Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 227 - Incline 32: Rose'lhia

Chapter 227 - Incline 32: Rose'lhia

I looked through the window of my room with a frown that was quickly turning into a glare. What I was seeing was bothering me somehow, it just bothered me so much. Nin was currently on the roof with some girl with a sapphire glow. A glow far more intense than mine and possibly even Vine's! But I just was not sure why it bothered me.

I had given up on Nin, he just wasn't strong enough and another had caught my eye, one who had proven himself superior. He even showed me far greater affection than Nin ever did! He was actually responsive to my love. Seigunfrei had just as a whole shown himself to be better for being a future father.

Our son would be strong and lack the impurities my blood might have given him...

"Ninno! No! Like this!" laughed out that sapphire-aura'd woman as she let her magic fill the air. The sudden loudness of her voice bringing my eyes back to their general direction which it stayed before they disappeared. A gentle growl leaving me as I shut the curtains and stood up with my arms crossed. An almost protective manner which I found odd.

And when I moved to leave the room, I did not head downstairs or towards one of the others. I went straight towards the one Nin had left through earlier with that woman. The ruckus they were making getting louder before I heard Nin's disgusting parasite feet land on the floor. It being slightly dulled as I was lingering around the corner of the door.

Sneering at what I heard before I then tried to go elsewhere but I was not quick enough. Because soon my tail reacted aggressively to a sudden hand going near it and that woman danced past me. A wave being directed at me before she disappeared into another room. Quiet footsteps behind me signalling that Nin had left the room.

"Hello, Rose, how have you been?" Nin asked me softly and nervously, yet, despite that, I did not scoff at his pathetic state. I just hid my frown and kept my back towards him before speaking.

"I've been fine, I am just going somewhere." I told him as my mind suddenly became full of thoughts relating to Seigunfrei. I should just go to him and stay with him for the night, hopefully that would reaffirm my thoughts. Get them focusing solely on the one who was better and not the weakling behind me.

"Where are you going?" he then asked me which left me slightly annoyed. Why did he care? He wasn't my love, he had no right to know. Yes... He had no right!

"It doesn't concern you." I told him sternly as I began to leave.

"If you don't want me coming along, that is fine... But I just asked you where you were going Rose... You've been distant lately..." he told me quietly, a slight whimper in his voice as he likely thought of the old me. The one that comforted him in the valleys of this land and in the hidden groves up in the mountains. The one who helped soothe his fear and...

"And I have been distant for a good reason, osibindah." I spat out at him before hurrying off away from him. The sudden flare-up of anger disappearing quickly as tears for some reason began to form in my eyes. Tears I nearly clawed out as they had no right to be there! Or did they?

He was an osibindah, after all, I was just scared... Being scared of such an osibindah was the right thing to do. An osibindah that had saved my life on several occasions and had done more than anyone else. An osibindah who was willing to get shot at and nearly die to get my most important stuff...

Stuff I now had securely stored away in my room...


There was no reason for me to be thinking of him, he was weak! I had no reason to care! None at all! So why won't he get out of my head!?

A magic-covered fist of mine soon slamming into the wall beside me and leaving barely a scratch. All because I just wasn't strong enough to, my magic was not potent enough to affect items so pure in magic. Items I once saw as the rarest luxury in life as we aelenvari rarely went up into the cities as a flower. Only on our own if we left them...

And as I stood there, the tip of my points attempting to dig into the floorboards as I did so, I went quiet. Shaking my head before straightening myself out before I began to move away from the stairs. Coming to a stop once more when I saw through the open door a more welcoming sight. A petal who shone with golden light.

With a smile now forming on my otherwise bothered face, I walked closer to the main door and waited for her. Returning her large and excited wave with a more modest one of my own making as she came closer. One of my brows rising as she got closer for there was something new about her this time. She had a strong frame to her now, something was taking in her magic and focusing it along specific routes.

Her fingertips, the rims of her breasts, along her arms and legs and the base of them too. All of it had a harsh, stern route to it, with hints of the pale blue one might have seen throughout this place. Had she implemented something new to her outfit? I would ask but I was getting the feeling she would explain away once she stopped before me.

