my face as I got up off of him before I then went over to her. My hands grabbing her before I then put her on to Nin instead.

"Get her off of me!" Nin then complained as Einervaene went slightly red, a small, cute smile on her face as I kept her on.

"C-Can you let go?" I was then asked by the woman I was holding. Something I complied with once I pulled her off.

"So, how'd it go?" I asked her after Nin wandered off a little and she calmed down a little.

"How did wha- Oh! Yeah, it went well." she answered, my question having been about the lecture that she went to earlier in the day.

I then pulled her in a little closer as to make sure Nin didn't hear, just in case, "Would you mind helping him out for now? I got to go do something." I asked her before leaving slightly. Making sure to keep on moving just to pressure her into accepting.


"Thanks!" I quickly let out before running towards and then out of the portal. A frown forming just as I sighed upon leaving the portal. But, my usual tone was quick to come back as I put some distance between me and the portal. Luckily, the one I wanted to speak to was just outside the building. Admittedly, however, I would have to run to catch up to them.

"Can I help you?" they then asked as I caught up to them, a growing smile having been killed in its crib before I spoke.

"Yes, hello, Head of Oddity House Frihdeicalkbr, is it alright if I ask you something?"

"I assume it will be about the entrance exam again?"

"Yes, yes it will be."

"It best not be too much then, you have perhaps a week or just over left until our mutual interest will have to take it."

I was quite taken aback by that, "Wow... Time sure has gone by quickly..." I found myself saying as I looked down at my sandaled feet.

"So what can I help you with, Larishazza?" he then asked as he directed me towards an outdoors table so we could properly discuss the topic.

"Well, two things really. Am I perhaps able to take my exam earlier than Nin but still have my excess points be added on to his score?"

"Yes, that will be fine. And, given how little time he has left, you are probably in the best period to do such a thing. And the other?"

"Yeah... Is it possible I might be able to have Nin watch? Please, he really needs this and he is likely never going to calm down over it unless he gets some kind of taster of it." I asked him nervously. My fingers digging into my palms harshly as I looked on at the man before me. My mind full of ideas I could use to change his mind should it not work. Or the minds of those not present if it became an even bigger issue.

"Have him watch? Just yours?"

"Yes, just mine."

"Well, as I have your desire for it, I might be able to. But, I don't think we have ever had a request for a potential student to watch another as they take the exam."

"This will be the first time then?" I suggested, placing a lot of hope into it as I really wanted Nin to succeed.

"Will it be both segments or just the physical?"

"The physical is what I want him to see. The writing and reading and so on I can explain to him pretty well. "

"No exam is the same, just so you are aware, Larishazza." Frihdeicalkbr told me as he put a hand on the table. My eyes looking into his before I then looked away with a nod.

"Just as long as he is aware of what it is like. Even with me being with him, he's still having various issues. So, as long as I can dull a few of them, that is good enough for me!"

"Alright, I will see what I can do. After all, I have my own reasons for wanting Nin as a member of my House proper."

"Thank you!" I said as I nearly leapt up in joy.

"But, one thing that has caught my attention as of late is just how contradictory you seem to be."

I suddenly felt a cold sweat, "Can we not talk about that, please? I keep it private for a reason and I don't want him ever hearing about it."

"You are certainly twisting your own arms hard, aren't you? I am not the one you need to worry about." he said to me as he left. A harsh sting those words had just left before I looked off in the distance. Small waves coming from me whenever I saw someone familiar pass on by. But, they were familiar for less than wholesome reasons.

"He has a point, I suppose. The reason this problem exists is what I will try and use to keep them quiet about it." I muttered quietly as a gust of air left my nose. Soon heading onwards to another part of the Academy in search of my sister just so I could get my mind off of it. I could see how she was doing and if they were all going to be ready for the big day. A big day that will see my efforts succeed or fail.

I wanted to think with certainty that I would succeed and that Nin would live on for many more years. But, it seems like his pessimism had taken root in me, or, maybe I was just worried myself. He had gone on to be a good friend of mine since I started helping him out and I guess I did not want to see him go. I've left a lot of friends behind before, but never because they died...

