Chereads / Percy Jackson The Dark Gamer / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson

Warning: Contains blood, gore, sex, possible rape, sword fights, dark shit you will never be unseen, demons, angels, witches, wizards, medieval crap, and finally pure unadulterated badassery.


The medallion that landed in my hand was simple and silver, just an imprint of a magic circle on one side and one of the crystal tower on the other. I put it in my pocket as I noticed everyone unloading from their carriages as they all stood by me. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at them as the carriages wheeled away behind Miss. Nights.

"You're walking?" I asked them as a joke about them only riding in carriages the whole way appeared in the air as most rolled their eyes.

"Most of us don't have strength like you Mr. Barbarian." Said one of the females as I shrugged.

"Whatever, so where are you guys going?" I asked them.

"Well we did kill a few monsters on the way here so we do have a few monster drops. So we are going to the Adventurer's guild." Said Alexander who seemed to be the leader of the group.

"As do I, besides I have to get my guild card." I said as a few nodded as they seemed to not have theirs either.

"Then what?" Said Alexander as all the women smiled evilly as all us men shivered.

"Shopping!" They yelled in unison as my eyebrow twitched, I had a feeling that not pissing anyone off was going to be a lot harder now.


I stood silently off to the side as I watched the group of students get their guild card. It cost a simple silver to get the card which was a lot in my opinion. But one thing I did learn was that guild will only by drop items at 50% their cost if you don't have a guild card. So I was forced to get one but first I had to wait for these idiots who seemed to be taking their time. Not saying that I didn't want to get out of here but even shopping with 10 females was better than being in this place.

There were at least 20 adventures around the age of 30 sitting around a dining area/common area as they were laughing as they guzzled down mug after mug of beer. My guess was that they just completed a quest given out by the guild. Most of them looked like your normal rag tag group of adventures with their random armor pieces that covered vital areas and cheap clothes. Not to mention that their weapons looked a little used. But even with their ragtag looked their levels were not lower than 150.

"-Then she said maybe I did add too much butter!" One said ending a joke that stirred up laughter with the group as I rolled my eyes as I waited patiently for one of the female students to finish up her guild card.

"Red or blue?" She asked herself as she looked down at the color options for the card as all the guys groaned, I was no expectation.

"Oh shut up this is important! Once you pick your guild card color it can never be changed again!" She yelled at us as I looked at the receptionists lady as she had a smile on her face but you could see the surprise about what the girl said buried deep down.

"Listen while you contemplate which color pick can I will finish my card." I said while moving the 18 year old girl out of my way. As I did I rolled my eyes as the girl huffed and picked up the two colors as she thought deeply about it.

"I would like to register myself at the guild." I said as the lady nodded,

"That will be one silver." She said as I sighed. I was kind of depressed that I hadn't spent any bonus points on the [Increase discounts and money received from trades, quests, and random finds] though I did have 4 bonus points they were simply too important to spend on this for the time being.

Also another thing I figured out, I noticed that I didn't gain any notification about the bonus XP from my [XP increase] perk. I was calling my passive bonus skills perks now. But nothing was popping up when I was killing all those astral beasts or completing that quest. I questioned Gaia and turns out the XP bonus is already applied to everything so in essence every bit of XP I receive is already 20% more than I would have gotten.

"Here." I said as I took a silver coin out of my inventory and placed it on the counter. As I did the receptionist's eyes went wide.

"I am surprised to see a man as young as you have a coin pouch." She said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Coin pouch?" I asked her as I thought of a deer skin pouch one would hang on their side.

"It is something that becomes available in your inventory once you reach LV 10 that lets you store copper coins. At LV 30 you can store silver and at LV 50 you can store gold. It is just a surprise to see a 12 year old with a LV high enough to store silver." She said as I shrugged seeming to understand.

"Well alright then if you can please put your hand over this." She said as a glass orb the size of a soccer ball was placed in front of me. As she did I lightly placed my hand on it as I felt a slight humming sensation from the orb as it glowed a white light. After a second it stopped as something the size of a note card popped out a little slot at the bottom. Kind of reminded me of an ATM and how it spits out money.

"Alright now all you have to do is place a drop of blood on this and you are all done." She said with a smile as she handed me the guild card. As she did I poked my finger on a small needle provided by the women. As a drop of blood fell on the card it began to glow for a second as it finally stopped and revealed black print on the white surface of the card.