"Do you like my new outfit, Rossie-chira?" she asked me with her excitement made clear through her voice too. My smile grew larger as I watched her move her body about with confidence once she came through the door and stopped in the hall. It was nice to see her acting more like a petal rather than a root. And even if I could not see what was truly different about this outfit, I did like what it did to her magic.

"I do, I do very much." I say to her as I held her hand and ran a finger along the concentrated magic. A shiver going down my spine as it gave off the impression that she was much stronger than she actually was. An interesting detail that I was sure could have easily tricked a stem desperate for a male if she was actually one. Rather than, well, a potential competitor to my own desires.

But, perhaps I was lucky to have her now. My interest in the osibindah had died off and now it won't be as much an issue anymore to see her with him. Yet, as a friend of hers, could I truly just let it happen? To let an osibindah taint her petal-like quality?

But that made no sense... That parasite was strong in body and arcane reserve, he would only ever grant strong sons and daughters. The latter being more misfortunate than the former, but, humans were different. They had not suffered a devastating loss of their male population, so a daughter was equal, not lesser.

"Is something bothering you?" Vine asked me as one of her fingers prodded my upper cheek and squashed something. A wetness covering it as she withdrew her finger, tears? Indeed they were, I had been crying again as I stewed in my thoughts.

"No, I am fine, Vine, I am fine. Go and enjoy yourself, I just have to do something." I told her as I ushered her along. Having put her back into her more joyful mood with the sharp tap of her high-heeled shoes signalling her departure from my immediate presence. Yet, instead of heading out, towards Exceptional House, I lingered some more.

Quietly following her until the meeting I was curious about happened. When she saw that parasite again.

"Urtuoi-kischu! Look! You like?" she asked in a joyful tone as the sound of her moving and spinning about filled my ears. Only for it to then be drowned out by the sudden shattering of wood and growls.

"You haven't spoken to me for weeks... You have acted like I don't exist... And the first thing you say to me... IS HOW YOU LOOK!? HOW YOU!?" the parasite said with growing rage as it became clear he had moved closer to intimidate her. Yet, even as my friend was threatened by the parasite, I did not move. I just sneered and insulted him in my head.

Her voice was shaking, "I... I haven't..." she stuttered out, likely bending to the pressure his presence put upon her.

"Look at you... You can't even give me an answer..." the parasite growled before the sound of a body hitting the floor then came out of that room.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Vine shouted back in anger, a clear sense of hurt in her voice as heavier footsteps became distant, "What did I do...?" I then heard her whimper out before it became clear she had broken down crying. And I did not come to comfort her, I just sneered once again at the thought of the parasite and moved to leave. Shaking my head as one phrase lingered in my mind...

'Of course, that is what was going to happen!'

He was an osibindah, an untrained weakling, a spineless, cowardly weakling. Just like roots, but at least roots understood that they were weak! They didn't try to act beyond their station unlike him! His entitlement would bring him nothing but problems.

And as I walked along a path, a twitch forming near my right eye, I found myself suddenly upset again. So upset that I felt the need to just sit down for a bit which I did once I found a place that wasn't filthy with moss or dust. Then, as I sat there, I found my face resting in my palms while my tail went limp. Its largely boneless mass just flowing in the wind as my head found itself going to a sight I could never be angry or upset around.


"Why did such a sight have to make me think of him..." I then moaned out miserably as my head collapsed gently. The means that I use to speak with my true-voice rubbing along what my head rested on before my arm lifted them up a little. And now I was left wondering something regarding it. If I was no longer spending time with a magically untrained parasite, why was I still using words?

I had a far more beautiful means to speak and I could even maintain some privacy with it! Yet, for some reason, they just did not light up like how I wanted them to. It was like a coup had happened within them, a coup that had the sole desire of stopping my true-voice from being heard. And I did not know why that was happening.

I had never heard of an aelenvari losing the ability to speak with their true-voice before...

