Chereads / Dark Crow Rising / Chapter 61 - V2 Incline 27: Ivy-Mother Rose'lhia

Chapter 61 - V2 Incline 27: Ivy-Mother Rose'lhia

"I wonder what the Valkinvar wanted?" I quietly ask myself as I pay attention to how quiet it is around me at the moment. No one is here to remark or look at me strangely for speaking with words rather than my true-voice. I've been doing it a lot, lately, speaking with words, these silly little things. All because of him.

I guess I have just come to accept the fact that this is the only way my love will understand me. Not that I mind speaking if it's for him, I love hearing his voice and I know he feels the same about me...

But, still, I would love to speak to him just once with my true-voice and be understood. There's only one true-voice like mine and it feels strange knowing I might never use it for him. Just once, I want to hear his power ring out to me so I can listen to the ebb and flash of his great power. If only he wasn't spending time with the Valkinvar...

I wanted to ask my love about his thoughts on a new outfit I have been preparing back at my bulb. I know he was looking for me, it's why I followed the voice of others to get here, but he left before I could... She took him up into the sky by his hand. The Champion can't fly, obviously!

So why does it bother me that his hand was in hers? There's no reason I should be worried even if they do vanish to somewhere solitudous. She's a Valkinvar, a sacred virgin who has pledged herself to the God of War. Whatever they talk about in their quiet, it is no threat to the love I have for my Champion.

I start to smile as my love's face flashes in my mind's eye, all that strength and power, all that potential. It is mine, every bit of it and I am his until we walk amongst the mist-concealed howls. Though, I am worried about my Champion's lack of integration into our way of life. He has not welcomed it as much as I have hoped for.

Perhaps a seed needs to be made with urgent haste, so that he feels like he is with purpose. Oh, I cannot wait to bear his child for him, I will finally live up to my responsibilities as a woman, let alone as an aelenvari. I smile and blush deeply as I try to recall the rumours I have heard about humans and how they approach women. I have heard of gifts and presents which is very different compared to here.

I am happy with his intimacy alone, but, who am I to say no to a present from my love? But, the day he comes to me with a present, I can finally wear my special outfit. I can let him take what I have saved and we will start a family that I will be the mother of! Me, a real mother!

"I hope he will give me many sons..." I sigh dreamily as I gently caress the part of me that will swell with those seeds. I might not be able to count on him to help my people as I understand it, but he will do it because he loves me. This body that has been so carefully prepared over all of my life. As far back as the mother of my mother's mother and further beyond.

I smile as a little sweetness dribbles from my chest and I impatiently lick it up as my knees rub together. I frown a little as the aphrodisiac works its way through my impatient body. I have waited so long to bear my first son, but, what my love did the last time he tasted my honey... Do humans not respond to it the same way as we aelenvari?

Looking off into the distance, I spot a group of stems talking to each other, laughing over the little things. What was intended to be just a brief look-over turns long and lingering. I bite my lip as curiosity fills my mind and I stare at the massive chest one of them has. Her honey is not as potent as mine, but, she is holding back a vast reserve of it for any who might show interest.

I need to know if our breast honey is bad for humans and there are three lonely stems in need of a man each. Three human thorns in need of a chance to wind down in a way only a woman can provide. I briefly smile and walk up to the three stems and they notice me but initially try to move out of my way. But, following them, they realise that I am after them.

"Ivy-Mother!? Can we help you with anything?" one born under the petals of a white flower asks as her hands move near her face anxiously. The orange-haired one stands there almost dumbstruck with her proud bounty pushed out as if she is at attention. The final dark-red, almost maroon one just has her mouth agape and she's struggling to keep it closed.

"Yes, you can." I flash in answer to them as I move up to the orange-haired one. Placing my hands under her chest, I weigh and fondle them gently. Their sheer size almost makes me envious as if magically potent honey were to be in these breasts... Her gentle moans bring me out of my runaway thoughts and I squeeze harder.