Name: Perseus Jackson

Race: Human

Title: N/A

Job: Warrior lv-20

Age: 12

Level: 55

Adventure Rank: I

Adventure Sign: N/A

Guild Quests Completed: 0

It was simple and compact on the card as it even showed me a picture of my face on it. I quickly looked over the info as everything seemed in place. But as the others peaked at my card some of them went wide eyes.

"Level 55! I thought you had a high level for your age but this is ridiculous! " Exclaimed one of the males as they all looked at my card.

"I don't see how this is that big a deal." I said with a shrug as I looked at the still surprised receptionist.

"I would like to sell some monster drops." I said as she seemed to snap out of it and nodded quickly.

"Alright just put all drops this and they will be automatically scanned with a magic array and their worth will be sent to our teller over there." She said motioning to a person behind a teller window with glass like window protecting him. But beside the teller was a mail slot type thing that had an open top that looked like you could dump a lot of stuff in it.

"Okay." I said as I walked over to one of the tellers as I opened up my inventory and started to dump loads of animal bones into the magical bin. After a while I managed to dump out all the animal bones as I moved onto wolf claws. That only took a second as I moved onto the my last item which was Ectoplasm which came out in small clay jars to make sure it didn't spill everywhere.

As I did this the eyes of the teller were wide as I continued to dump in the items as I saw a small screen in front of him which I supposed was made of magic. But as I continued to dump in items there was a number on the screen which continued to rise as finally I stopped. But I wasn't done, during my trip here I can consumed all but the head of the earth drake. It had taken me a while with constant snacks but I managed.

All in all it left me with over 2400 scales, 400 bones, 50 pounds of bone marrow, 20 claws, 15 gallons of blood, 30 tendons, several key organs including a heart, and one drop of special blood called Earth Drakes soul. These alone were probably enough to give me more than enough money to live in a fancy castle for the next 10,000 years.

Even after I had consumed 95% of the drake I had yet to gain any skills or perks. Maybe they would only pop up when I was finished with my meal? Still I tossed in 300 earth drake scales to give me plenty of gold since I planned on eating them to gain the skills they contained even if I didn't get them.

"Alright that is it." I said as I watched the number drastically rise into the millions as the tellers face was one of astonishment.

"How much?" I asked him as he gulped.

"6-6,019,075 copper coins…that is…" He paused as he started to count on his hands as I raised an eyebrow. I thought someone with this job would have a better calculation method other than a simple copper coin amount.

"It's 6 white gold, 1 gold, 90 silver, and 75 copper." Said an older clerk to the younger teller's side as he nodded. But after he did he seemed to freeze for a second.

"Sir at the moment I do not have this amount of money that I can trade you, could you wait a moment?" He asked me as I shrugged as he got up and walked in the back where I suspected was his boss. Thankfully all the idiots were still over by the receptionist as they figures tout the rest of their guild card situation. After a moment a buff man that looked like he could wrestle a bear into submission came out of the back room.

"Evening…sir." He said in a slight hesitation as if not knowing what to call me due to my age. But as I tried using [Analysis] on him all I got was question marks, not even his name popped up. Though with his overwhelming pressure I could guess that this man had to be a higher level than Miss. Night at least by 200 or 300. But that was my lame guess.

"It's afternoon." I said as he cleared his throat as if to stop himself from making a comment on that. To him I bet I looked like a spoiled kid who came in to get himself some money when his parents didn't give him enough of an allowance.

"Anyways at the current situation I can give you 3 white gold and the smaller change, but the other three 3 white we currently do not have on hand. You will have to wait a few weeks before we can get permission to them from the guild bank." He said as I sighed. More than likely they did have this amount with them they just felt it was unreasonable to give it to some child.

"Fine how about I put this amount in the guild bank, if I do remember correctly than this amount will accumulate interest?" I asked him as I imagined banks in this world worked the same as they did on earth.

"Indeed." He said with a smile as his plan seemed to succeed.

"How much is the interest for a full year?" I asked him.

"3%" He said as I nodded.

"Alright I will take the 3 and change. I said as he nodded as he motioned for the teller to get the coins. Soon he came back out with a tray full of the coins as most lived up to their given names. However the white gold coin was about double the size of a gold coin and a faint white gold color. As I confirmed the amount I stored it in my inventory as I looked at the money I had.