"Why hello there!" I suddenly found myself saying with sudden upbeatness as I looked down at my leg. Something had walked into it and it was a male! Not just any male, an aelenvari son! In fact, I was so overjoyed at seeing it that I might have cried had I not had other details on mind.

And as I moved to pick it up, a croaky voice called out to the son near the tips of my points. A voice that sounded eerily familiar, yet, it felt odd hearing it now for some reason. Well, that is, until I turned around to see who the voice belonged to. And to my surprise, it was her, the one I once saw as nothing but a thief of two former interests of mine.

"I-Ivy-Mother!?" they said in fright as they backed up after having picked up the confused son. A solemn frown on my face as I looked at the scarred female before me. One I had done so much to cause grief and harm to.

I looked away before answering, what she referred to me as was a tender spot for me, "I am no longer an ivy-mother, Dandel'lhia." I said to her. Slightly bemused by the fact I was able to say her name right despite what I had done to her hair. That dye was still there and her hair was still tainted with a false colour. A false colour that even interfered with my magic-seeing eyesight.

I wonder why she had not taken the means to get rid of the dye? The wind-people surely had the capacity to do it, no? Or had she just not wanted to? I guess I would only find out if I asked her.

"I-I'm sorry, I got to go." she said to me, her voice threatening to give out.

"What's his name?" I then asked her, having stopped her from leaving with just that one question. A sign I still held my former authority as an Ivy-Mother to some extent. Or, maybe, she was just scared of me, the one who had her hurt so badly.

"Spruce'endoor, his name is Spruce'endoor." she said shyly, she even said his name with uncertainty. No confidence at all. What an odd thing for a mother to do...

"He came out of his seed when you had just arrived here?" she nodded in response after I asked that. Then, she finally worked up the courage to leave and went away from me while I kept my eyes on her. A small smile on my lips as I looked at that rather healthy son of hers. I guess Oak'endoor was properly suited for his role as the Gilded-Bark of our flower.

And then my thoughts fouled again as that parasite somehow became involved with them again, much to my annoyance. But, I figured out why quickly as I remembered what happened before he savagely beat me to near-death. Back when he still held some claim to the idea of being a human, when it was just a curiosity that afflicted his body. Back when he was going to pollinate my womb with a son of his own making...

Even though I was angry at the idea of that parasite being on my mind again, I found myself blushing. A clear and warm flow of blood going throughout me as my tail came alive again at the thought of the memory in question. A time where I was so close to being made a mother with a developing seed within her. A memory I could never hate even if I loathed the participant.

"I left it at the..." I began to say with still red cheeks, looking back the way I came as a specific outfit filled my thoughts. The most special and important of outfits for any aelenvari deemed worthy enough of a males attention. And perhaps, it was also my most ironic as it covered much more of my body than I normally wore when dressed casually or professionally. But, despite its importance to me and the process of my first time, I did not move to go get it.

If I did, then perhaps I could have sealed my future with Seigunfrei. Made it clear to my heart and mind once and for all that Nin was not my love. Yet, despite that being the case and my mental yearning for the forgetting of that parasite. I made no moves to go back and get it.

To rush back to my room for it, to tear off my current outfit with little care before delicately putting that one on... To then either hide my body until I saw Seigunfrei again or to rush around with my genitals exposed. And once I would have found him, to get his desired body part out and to let it ram into me or to secure it under me until I was full of its liquid warmth. But I did not do that, I just walked towards Exceptional House, ignoring it completely.

And even as my mind screamed at me to do it, I did not. The thoughts were just ignored and I put more and more distance between me and that outfit. The one Nin risked his life to get when we left that rooted-flower below. And I did not know why much to my frustrations.

Thankfully, I did not have to go the full distance to reach the one I wanted to see as he was walking along the path I was headed. So, with him being in my sight, a firmer smile came onto my face. One that would hopefully stay there without faltering. And, to make it all better, I felt ecstatic upon seeing such a pure, emerald aura within and around his body.

