Chereads / Love Separated by The Atlantic / Chapter 2 - Chapter II - The Letter.

Chapter 2 - Chapter II - The Letter.

From the napkin, my eyes move to the folded-up page.

picking it up into my hands, I unfold it. From there, I am greeted with words upon words that stretch down the page.

I notice my name at the very top...

Dear Ana,

Where do I begin? Let me start with your name. Ana. It's so beautiful and so memorable. It will always stay with me. I can tell already it will stay with me for a very long time and, if not for a very long time then, forever. Your name will cause me pain because you are going to be the first girl who I will lose without it being decided whether I want you to go away or not...

I noticed you looking at me from that queue, you gazed at me and I couldn't help but do the same. I'm guilty of it too. But it was your pure beauty that caused such a reaction to happen within me. I tried to act cool by winking at you and chuckled when you immediately dropped your gaze off of me.

Then, when I realised we were in the same queue, I did at first brush it off as being a coincidence, but then I thought over the whole thing and a part of me said it's anything but that...

Then to come to the sudden conclusion that we were both going to be travelling together, let alone be sitting beside each other, I felt my heart signalled it's choice and that was for me to go after you, to chase after you.

And from then, we come onto now. Now, where you lie on my shoulder, sleeping, while I am here, writing this letter to you. I try not to move while I write so that I don't wake you up. Something tells me you don't like being woken up, that is, if not within reason.

As I write, I can't help but steer my eyes off the page that lies in front of me and onto you. I can't help but gaze at you. Even when asleep, your beauty never ceases to put me under some sort of a spell, just like when that gaze of yours meets mine.

There are a thousand more words that I could write about you, about your beauty, but this page is my only limit in me doing so.

On the napkin that I will include with the letter, I'll have my phone number written on it. Dial it and call me whenever you want... that is... if you want to.

I'll understand if you want to move on and forget me. If that is the case, then count this as my wish that your future will be filled with success and much love because I feel like you deserve it. But if not, then I'll eagerly be waiting for your call.

There is something else I want you to know. I don't know if it was a stroke of luck, or just a huge coincidence, which my heart still denies it to be, whatever it is, I am so glad that it turned out to be you the stranger I got to meet.

Always with much love,


By the end, I feel another lump form in my throat. A tear managed to sneak its way from my eye and down my cheek. I wipe it before, once again, diverting my eyes to the napkin James talked about in the letter.

Without a second thought, I reach out for my phone before unlocking it. I glance at the napkin on my lap before going into the dialer on my phone.

I am just about to begin typing in the number when my phone begins ringing. Someone is calling me.

I look at the Caller ID. Andrea.

I pick up the call. Although I am zealous to call James, I can't decline a call from that one person who is like a sister to me. Either way, I wanted to phone her after I talked to James. But then again, who knows how I'll feel when I finish talking to James. It could either end in my feeling good or me, once again, breaking down into tears.

I am opting for it to end the first way. Me being happy, but I am well aware that it will end in me being anything but happy. Seeing the way my luck has been for the past few weeks, I'm doubting I'll get out of this happy.

"Halo? (Hello?)" I begin.

"Ana! Guten Tag! (Ana! Good day!)" She responds. Wait, why German?

"Warum sprichst du auf deutsch? (Why are you speaking in German?)" I ask, chuckling at her.

"Joj, nemam pojma... (Oh, I have no clue...)" She replies. This time I break into laughter. Her sudden change to Serbian amuses me nonetheless. "Nego, recimi ti, što se ne javljaš? Tvoja mama mi je rekla pre minut dva da si stigla... (But tell me, why did you not call? Your mam told me a minute or two ago that you arrived...)" she adds.

I don't realise, but I let out a sigh.

"Ana?..." I notice how her voice is now smoother. "Jesi li dobro, drugarice? (Are you okay, friend?)" she asks only seconds later.

"Jesam... sve je uredu... (I am... everything is fine...)" I reply, trying to sound as convincing as I can. I find my gaze back on the tissue on my lap, right before I begin tapping my leg in pure relentlessness.

"Ne zvučiš me najbolje... Hoćeš da svratim kod tebe kasnije?... Ako nisi umorna. (You don't sound the best... Do you want me to come over later?... If you are not tired.).".

I freeze as I think over what she said. That is what I need now... Someone to be with me...

"Može... (Sure...)" I reply seconds later.

"I da radimo ono što ti zoveš 'to catch up on some tea'. (And to do what you like to call 'to catch up on some tea'.).". Her words cause me to chuckle.

"Da... (Yes...)" I reply.

"I znaš da ako hoćeš da pricas samnom da možeš slododno da me zoveš... (And you do know that if you want to talk to me, you can call me...).". I nod to her words as if she were to see me through the phone before giving her a verbal answer.

"Da... znam... (Yes... I know...).". I unintentionally sniffle as my eyes begin to water once again. I think it is safe to say that I missed her very much...

"Ti plačeš? (You are crying?)," she asks.

I let out a snicker.

"Malo... (a bit...)," I reply.

"Što? Jel te je neko maltretirao? Znaš da cu mu jaja iščupati ako mi je nako dirao moju sestru, a to si ti. (Why? Did someone mistreat you? You know that I'll rip his balls off if they hurt my sister, my sister being you.)".

"Ma daleko od toga... (Oh, far from that...)" I begin, her words drawing back all of my tears.

"Ja... sam upoznala nekog... (I... met somebody...)," I finish my sentence. Immediately she reacts.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" she asks. I giggle at her.

"No, I am not. But I am going to leave all the details until you come to my house..." I reply, a pout forming on my face. "I'm going to run out of credit..." I elaborate. I want to keep some for when I talk to James.


Her giggles break the quiet.

"Ništa onda, ostavljam te, pa kad dođem ćemo da pričamo o letu i tako... (Okay then, I'll leave you. I'll see you when I come around so that we can talk about your flight and so on...)," she says.

"Važi, drugarice. Vidimo se. (Okay, friend. We'll see each other.)" I say before sending her a kiss over the phone.

"Vidimo se! (We'll see each other!)," she replies before sending me back a kiss.

With that, the call ends and I quickly resume from where I left off.

Reorienting the napkin on my lap, I begin typing in the number.

I check over the numbers I entered before proceeding on dialling it. Placing my phone by my ear, I hear it ring.

With each ring, I can feel my anticipation rise. The excitement begins to swirl in the pit of my stomach.

I try to keep control of myself, but with each passing second, I find it increasingly difficult to do so.