MONEY: 3WG 1G 99S 967C

"Do I need to sign any papers for my 3 white gold in the guild bank?" I asked the burly man as he nodded.

"Yes…here you go." Said the man as he handed over some papers to me. Thankfully I could read the language, I don't know how but English was the main language spoken on this planet, or at least where I lived.

"Also if you keep turning in drop items like this we can guarantee a raise in your guild rank. But you first have to be in the guild a least a year for any form of promotion in rank to happen." He said as I nodded.

"Is there a S rank?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Yes there is not many adventures are of this rank, if I remember correctly all of them are currently tackling a goblin King's army that appeared on the 100th floor of the dungeon." He said to me as I nodded as I imagined Gabe's friend was a fake S rank adventurer.

"Then what rank of adventure would this sword belong to?" I asked as I took out my Saint sword and showed him as he didn't seemed surprised at all by the blade. As he took it from me he looked it over and gave the blade a few taps with his knuckled as he listened to the ring of it.

"You are looking at a C+ or B— rank." He said asking no further questions about the blade as I nodded. I guess my hunch was right.

"Normally this blade is given to some more talented people in the army, it is nothing special. If you are looking for a better blade I can recommend a blacksmith for you." He said as I thought for a second.

"I will think about it, I am not old enough to enter the dungeon so there is no point in getting a better blade." I said as he nodded.

"Anyways these are the papers." He said as he handed them over.

After signing a few papers he took them and had me put a blood thumb print on it to confirm it was mine as I did that as well. Afterwards I was told by the teller that this man was the one of the 10 generals of the guild. Their level for that lone also had to be over 1000 which didn't surprise me because this burly man seemed like he could kill just about anything.

"Hey Mr. Barbarian you all done?" Asked one of the females as they all finally finished up their guild cards.

"Yep and stop calling me that." I said in an angry tone as I got tired of hearing they call me that.

"I think he is upset guys." She said in a playful tone as I felt a vein bulge on my forehead.

"They won't find your body." I said in a menacing voice which just dug my own grave deeper.

"Aww look at a level 55 making threats to a level 67." She said pinching my cheek as I slapped her hand away as I grumbled in anger as I walked away. They all began to chuckle as I swore down deep in my heart she was going to pay for that.

"I thought we were going shopping." I said as I stopped at the exit of the guild as they all quickly followed behind.

"So what are we shopping for?" Asked Alex who had a calm demeanor about him as pulled up a spot right beside me.

"Clothes obviously." Said one of the females.

"What about staffs?" Asked one of the guys.

"I am good on a staff but a new wand wouldn't hurt." Said another.

"Oh I heard that there is a witch's shop that sells flying brooms." Said one of the youngest females.

"That sounds interesting." Said Alex as he glanced down at me.

"What about you boy wonder?" He asked as I sighed deeply.

"Why can't you people call me by my name?" I asked them.

"Because you actually respond if we don't." Said Alex as I glanced up at him as a rare smile broke out on his face. I guess even the stone cold genesis wanted to be friends with some people.

"I need spare clothes, some simple potions, and if there is any rare item shop maybe I might pick something up from there." I said as I guessed that there might be a possibility to pick up perks or skills from items sold at rare shops.

'Actually if you can find some 200 year old blood heart grass, fifth rank earth monster core, 10 ultra-pure mana stones, 3 rank blood lotus vein, green tigers sternum, killer tree spirit membrane, and some divine earth god's mud that would be awesome.' Said Gaia as I was surprised.

'Why those?' Those I asked her as that list sounded expensive. Not to complain since I was filthy rich now but I still had the heart of a penny pincher.

'If you get me those I then I can instruct you to make me a body so I can place my soul in it. This will give me my own body again. Also I can help you in battle with the body if I get one.' She said as I slowly nodded.

'Any other features?' I asked her as she laughed.

'Well I will have two appearances a fairy form and a human form. Most spirit users will give their spirit a body just so they can speak to them also most female spirit users like to show off their spirits fairy body. Also it is called a fairy and just as you might think I will be 6 inches tall and have little butterfly wings.' She said as I stayed quiet as I started to laugh a little.

'My own personal Navi.' I said to myself thinking of a small Gaia flying around me all the time.

'Are you referring to Zelda?' Asked Gaia.

'Yeah…' I said a little ashamed.

