Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 138 - V4 Incline 21: Nin

Chapter 138 - V4 Incline 21: Nin

I wonder if I'll actually be able to get to sleep tonight? Have not had a whole lot of luck even before I came back to life as a bug. All this magic in my system. It's doing something to me that is unseen until my patience starts to run thin. Gods, I wish it was just my new biology, but this problem is longer rooted than that.

Either way, I guess... I can at least make sure Rose-sweerui and Einervaene get to sleep fine. Assuming the latter chooses to spend the night with us in our room. Rooms... House?

Somehow, I manage to get my route back done right without issue and I straighten myself out. Hiding the letter Motrtha wrote for me, I present Rose-sweerui's flower proudly. Touching the handle, I slowly open it up, cautious about how brittle my strength might make it seem. Stepping inside, I close the wood back up.

So far, so good.

Frowning at the lack of reception, my head snaps around looking for one of two things. Something jerks around out of sight, a right banging noise erupting. Confusion paints my face as the familiar sounds remind me of something. That dash to get the naughty deed out of sight before someone sees.

"Anybody alive in here?" I call out, a half-naked aelenvari running into view. A smile forcing its way up her face and she sprints to me. I move my arms out of the way, saving the flower.

"My precious, beloved love!" Rose says loudly, her body arousing suspicions more so than a hard one. The face full of relief is certainly hard to ignore, smushed up as it is against my chest. Her eyes keep meeting mine and this mask isn't doing as good of a job as she is hoping it is. Something's going on and I am probably not going to like hearing it...

Am I?

"Where's Einervaene?" I ask.

"She left! The golden-human had her bath and left!" the aelenvari lies.


"What's that noise?" I ask, stepping further into the room with a cocked brow. Setting Rose aside easily, the buzzing grows louder as I trace her approach. Strange, electrical buzzing. Thudding. Thud, thud, thud.

"What noise?" Rose pretends not to hear, her mask already slipping off to the ground to shatter. Despite the dark lenses hiding my eyes, she flinches when my gaze meets hers.

"Rose..." I let out in a low tone, one permeating with chitters. Turning to the bathroom door further along, I figure out the source of the noise. Rose rushes ahead, blocking the door completely with a crude attempt at seduction. She's even holding back her perfectionism with it to ensure the door is blocked. Utterly so.

Now I know... So very well, I do know.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" she asks, spinning one of her narrow-tipped legs about. The sways of movement close and open a view many would love to see. Not I.


"I love you more than you could ever know! M-More than you can understand...!" she tells me, her words hurrying out into terrified squeaks as I lay my claws on her. Gently grasping her shoulder, I direct my energy into a simple motion.

"Moving you." is all I have for her. 

Finding myself needing to pick her up, I do so. Settling her down, I go back to the door. She panics and her actions turn erratic. Not enough for her to chase after me. She already knows the jig is up. I open the bathroom door.

Steam blasts across my face, filling out the room. I almost reach for a window before I recall the hole in the wall not far away. Wiping my lenses clean, they fog up again. Slipping the mask off for the moment, the vapour soaks my shell dripping wet.

I step into the bathroom and turn towards the crackling of electricity. Einervaene is passed out within the empty tub. Blue sparks arcing all over her naked, spasming body. Each bolt adds to her severely pinkish-red hue.

Whatever happened, she was lucky to have had her head catch on something. So, she's not drowned. I hope. But... What happened...? How...

"What happened!?" I ask Rose, putting my stuff down and vaulting into the dry tub.

"WAIT-!" Rose screams, my claws grabbing onto Einervaene and picking her up. Rose goes quiet as she watches the volts harmlessly lash away at me. Admittedly, sharing her sudden scream. Running into an electric is not the smartest idea, results being good or not... I guess it doesn't matter.

"Still waiting for an answer, Rose!" I demand from her, Einervaene's body going down onto a nearby sofa. Taking a decorative blanket, I wrap the thankfully sleeping beauty up. I'm not sure if I did anything, but the sparks have stopped. I guess the remaining water was drawing it out of her...? Whatever, she's alright.

"She shocked herself while showing off her magic..." Rose mutters, her hands coming together for a harsh rub. She's clearly under the impression I am angry with her. Though, hearing this is something originating from Einervaene herself, my mood isn't too bad. I could still get angry over other things, however.

"And you left her in there!?" I accuse, venting my annoyance that way with a disingenuous accusation. How can I blame Rose like that? Covered in electricity!