And I didn't know how I would handle that if I was truly honest with myself.

Luckily for my mind, however, Tiya had just come across me, "What's wrong, Lari?" my sister asked as she came up to me.

"I was just lonely." I answered with a grin as I brought my head up to look at her.

"You're not with Nin?"

"I left him with Einervaene so I could speak to someone else about something."

"About the exams I take it?" she asked me to which I nodded.

"Yeah, the exams. But, I am surprised about one thing..."

"What's that?"

"It's already been half a year or so since we arrived here." I said to her as I leaned against the wall and looked out across the Academy. My eyes briefly trying to focus in on the ruins this place owes part of its name to.

"You wouldn't be surprised if you spent more time looking at a calendar."

"Which one?" I then joked to her. A little jab at our confusion when we first got here as this land had two more calendar types. One about the moons and another that just counted how many orbits happened in a normal year. Why they didn't just stick to the normal one still eluded us.

"You know which one." she said to me with a smile of her own as her breath fogged up the nearby area. A finger of mine soon playing around with her relatively short hair before I pulled it back to then hold on it. Her hair was covered in thin layers of ice and frost and it was clear she was practising her magic even now.

"You know I never liked looking at dates and calendars."

"Yeah, you like everything to be a surprise. Even if some parts of you don't." she commented before a cold finger prodded my chest. Right where the heart was roughly.

"Don't touch!" I said to her as I slapped her hand away, not liking the cold she always puts on me.

"So were you just lingering now or did you want to talk?"

"A bit of both, really."

"Well, I am all ears then. If you get me a drink." Tiya said with a grin.

"My own sister wants bribes before she listens to me? I thought you were raised better."

"Not my fault you just go on and on."

"I let you speak!"

"Not often enough." she said before we both started giggling. But, then, we stopped as we had nearly parted ways unintentionally.

"There's a drink machine over there." I said with a gesture.

"I don't want something in a can or bottle, I want a cup on a table with a slice of cake."

"You want cake now too!?" I moaned as I slumped over jokingly before catching up. But, now that we were headed this way, I might as well grab something for the others. But what if the others had joined the others!? Would I need more than two sets of two items!?

"What has you worried now?" my sister then asked me as she noticed my head moving about.

"I'm not sure if getting Nin and Einervaene something will exclude anyone else who might have joined them."

"Just get something for the entire dorm then." my sister said with a shrug.

"I'm not made of money!"

"Everything we get is paid for with Dad's money, so don't start." my sister pointed out before we arrived at an on-campus money machine.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot my ID." I said sheepishly, hoping she'd buy it. But she didn't buy it, as such, she would not be buying any of it either.

"Put your finger on the machine!" she told me sternly as she let a chilling mist appear near her hands.

"Fine!" I complained back at her as I put my finger into the machine. A few beeps leaving it as it read my magic signature before my bank profile appeared. Fingers lingering near some of the options as I tried to think of how much I might need. I did not have pockets so I did not want excess change on me.

Yet, charity was always an option, so maybe I should have gone over what I would need.

"Now, feed me." my sister demanded as she leaned over me after money entered my hand.

"Patience!" was all I had to say to her as we carried back on towards our desired locale. A relaxing sigh leaving me and my sister as we entered the building. A barrage of tasty and warm smells having just swarmed into our nose the moment the door opened. It only getting stronger the deeper into the building we went.

"Alright, bring me my cake and drink, I'm going to speak to Omb." my sister said as she went off.

"Ombbo is here?" I said as I looked around. Soon smiling and waving when I saw the large Errakurd at the far end. A laugh in his belly as he just kept on eating. A few others around him encouraging it onwards as they made bets to see how much he could eat.

But, he always won as his magic was entirely built around eating. I think I even heard from him once that all this fat was actually a means to bolster his magic. So, if he was going to get into a fight... He'd come out muscle-bound as all that fat would be gone.

I think it was also said he would have been a part of Exceptional House had he not been Errakurdish. So he was quite the impressive witch, probably the best I would ever see unless I spent more time with Exceptional House. Which, given the situation with one of Nin's friends, might actually happen. Unfortunately, my visits there haven't brought anything meaningful and that friend is unlikely to see Nin again soon.