'Well you aren't wrong. But don't forget my soul is classified as a class 1 spirit so I will have the ability to transform into a human around the same age as you. Also this way I can keep a closer eye on you and actually affect you in the physical plane.' She said proudly as I nodded as I imagined a 12 year old Gaia hitting me which I couldn't do for some reason.

"Hey guys." I said as everyone turned to me.

"My spirit wants me to gather her some things to help her get a body. Any chance I can acquire your help?" I said as they all seemed interested.

"What kind of items do you need?" Asked Alex as I listed them off as all their faces contorted rapidly as I listed them.

"I-Is your spirit stupid?" Asked one of the guys as I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think so…well most of the time. Why what's wrong?" I asked them as I felt Gaia mentally kicking me.

"200 year old blood heart grass alone cost nearly 10 gold. Actually that is the cheapest one as well." Said a female as I stared at her unblinking.

"Yeah man you are looking at a recipe for a divine spirit body if I remember right. Not even some of the best spirit users have their spirit using a body half the quality of that. Actually I doubt there is a spirit body that any better than this one." Said Alex as I slowly nodded.

"So how much for all of items?" I asked them as Alex sighed.

"You are looking at 1 to 2 white gold for everything. That doesn't even add in the amount it will take to have an alchemist make the body." Alex said as I reached in my pocket and pulled out two white gold coins as all their eyes went wide.

"As long as I gather that items I don't care." I said as I put the white gold away as they just stared at me.

"Remind me again where you came from?" Said Alex as I slightly smiled.

"A place that no longer exists, anyways if all of you help me out I have a third white gold coin that I am willing to give you all to share." I said as they all seemed to get really pumped.

"Let's do this!" Shouted a female as I saw the dollar signs in her eyes.

"Just how much is a white gold?" Asked one of the males as he started counting on his hands.

"…" The poop soup lady just mumbled to herself as ignored her.

"So you willing to help me gather the items?" I asked them as they all nodded. The prospect of getting a white gold coin was too much even for these nobles. My guess their family income was a little under 20 gold coins.

"So where to first?" I asked Alex since he seemed familiar with the area.

Alert! Quest Given!

Quest name: Find these items for Gaia!

Quest tasks: Find these items!

— 200 year old blood heart grass

— Fifth rank earth monster core

— 10 ultra-pure mana stones

— 3 rank blood lotus vein

— Green tigers sternum

— Killer tree spirit membrane

— Divine earth god's mud

Quest requirements:

— Gather these items by the end of the day


Capital city map

150,000 XP

50 gold

Lv-5 magic scroll x2

Lv-1 magic scroll x5




Gaia's disappointment and mean comments from Gaia every 2 hours

Do you accept?


I stared in amazement at the quest as it was harder than the 'don't piss anybody off' one. That meant finding these items was going to be terrifyingly hard. But the penalty for not doing it was having Gaia be mad at me more than she already was. So let's just say I hit yes for the time being as I looked up at Alex.

"This way." He said as he led the way.

After three hours we had searched nearly every store in a full 2 mile radius around us. Yet we had only managed to find two of the items. 10 ultra-pure mana stones and the 3 rank blood lotus vein were the ones we found at a cost for 21 gold coins. Even then we still hadn't been able to find any of them. But what we did obtain was information, apparently there was an auction house in the second ring that sold high class goods that we were looking for.

But a bonus from shopping at all the odd shops in town was that I managed to find a few things that had a possibility of gaining a skill from. Most were simple passive ones that didn't help much but I didn't care. The unfortunate part was that I spent my 1 gold going and 80 silver on these items as I felt broke now. But I still had a majority of my white gold but that was for the items.

After a little bit of walking we arrived at the auction house as it stood there like a massive supermarket as hundreds of vendors were outside of it. Selling all things imaginable from A to Z and from 0 to 9 all of it was here. But we didn't pay any mind to them as we headed into the large building they were all selling in front of. Just as we walked in a women in a slightly revealing dressed came over to us. Apparently this auction house knew what it was doing because she was gorgeous, any man would be willing to spend anything to see her smile.

"Hello dear customers how might I help you?" She asked with a smile that seemed to melt your bones. But to me she was 7 out of 10 kind of comes from being around goddess all day long and nymphs and minor goddess so beautiful that even the god of the seas would do anything for. Sorry dad where you are but you're kind of a sucker for pretty women.

"Yes we are looking for a few items." Said Alex as the women nodded.