"I... I-" Rose stutters, our attention going to Einervaene as she moans herself awake. Snapping around, I quickly head for my mask. The straps slap onto the back of my head and I snuggle into its confines.

"W... Wha... What happened?" Einervaene moans out in a mixture of all sorts of emotions. I hear her move up, and, despite being covered, she panics. More noises come out at me. She realises she has a blanket nearby as I turn back around. Masked up and with a hat on top. I barely manage to get a view of her tits. Not that I needed the sneak peek, I got a full view of the nice things when I got her out here.

Einervaene starts to calm down, a hand covering her face as she realises how pink she's turned. She looks at Rose, her eyes down and memories playing up. An awkward quiet takes over. The pair are clearly recalling a conversation.

"You shocked yourself, according to Rose." I decide to explain, nodding towards the aelenvari as I collect the rest of my things. My eyes bounce between Einervaene's growing blush and my travel partner. Rinse repeat until I am all ready with the few items I've collected.

Rose notices the flower and approaches, a dainty effect to her steps.

"Oh, this is for you." I tell her, handing it over. She takes it without a word, but holds it close regardless. The air sings with the sound of kissing lips. No flesh for them to touch, though.

"Did you tell the human gilded-bark about Einervaene?" Rose-sweerui asks, her mind calming down and focusing on the flower instead. I almost want to smile at how her tongue has slipped.

"I did. He will want to speak to you later," I answer Rose-sweerui, pointing to Einervaene for the rest of the sentence. Quiet takes over and I note how Rose-sweerui is steadily turning as pinkish-red as the burnt woman wrapped in her blanket. She's not fairing much better, either. She knows I've seen what she's packing, her eyes are even trailing to where my palms held her.

Skin redder than Einervaene's water burns afterimages across my vision. A body locks around me and squeezes tight. Nearby things tap and bang as Rose-sweerui pays no mind to where her tail goes. She's clinging tight, a happy tune in her throat and a soft glow in her bulbs.

I think she likes the flower.

"Do... Do I need to give you two some p-privacy?" Einervaene asks me as she tries to manoeuvre her way to the door.

"No, you can stay in here. Besides, you are still naked." I answer, a small smile forming as the blanket-covered woman leaps back the way she came. She falls to the floor, painful moans leaving her right before she screams. Her actions took the blanket away. Hands snatch it back up and she returns to the sofa. Scoffing, I shake my head at the show.

Noting how much energy the two have, though, I move Rose-sweerui aside. She lets out noises of sadness and confusion and we go over so I can do the same to Einervaene. Rose-sweerui growls in jealousy while the foreign beauty squeaks at the arm wrapping around her. Moving us along, I take us to the bedroom proper.

The sadroobell comes to mind, more specifically the talk I had with Futhans. Strong magic is supposed to heal. Not only will this help out with Rose-sweerui's current injuries and anything gained. It should also deal with Einervaene's less than ideal red-skinned tan.

Having not said a word, neither are too sure of what is going on. And, well, Rose-sweerui is taking the time to be utterly scornful with Einervaene. Who, in turn, has learned not to mind her naked contact with me. So long as it hides her from the sneers of the aelenvari woman.

Setting the two down onto the bed, I scoot in between the pair and bring them in. They both seem to grow quiet and a quilt is brought over us through no action of my own. Closing my eyes, I try to focus on my magic as the pair settles in. Rose-sweerui intimacy is fine, but Einervaene's is distracting.

Now that I am properly aware of how stupid I am, maybe this isn't a good idea? All I have are these bandages separating my bug body from Einervaene's naked one. So many small details for her to pick up on right now. My presumed perception of Einervaene's horror is...

I glance at Rose-sweerui as she sprawls herself over my front. Her bulbs flare up threateningly, hiding the sneer she's wearing on her lips. This current behaviour might be to my benefit. Glaring all this bloody murder at the increasingly nervous window breaker will keep her distracted.

"Try not to kill each other, you two." I remark as I try to reassure both of them with a slight jostle. They seem to settle down, leaving me to try and focus on what Futhans mentioned. I am incredibly confused about how I might be able to use my magic like this but... Apparently I can do it. I just need to focus on the fantastical idea of healing these two through ambience.




Should I imagine myself wrapping bandages around them? Putting plasters on? Setting a cast? Wiping and cleaning a wound...?