"Well, well, look who it is." he said with a smile as he noticed me and stopped. His arms opening up to me as I picked up the pace and leapt into his arms. Spinning around before I could plant my points into the ground again before my face moved up. A brief kiss following that before I leaned back.

"It's rather coincidental I found you here, I was just looking for you." I told him which led to him huffing out some of his amusement.

"Unfortunately, I will have to hold off whatever it is you want, got to go talk to someone first." he explained as he released his grip on my body. But, he kept my hand firmly connected with his, something I very much enjoyed. It was nice to hold a hand that did not engulf mine, one that was soft too.

"That is fine, I have all night to get what I want out of you."

"You want to stay around mine again? By the Mighty Jhrarda. I knew you aelenvari had a thing for the tender and physical but you might as well just move in with me at this point!" he laughed out as a grin formed on my face. My tail lingering around his lower half and prodding at it so I could tease him.

"Am I perhaps detecting an offer for me to stay with you for as long as I live?" I asked him with that same grin he caused to form.

He chuckled lightly, "Even if I wanted, they would not let me, the Council for Student Dorm Distribution, that is. You are a potential student for Oddity House, after all. Meanwhile, with me, I am an enrolled student of Exceptional House." his chest puffing out towards the end as he took pride in his place in the Academy. That was perhaps one thing I liked a lot about him, he understood what he was and had no issue with showing it off. A fine petal if he were of my own kind or had moved to stay with a flower.

"So even if I was to successfully enrol, I would not be able to stay with you?"

"No, afraid not. However, there are no rules against you just staying with me each night so long as you don't move into my dorm."

"It's an issue when you remove an obstacle but fine when I keep a particular issue in place? Such a strange system." I said to him with a bemused tone. Yet, for some reason, my mind was filled with sighs of relief and loud thanks to the gods above. I was glad that there would be something to keep my intentions with Seigunfrei in check...

"Something wrong?" Seigunfrei then asked me as his hand squeezed mine harder. Not harshly, far from it, in fact, it made me appreciate him more. Seeing such mastery over his internal-magic that he did not have to be cautious while touching me.

"No, no. I am fine, what gave you the impression I wasn't?"

"I just asked you a few questions and you completely blanked out. So, again, you sure nothing is wrong?" he asked me with a concerned tone before he looked over in the direction of my dorm. Even if he could not see it.

"Yes, everything is f-fine." I said at first clearly before stuttering out.

"Has that osibindah been causing you issues? Do we need to go to the Council of Student Dorm Distribution and get you moved to another dorm so you are further away from it?" he said as he came to a complete stop and pulled me close. My body freezing up in panic when I heard what he said. No, no! We could not do that!

"No, he hasn't done anything. It's just... It's just a little bothersome having to be so close to everyone else when they rightfully confront it."

"Rough time relaxing there? I guess that explains why you want to come to my dorm so often. It is very far from the osibindah after all."


He then kissed my cheek after bringing it up a little, "Alright then, when I am done here, we'll head back to my dorm and I'll ensure you have a very relaxing night." he told me with a suggestive glance. A smile returning to my face as my tail moved in accordance with it.

"That will be wonderful, thank you." I told him just as he went inside the building he had apparently wanted to go to. As it was within the gap between the four Houses, I could only assume it was directly related to the Academy heads. Their gilded-barks, ivy-mothers and other important positions and so on. But, of course, they weren't what I compared to, wind-people weren't as sexually inclined as we aelenvari.

It was probably something mundane but still ultimately necessary. Like how the less engaging and by far worst parts of being an ivy-mother was given to someone else to do. Something I usually gave to a petal so close to being a stem or the lucky inverse. And it was a good thing I did that, giving some of my tasks to others.

Otherwise, I would not have been able to spend as much time with Nin back when we stayed at my flower...

"Can I just go one moment without you coming into my thoughts!?" I muttered out quietly with a distinct harshness. Nearly snarling at a nearby piece of decorative stonework at the entrance of this building before I calmed myself. Sighing once more and tapping my finger impatiently while looking at the machines some used to fly. A particularly large one hiding just beyond the great central tower in the city in front of me.