"We have hundreds of thousands of different rare treasures in stock. We can sell them independently to you but the price will be a little higher or we can put them in an auction with a chance for you to get a better price." She said with a smile as I nodded I guess this place worked like a normal market store and an auction house.

As she lead us through the building I saw all sorts of people that wore clothes that had to be made of gold. Most were fat men and happy as they laughed harshly at every joke they were listening to. Around them were beautiful women that made our helper lady looked like a rose without petals. Their bodies enticing to the eyes as their colored dressed hugged them as if they were naked.

'Percy.' Gaia said simply as I noticed I was starring with just about every other guy in our group. The women noticed our stares easily as they all winked at us and waved feather fans in front of their faces. It was simple to see that these women liked young robust men seeing as their husbands were…fit enough to please them.

'What?' I asked Gaia as a woman in a red dress stared at me and licked her lips as I raised an eyebrow. I glanced at their husbands as they seemed to not be noticing any of the flirting going on as I looked back at the women in a confused look. What? Play the innocent little boy and you can normally get any women in bed…at least I think so.

'Stop staring it is rude.' She said in an angry tone as I rolled my eyes as something popped into my head that made me grin slightly.

'Oh is the great Gaia jealous that I am flirting with another woman instead of her?' I asked in a playful tone as she made flustered noises in my head.

'Barbarian!' Gaia yelled in a flustered voice and sealed her mind from mine so I couldn't talk to her anymore. I just blinked a few times as I was amazed at how right I was. Sure I was dense sometimes…most of the time. But even I could tell that Gaia was jealous, the only question was why was so jealous? Sure our relationship was close anybody could tell that much but did I really 'like' Gaia or did she me? I didn't have an answer to that one.

"Mr. Barbarian don't get left behind." Said a female student as I glared at her and continued forward until we reached a back section of the store. As we did all sat down as the fancy women served us green tea which surprised me. I guess some things on this world were the same as earth's.

"So what items are you looking for?" Asked the women as Alex motioned to me as I nodded and wrote down the remaining 5 items on a piece of paper as the women took it and looked at it. As she did her facial expression was of surprise as she read through the items.

"If my suspicions are correct this is part of the recipe for a divine spirit body? Most normal spirit user don't even have half the money for one of these items. Even then once they do get rich they already made a body for their spirit and cannot change it. Still these items…" She said as she put her finger to her lip and seemed to think.

"They are for this young man, he has a class 1 spirit and needs an appropriate boy for his spirit. He is willing to pay the price. Plus what better fits a class 1 spirit than the legendary divine spirit body?" Said Alex as the women glanced at me as I nodded.

"Hmm…well we do have most of these but they are incredibly expensive. The only thing we do not have is the divine earth god's mud. That is something just too rare, even for us." She said handing back the list to me.

"Alright I will buy the items that you do have and if there is any information on the divine earth gods mud that I would like to purchase that as well." I said as the women looked at me skeptically as I sighed. Instantly I placed down one white gold and 30 gold coins as she instantly smiled and scooped up the coins.

"I will talk to my boss and have these out in a minute. Any change will be given back once I return with the items and report on the divine earth god's mud." She said with a smile as she disappeared behind a curtain.

"How much do you think she will keep for herself?" I asked Alex as a grin spread on his face.

"10 gold coins." He said as I shrugged as the others seemed to laugh a little.

"So what do you guys want for lunch?" Asked one of the girls as I guessed it was around 3 o'clock.

"I don't know but I do know Percy is paying." Said Samantha as I stared at her.

"Appetizers that is it." I said as they all moaned in displeasure.

"Oh get off your high horses I am literally giving you all a white gold after this." I said as they grumbled a little. I swear they were 13 year olds stuck in 20, 19, and 18 year old bodies while I was a 70 year old stuck in a 12 year old body.

"You're no fun Mr. Barbarian." Said one of the younger girls.

"I hate you I hate you all." I said as they all laughed as I mentally imagined killing them. While the idea was appetizing I simply didn't want to see as they were the closest people I had to friends with physical bodies at the moment.

"Good evening young master." Said a voice as I turned to see the women but this time with a much older women. Though she was slightly pudgy she has a certain air about her that said 'don't mess with me or else' still she had very fancy clothes on and a fan that was currently being used for its worth.

"Young master?" I asked in a slightly confused tone. I guess being called derogatory names by idiots seems to make one forget compliments.