She shamelessly enjoys the kind of touch only I can provide and the magic of the other two reacts wildly. With the impressive bulk of the pair in my hands, it doesn't take long for honey to come forth. I let go and they droop as I snatch up a sample of this stem's honey to taste for myself. I pucker my lips at the weak flavour and go back to looking at them as the owner of these breasts burns red.

Magic aside, however, she has quite well-developed honey as well. This stem might be worth keeping an eye on if she ever grows beyond her current station in time. This thick, sickly liquid is still going down my throat and a blanket of it covers my tongue with sweet flavour. I allow the stem to hide her chest for the moment and I look over towards the nearest bulbs.

"Are we perhaps near your bulbs?" I ask the three as I try to keep my body under control. A near-perfect and then a weak dose of honey in my system will wreak pleasurable havoc upon me. There are worse ways to be seen, admittedly.

"N-No, Ivy-Mother, we will need to walk for a bit before we reach it, w-why?" the white-haired one asks as she preemptively assumes that I might want to see her honey too. I put a hand on her turtle-neck sweater and stop her as my mind thinks of my love.

"Please return to your bulbs, then, and get changed. Dress as revealing and loose as you are allowed to and wait at the edge of the Sepal together." I explain to them brightly and the three nod vigorously as excitement fills them. Though, compared to the other two, that orange-haired stem needs to move far more carefully. All that swinging, bouncing, buxom weight and now it's leaking uncontrollably...

I smirk at her situation as it is nice to finally see someone else sharing my recent troubles. However, I should really pass it on to the thorns that she and the other two have my permission to be going out and about like that. A stem shall never act erotically nor dress that way in public as they do not deserve to, compared to petals who may. So, I pass on a quick order to the first thorn I see and she in turn does the rest for me.

Walking onward towards the Petals, I go further into the Stigma. I approach the Gilded-Bark so that I might speak with him and he looks at me with a sight that has been rare as of late. A simple smile. I sit down away from him at the edge of Motrtha's pyre and I sprinkle some incense into the holy fire.

I pick my staff up from its place of rest and start to think about changing clothes myself seeing as I mentioned it. I wearily sigh at my dress and tubes as I look upon them and I know the Gilded-Bark is confused. After all, what I am wearing is handmade with the utmost care for the Ivy-Mother, me. The tubes I am wearing are beautiful, they really are, but, I want to show my love something that is just me in every sense of the word.

Specially, artistically forged tubes made of rose gold so that the precious ore matches my birth flower. Symbols of motherhood and pleasure across the metal and soft fabric and embedded, blood-red amber. So many fiddly, but well-worth-it hooks and holes so I can put it with my finest silk lingerie. Once, I hoped for the night I would wear it for the Gilded-Bark, but, now, I barely even look his way.

I hope my love likes this outfit I plan to show him... There's so much about it that's different to usual but it is very special to me. I will wear it the very first time we make love. My first time.

"Something seems to be bothering you, Ivy-Mother." the Gilded-Bark comments from his throne as a yellow-haired petal has her tail played with by his hand.

"I'm... I'm just wondering if my love will like the outfit I have prepared for when he finally puts a seed into me." I explain reluctantly as although I feel nothing for him now. It wasn't that long ago that this outfit was intended solely for him before he was taken in by another petal.

"You speak of your First Time Lingerie?" he guesses with a flickering true-voice quite easily and a keen smile as my cheeks are scorched crimson. The eyes of the few women near us widen and their bulbs light up in shock as they discover my virginity. I try to smile and laugh, but my cheeks only get hotter. The one who guides the flower with childbirth, childcare and the making of them is not even a mother herself!?

It's so embarrassing!

I smile warmly and sigh dreamily as my love enters my mind, soon, soon I will be a mother. My belly will first swell from his actions, then, I will grow as the most prized result grows. I will grow tired, exhausted, anxious and worried, hungry and peckish. But it will all be worth it once I hold my seed in my arms after it is finally ready to come into the world.

My love will make me a mother, the greatest thing any woman can ever be!