Days passing,we get more closer and starting to understand each other between although not Love there is so much more than it , which is understanding.Though ,I said him he free and he should no need to worry about me but I knew much his care mean to me.l was just completing the journey from "sir "to "you " but our destiny was not agreed with it. One me and my friend talking with him then I notice they are talking about something that they both escape from me. When saw my friend talking about any secret,I became instantly jealous and curious to know what they were about. I just go to him and ask what's the matter which they were talking about and escapes from me .He said with little bit attitude and cute smile why I tell what. Iam Obsessed to knew what the matter. Actually, he is looking for a Hollywood movie download site , which is known by but whenever He ask me about it I said you write ....,then I said him why I tell you which . I was just shocked to hear that he using my trick on me.Then I ok you don't want to tell me don't ever talk to me. I go and at last bench of the class and held my head down. after few minutes he comes to me and said with smile ok I am going to tell you. I just alarmed and awake in haste to know and Said tell me what is it. Then ,he answered me again and start smiling why I tell you what? He said me to come to school on geography paper day he'll tell me about the matter which they were talking about. But unfortunately that day paper was cancelled due to coronovirus lockdown Now three months gone .Yet ,Iam waiting for him. Although I know he never love me,still l expect may he thinks about purposing me and taking suggestions from my friend that day. But I know the truth and I am helpless before my destiny.Yet, I am waiting and I shall ever wait for him until I die.