"Yes it is a term used for a young man of nobility." Said the larger women who only showed me question marks as I tried to read her stats. Just what kind of place was this?

"I am not of nobility." I said simply as her eyes blinked a few time as if she asked herself if what she just heard was correct.

"Oh well then…young man these are the items you're requested and your change. Due to such a high cost I was required to personally see to the items." She said as the items I wanted were all there along with 40 gold coins.

"Thank you." I said as I put the items in my storage as I smiled. All I had was one left to find and I completed this stupid quest.

"Also the only info we have on the divine earth god's mud is that is a phantasmal rarity drop from an earth spirit that possessed a yellow earth widow." Said the women as I raised an eyebrow.

"What's the cost of a yellow earth widow possessed by a earth spirit?" I asked her.

"1 gold." She said as I was surprised.

"That's it?" I asked her as she smirked.

"The chance of a phantasmal drop is somewhere in-between .0000000000001 to .0000000000003 for it to drop." She said as I thought for a second.

"I would like 3 of those yellow earth widows possessed by the earth spirits please." I said simply as she scoffed at me.

"You think you can get a phantasmal drop from one of them?" She asked me as I shrugged.

"It isn't zero so why not?" I asked her as she just stared at me and smiled.

"I like you kid, if you managed to get more than one sell it to me will you." She said with a laugh as I nodded.

"How much would you buy it for?" I asked her as she pulled out a strange looking coin as the others seemed to go into shock.

"P-Platinum." Said bobby in complete shock.

"Just how many copper is that?" Said one girl in confusion.

"I will buy it for one platinum and give you a platinum membership card for the auctions." She said as she put the platinum away as I nodded.

"Alright, give me a day." I said.

Alert! Quest Given!

Quest name: Personal seller

Quest tasks: Sell a divine earth gods mud to fat women.

Quest requirements:

— Get divine earth gods mud

— Sell mud to fat women


— 1 platinum coin

— Alchemist association platinum membership card.

— ?

— ?


Nothing really…you might die…who knows.

Do you accept?


While the failure for the quest confused me I didn't mind it as I pushed yes as the larger women sent the smaller women in the back to find me the 3 special yellow widow makers.

"Also I have forgotten to give you my name. I am know as Greta Millows you can call me Miss. Millows if you wish." She said.

"Perseus Jackson. You can call me Percy." I said as she nodded.

"Or Mr. Barbarian." Said Samantha as I felt the need to punch her.

"Oh my…what made you earn such a nickname?" Asked Greta in a teasing tone.

"Look at him." Said Samantha as I growled at her as Greta just laughed.

"Indeed you do have a dangerous look to you." She said as the smaller women arrived with three plants. Each only 4 inches tall with yellow leaves, each one resembled a lily but gave off a dangerous vibe. Besides that that had a strange green aura to them that I guessed was the earth spirit.

"Here you are and be careful to not touch the flower petals the instant you that will be the last thing you do. It is not called widow maker for nothing." She said as she delicately handed me the pots as I put them in my inventory. A thought crossed my mind about eating them but I negated it since I could eat anything.

"Thank you and have a good day." I said as I stood up and gave her a small bow as I turned around as everyone followed behind me.

"So nothing like buying three useless plants. What now?" Asked Alex as I rolled my eyes.

"I will see if my plan works, in the meantime we will go to the third ring and buy lunch. Afterwards I guess whatever." I said with a shrug.

"You know for someone so young you see to be a promising leader." Said Alex as I sighed. Well he wasn't wrong since I had lead armies before but that was long ago.

"Still…only appetizers?" Asked Bobby as I growled at them.

"Move it!" I yelled as they all laughed and began to run as they still treated me like a rich child. While I was one at the moment I still couldn't stand these guys. Follow me one moment and then ridicule me the next? I am going to hurt someone at this rate.


'Those looked delicious.' Said a drooling voice in my head as I ate what was similar to a lizard on a stick but instead it had wings. I didn't respond to her as I took a bit out of the wing to find it tasted just like chicken skin. I just nodded in satisfaction as the other around me watched in awe as I took another bite out of my wing salamander on a stick.

"How can you eat that?" Asked bobby as I looked at him and took a really slow bite of the middle of my lizard on a stick. After I did that I chewed it slowly as his face contorted with disgust as I made sure to show him the food I was chewing.

