Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 140 - V4 Incline 23: Nin

Chapter 140 - V4 Incline 23: Nin

Leaving behind the quiet snores in the air, I close the door as quietly as it can click, "Well, let's give it a go, then."

"The uh... Lord Brewbrt should be willing to help me if this doesn't work out." Einervaene tells me and I shrug, heading to the bag.

"If you insist, but for now, we'll keep it here. Best to at least borrow some of Rose-sweerui's clothes and save him the trouble. Gives him more time to get it sorted as you'll at least have something to wear." I explain and the thoughts stew noisily in her mouth. Soft lips part with a gentle gasp.

"I suppose that is fine," she looks down and barely tries to reach for her feet, "But, what will I do about foot or legwear? Rianta-chira doesn't have... Or does... I don't know..."

Rose-sweerui's naked, boney points come to mind. Einervaene has quite the -point- there. I snicker under my breath. Putting it to a stop, I get my mind back on track and focus on what's below Einervaene's waist.

"Well, I know there's one thing we'll need Brewbrt for, then." I say to her, patting on my own money container anyway, as I am probably not going to pester him for it. Besides, the sadroobell paid well enough. Shoes and socks aren't going to eat into our newfound budget. Though, maybe I could've asked for more as a one off purchase, a long journey is not.

Gods above, I miss the market system of Tobaballe. You could only buy up to a standard of your station, making things so simple. I only need a specific tool, nothing fancy, nothing unfamiliar. All I could choose from was so limited, no paralysis there, unlike now with Rose-sweerui's haughtiness.

Travelling with two beautiful women who will probably want to stay that way... Especially the latter.

"Clothing is in that area over there." I tell the woman in question as she starts to prod at my future trekking haul. I find a comfortable spot on a sofa, ready to guide her about as she figures things out. 

Einervaene's delicate grip does little to disturb the silence taking the room over. She handles them carefully and sets them all down equally so. The mighty, obnoxious bag deflates with each additional gouging made by our new friend. Unfortunately for her, she keeps finding more and more of Rose-sweerui's tubes and similar.

More and more piles form, each almost like a stack of pipes.

As even more neat piles come of Einervaene's digging, I look to the still-closed door and shake my head. Honestly, Rose and her packing habits. It really is something, seeing the bag's contents near-fully arrayed before me. My imagination really cannot keep up with how much really has been in its fabric walls. 

"This is all very improper..." Einervaene mutters with a stiff expression, her cheeks rosy. In her hands, a pair of panties just barely patterned up enough to cover her private area. A bit amusingly, I can somehow call that one of her more modest pieces. I've seen skimpier... Far skimpier.

"Yeah... Aelenvari of her stature prefer being borderline naked. I guess the natural body is the most beautiful thing to them." I explain, Rose's treatment of the 'ugly,' fully covered roots coming to mind. Not just her, either, the whole stem and up population.

A frown settles in as my thoughts shift to the men and how they're fairly similar in that regard. Clothing wise. They were all rather naked as well. So, does that mean my current attire bothers Rose? Or have her standards taken a sharp twist and bend around into something else because of what I am?

"I... I have to admit, rather crassly. But, uh... This looks like it all belongs to the costume department of a... I'm sure a priestess of Aahtha would like it very much." Einervaene tries to say, whatever it was she was trying to actually say melting away for a politer response. I'm putting my money on a remark about prostitutes or something. 

She looks away with her usual fluster and puts it down delicately, her fingers trembling. I have to admit, though; I share her thoughts on the matter. Somehow, the greatest whiplash for me in meeting the aelenvari is their dress code. I... I've just never seen anything like it before, not even in a Pleasure Club of Aahtha. Priestesses enlightening men to the joys of their debaucherous thoughts, the legendary sneaking-in goal of all young men. 

Even then, they dress in thin, clingy fabrics only, not in a lack of it.

"Well, think of it like this. You won't have to wear it for long if you don't want to. Just until we are able to get you something new." I tell her and her head shifts my way.

"But I like it..." I can barely hear.

"Come again?" I ask, leaning forward.

Her voice breaks into a squeak, face red with shame, "But I like it!"

My nose blows hard.

"It makes me feel like Aahtha is here with me... Making me the prettiest woman I can be." she almost swoons and I go into deep thought. Picking out clothes seems more like Clohniq's thing. But I guess the two divine sisters would share a moment of shared passion if a mortal needed dress advice?

Einervaene lets out a delighted noise, and something enters her hands. She holds it close, testing the softness and a few other aspects. Whatever it is, however, she's hiding it. Otherwise satisfied, though.

"Got something?" I ask and all I seem to be able to get is a nod and hectic brush away gestures.

"L-Look away, please." she demands, her body shaking with something not called fear. Her smile has too much dripping anticipation for it to be anything else.

While I know how much I have been growing numb to naked women thanks to Rose-sweerui and her kind. Einervaene does not know the extent of my memories. Complying with the request, I turn away. Honestly, it's bewilderingly refreshing to meet a woman who doesn't want me to stare. Not that I need another chance to see her goods, hehe.

Shifting my eyes over to the broken window and wall, I lean up slightly to check the Orbital-Halo. It's shining on down quite properly now, we're well into the warming sensation of morning. Looking to the door, I get up, spooking Einervaene into falling. I laugh gently and she tries to chuckle her embarrassment away. 

Going on through to the other side, I leave Einervaene with the privacy she wants. Caution locks up my body and I stare at Rose-sweerui. It's about time to shake her awake. But, I know how frightened she might end up being if even my bandaged up form shakes her up...

Finding the strength to close the gap, I almost leap away at the first noise she makes. Gulping, I sit down on the bed and she instinctively flips around over to me. Her bare arm lazily drapes itself on me, a small smile forming on her face. A soft glow in her bulbs.

Slugging a claw near her hand, she flip flops hers into the palm. Squeezing it shut by squeezing it herself. A smile comes to my face, putting me at ease. Using my thumb-claw to rub her backhand, she starts to stir.

She picks herself up, eyes largely closed. Spotting the first signs of nipples, I look away, only to laugh at myself. Not only does Rose-sweerui of all people not mind me looking, I spent earlier looking at a more impressive pair. So, why does it bother me now? I can't help but keep my mask up to block my view of the succulent chest.

Half awake, however, and she's still aware enough to catch onto my behaviour. She blindsides me with a sudden pounce, throwing us onto the floor. Her laughter fills the room. A tit smooched right up on my mask's lens. A slight sparkle at its wet tip.

Rose moans gently, moving my mask between her breasts instead and hotdogging the beak, "Morning, my precious love!"

Her blissful tone comes to an end, and she curls up against me. Giving it a go, I try to reach for my cloak. So close, but so far out of reach. Pushing Rose-sweerui up as I move closer to it, she puts on a playful pout at my stubborn refusal to let her move my claw. Clicking the cloak around my neck, a wave of comfort shivers under my shell.

Once again, I am fully covered.

"Has she found anything she likes yet?" Rose-sweerui asks, her grin growing as she rises to her tips. She has little problem walking her underside right over me and I gawk at the confidence. Her small hand grasps the door handle, and she shakes her hips eagerly. Getting up after her, she frightens Einervaene within moments of the door opening.