Now was not the time to worry about that, though, now was the time to think on how I would please Nin. What kind of cake would he like? Would he particularly mind? Would he prefer more cake over a specific one, he was quite big?

"What's taking you so long?" my sister complained as she came over to me.

"I am trying to think what everyone might like."

"It's cake! Just get them something big."

"But maybe they don't like certain ingredients. Maybe they don't like cake at all."

"No one hates cake." my sister said with a shake of her head.

I turned to face her, "You said the same about those cheese melts you got all the time back home, but, what happened?"

"The place shut down because it wasn't popular enough..." she quietly muttered in disappointment.

"Exactly, just because you like it doesn't mean someone else will."

"It's not my fault everyone back home is so used to dried out foods or cold and creamy foods. Besides, it being hot was never a good excuse. People are quite happy to cook meat by an open fire!" my sister said as she began to ramble on about how unfair it was. A little laugh leaving me as I finally began to pick some cakes and drinks. But, rather than go for slices, I just bought small and whole cakes. Options would be there, then.

My sister, however, I got her a slice as I knew what she liked. She had grown quite fond of this alcoholic cake made using the moss that grows on those downslope breweries. Personally, I gagged at the thought of it, moss was not something you put into a cake! Dried out fruits on the other hand?

They worked very well!

"Here you go." I told Tiya as I began to leave, magic construct holding everything as my hands were full.

"Thank you!" was all I got from her before she went back to her friend and mentor. Soon shaking my head as I watched her immediately forget about what she got from me in order to watch Ombbo. Her magic being used as a means to provide water to him should it have got stuck in his throat. Which, happened quite a lot, even as I left.

"Right, back to the room." I let out before I started dancing along the grass on my way back. My magic constructs following after me while I cautiously balanced what I was holding. Unfortunately, I had to stop dancing once I finally reached the training building again. Paying attention mattered a lot more here as the halls were bustling with experienced and not-so witches.

"Hm, how am I going to do this?" I found myself saying as I eyed everyone passing by. I had a lot in my hands and on magic but I would not be able to get it all through. Casted magic messed with portals badly so it would not even unlock until I put the cakes and drinks down! But, I soon found what I guessed would work.

That being, just gently scoot it along the floor until the item went through the portal. So I kept this up until I could hold the rest without issue. Then, I went on through, freezing up when I nearly put a foot down onto one of the cakes. The plastic cover having made a loud pop as my foot went down, somewhat smooshing its toppings as well.

"What's all this?" Nin commented as it became clear he had been lingering by the portal on this side while I was gone. Or, at the least, he had come over when he saw the portal become so active.

"Can you move what is by my foot?" I strained out as my stiff body began to ache.

"Right, sure." he said quickly as he began to pull it all away from the portal before he took what was in my hands.

"Thank you..." I let out as I dramatically fell to the ground while staring at the cakes with a frown.

"So, again, what's all this?"

"Oh! I went to get cake and drink!" I said as my head shot up from the ground with a wide open smile.

"Ah, why'd you get so much, though? There's four of us here, including you."

"Four?" I repeated before spotting Quinshuu in the distance as he shot a beam of light from his eye at a target. His left arm having been extended outwards like a gun barrel.

"Yeah, Quinshuu came a little after you left. He hasn't done anything with me, however. He just started shooting beams at targets."

"I can see." I said as I got up with help from Nin. My head looking around before I used a construct to get what I wanted up into his face.

"For me specifically?" he said before I shook my head.

"Yes and no. At first I did but later I decided to split all the cakes equally just in case you didn't like a particular one."

"I don't think us four can eat all this, looks like you bought out a bakery." he joked with a quiet laugh before he began to sniff some of the cakes. A strange glance entering his eyes as he looked at them.

"Something wrong?"

"I just find it odd." he nebulously said as he began to head over to Einervaene with me.

"What do you find odd?"

"Eh, forget it." he said before he went back to intensely staring at what was gotten.