It was an impressive sight indeed, a mass of metal that could likely destroy this entire plateau if it was to crash. Held aloft by what seemed to be six devices that shot out pure, untainted emerald light that kept it all up. A great display of magical strength, and thankfully, one I could count on not having to get involved with. Unlike then, when he lifted up that immense weight...

When I had to intervene with a magic blast that nearly drained me into a state of unconsciousness... Back when he proved himself to be far greater than the one who had caught my eye before. And it frustrated me, looking at this distant machine. Because even when it was something like this, it always went back to him.

To that damnable parasite!

Soon getting up in frustration before moving to someplace quieter, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I soon screamed at a wall before I collapsed to my knees. Crying into my hands as my heart seemingly battled with my mind and the rest of my body. I gave up on Oak'endoor when I saw someone stronger, all aelenvari did this until they had their first child! At least, most of the time.

Yet, somehow, despite having been exposed to so many males of the wind-people who were far stronger than Nin... He just wouldn't get out of my head and I did not know why, I never had these same doubts when I gave up on Oak'endoor! So why was I having them now!? It made no sense!

"I don't love him... Do you hear me!?" I seethed out in anger towards my chest, towards the heart that pained me so. A strange tremble coming from my chest before I began to shake my head some more in disbelief. What was wrong with me? Why was something I should have loathed and despised staying so firmly in a place where a desire of many years did not...?

There was no reason for it to be like this, there just wasn't any reason! Seigunfrei was stronger, so much stronger! It was clear when he walked beside Nin on that day and it was made abundantly clear when Nin lost. So easily did he lose, not one hit was taken by Seigunfrei and he toyed with Nin.

Toyed with him! He couldn't have made his superiority anymore clear!

"Rose-sweerui! Where are you?" Seigunfrei called out to me from the other side of the building. But, what he said made me angry for some reason.

"Don't call me that... You have no right to call me that..." I growled out as I focused on the honorific he attached to my name. The honorific the male lover gave to his female...

And then I blinked and trembled in frustration some more. I was his female! So why was this making me angry... Why...?

"Alright, hop on." Seigunfrei then said to me as he picked me up after he had sped around to my location. Clearly having followed my magic signature like the skilled witch he was. And then, I was silent as he carried me through the sky, in his arms. All the way until we reached his dorm which he then put us in through the window.

Just like Nin did with that woman with the bright and beautiful sapphire-aura.

"Hey! Calm down, what's wrong?" Seigunfrei then asked me as he set me down on the large and spacious bed he had to himself. In this room that was just his, a room that he had gained through talent and strength.

I, however, did not say anything, I just latched on to him and kept my lips against him. Placing them against him time and time again as he tried to back away, clearly more concerned with what I had just done. But I would not let him dig into that, I would not let him know. So I came at him with as much passion-making love as I could.

I kept it up until he relented and just went along with it, his hands soon having a tight grasp on me. My breath shuddering every time our lips parted, but not from how good his tongue, lips or touch made me feel. But rather, because I could barely hold in the disgust I had for myself. I should not have been doing this with him...

It wasn't right.

"N-No..." I said to him quietly after we had moved on to his bed. His partially naked and exposed frame being right in front of me. Rimmed by muscle that contained such gluttonous quantities of magic from the greatest mountain, it was indeed. Yet, even with such a temptation before me, I did not want him exposing my body more.

And thankfully, he relented with a frown and a sigh before going down beside me.

"You're a strange woman, you know that?" he said with a small smile, even if he was mocking me. But, I returned the smile before snuggling closer to him, holding myself tightly towards him. Taking deep breaths through my nose so I could take in the scent around him, tainted by his aura and external-magic. And even though his hands were on me with confidence and care, I did not want them there.

Something I found so odd... They were on my rear, one hand for each side. I should have enjoyed it so much. To feel such a strong son-giver on me, just one word from putting one in me.

Yet, all I could think about was apologies and anything even linked to the concept.

'I am sorry...' just kept playing through my mind over and over, like a monotonous task devoid of all joy.