"You're back!" Einervaene called out as she sped up to approach us. One of her arms going behind her as she came to a stop near Nin. Her eyes looking on greedily at all the cakes and drinks.

"One of you get Quinshuu, we'll take a break to enjoy this." I told the pair near me as I began to input the proper commands. A clothed table soon popping up that would soon be decked out in covered cakes. Some untouched and fresh as can be, one nearly squashed under my foot. Luckily, the drinks were all fine.

"So what did you actually go out for?" Einervaene then whispered to me as Nin was the one to go.

"To speak with our House Head, hopefully, it went well." I answered with a frown and the nervous biting of my inner lip.

"About the exam?"

"Yeah, it's happening very soon... I think for all of us in our dorm, actually."

"No, Vadei and Dandel'lhia both had theirs weeks ago, they passed too!" Einervaene corrected with a smile. Clearly happy for the pair of them, which I was too. But, I was curious as I never saw them often, they frequently headed out to Exceptional House.

"So it is just us lot then... All for Nin." I whispered before looking up and over the cakes. Smiling slightly as I watched Nin begin to argue with Quinshuu. The two did it quite often, but it never went beyond annoyed tones. Their upbringings just made them contrast so much, Quinshuu was a former nomad, well, now he was, he wouldn't be for long.

And Nin, well, it was clear he was brought up in a crowded space. The way he decorated his room with all the little things I gave him were always so carefully managed and clumped together. It's like he has never had a room to himself! Well, that might actually be the case as I shared his bed often just to comfort him.

I even teased Einervaene on occasion as she spends a lot of time helping Nin out. Since our initial talk with her, anyway, now she seemed to have inverted her former ways. She had her new friends on limited visits and hangouts while Nin got all the attention. But, I was under the impression it would balance out once Nin was in the clear.

"Has everyone else been keeping up with their studies? What if we-" Einervaene began to mutter nervously before I shoved a bit of cake into her mouth.

"We'll all pass, don't worry." I said with a smile before I suckled my icing covered finger clean.

"This all from the food court then?" I was then asked by her as she helped herself to the cake I just shoved in her face. A joyful moan leaving her as she lost herself in the food. It being clear she needed to do it to get her mind off the prior topic.

"I don't know, I don't remember anywhere in this school by its actual name." I lightly chuckled after telling her that. A warm liquid soon going down my throat before I balanced out its bitter flavour with a cake slice. One light brown in colour that was stuffed full of orange coloured fruits and topped in a slightly green cream.

"You remember it all by the rooftops, don't you?" Einervaene said as a little bolt of lightning arced over the cake covers. Clearly an imitation of how I and Nin move around the school. And, despite his rough start, he was winning the game we started when we first started doing it. By quite a large margin too as I just couldn't stop myself from greeting people sometimes.

"So what flavours are which?" Nin asked as he finally came back with Quinshuu. The table shuddering as he let his frame drop down onto it. And, as I was a smart girl, I made the table strong with magic so he didn't snap it in two!

"Why not just go in blind? It's more fun that way."

"No, it isn't." Quinshuu remarked as he fiddled with the cups in an effort to see if anything was just raw milk. It was like all he ever drank for some reason. He was even patting the table down for some reason.

"Here you go!" Einervaene then said as she got up and helped him sit down. Her own eyes looking into his before she frowned and shook her head.

"Eugh, mixed with something." Quinshuu complained as Einervaene sat back down and had her arm transmute. It turning back so it could twitch giving me the quiet notification about what had happened. Quinshuu was a sacrificial witch?

"So where'd you end up going?" I was then asked by Nin after he chose a cake.

"Just to get something to celebrate your progress with!"

He blinked and his expression flattened, "We'll celebrate all you want when I actually pass." he said quietly before a small smile formed.

"Indeed we will, indeed we will." I responded with as I carried on working to keep his mind stress free. He would need it, we all would, in fact. Not only did we have the usual demands expected from an exam, but we also had another piece of baggage attached. I don't think even I could stay truly stress-free throughout such an ordeal.

But, I had my means to deal with it all, I did have a means.

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