"What are you talking about this is the appetizers I promised." I said as I motioned to the food stand as everyone gagged a little as they looked at the somehow deep-fried creatures on sticks. Basically small random creatures covered in a small amount of cornstarch and then dropped into a gallon of boiling animal fat overtop of a fire.

"I demand something else." Said a female as I shrugged.

"I am only offering to pay for this so suck it up or don't get free food." I said as I took another bite of the surprisingly appetizing lizard on a stick. Bones and call I didn't care as I bit into the meaty lizard.

'Maybe when you get a body I will buy you a few.' I said to the still drooling Gaia in my head.

'A hundred.' She said as I stopped thinking for a second.

'A hundred what?' I asked her.

'One hundred deep fried lizards. I haven't eaten anything in nearly 100,000 years and the first food I want is all the unhealthy ones.' She said like a child as I laughed lightly to myself as the others were busy staring at the deep-fried animals. Alex was staring at a deep fried snake.

'I don't think you will be able to eat one hundred.' I said to her.

'Watch me.' She said in a hungry tone as I starting thinking that letting her have a body would be bad for her. Then again it would be nice to have a 6 inch tall fairy on my side at all times. Now who doesn't want that?

'Okay but when you get an upset stomach don't come crying to me.' I said to her.

'Says the man that just ate three yellow widow makers and lived through it. Not to mention even gained a little profit from it.' She said as I shrugged as I thought of the skill I gained and items I got.

Passive skill: Poison Resistance lv-15 (89%)

Poison damage is reduced and the chance of being poison is reduced.

7.5% poison damage reduction (.5% more each level)

7.5% reduction in being poisoned (.5% more each level)

Attack skill: Poison Perspiration lv-3 (89%)

Your sweat is now a deadly weapon when you want it to be. Can be used to cover blades or used as a defense against enemies. They type of poison can also be change as more types of poisons are consumed. Require one hour to detox after skill has stopped.

Poison type: Paralysis

150 Poison damage every 3 seconds (50 more damage each level)

Cost: 5 END stat every 30 mins (1 less END every 10 levels and plus 5 mins every 5 levels)

The sad thing was that I didn't have any poison resistance at all and simply eating three of them shot it all the way up to level 15. I think they might have been a little more poison than I first thought. But the second skill kind of intrigued me the idea of making my sweat poison was kind of cool and to be honest I was thinking of different ways to use it.

I even thought that maybe once it reaches a high enough level maybe I could make it so it makes a mist with an AOE effect. Still that left me with the items which were kind of useless to me other than two.

Uncommon Item: Yellow Widow Maker seeds x 15

A seed to a yellow widow maker plant. Has a tiny amount of poison in it that can kill small animal. Needs dry area to grow yellow widow maker and need to be watched once every month.

Immediate consumption effect: 1% HP regain + 50% chance for Poison resistance skill

Sell price: 50 silver

Phantasmal Item: Divine earth gods mud x 3

Divine mud that comes from a yellow widow maker possessed by an earth spirit. This mud is so rare that many of its uses are still unknown. But one of the most popular ones is making the divine body for a spirit.

Immediate consumption effect: 1% HP regain + 100% health regen for 24 hours + 300% affinity with earth magic for 12 hours + 500% success is spirit contracts + 20% healthier skin + … (click here to see more detail)

Sell price: 50 White gold

There was a total of 50 things that happened when I consumed the divine earth god's mud that were all basically 24 hour effects and some permanent ones such as healthier hair and skin or some simple things. I guess a phantasmal rarity item is more powerful and rare than I first believed.

"So I guess we should be getting back to the campus." I said as I bit the head off my lizard on a stick as I threw away the stick in a nearby garbage can. As I chewed the all seemed to gag other than Alex who was happily munching on his deep fried snake.

"I guess we should get going, Miss. Night is going to punish us like Bobby if we don't get there in time." Said Samantha as Bobby cringed as he remembered he was currently on suspension.

"Perseus is right we should be getting back who know what will happen if we are late." Said Alex with a mouth full of snake as he started to walk towards the third ring. Just then I looked up at the sky and saw that were was at least 3 hours left in the day as I measured the distance from here to the alchemist auction house.

"Actually you guys go ahead I am going to go back to the auction house and buy a few more things." I said as they all shrugged and marched on as they all asked Alex how he could eat such a thing.

As they did I began to jog my way the building with haste as I didn't want to be late or else I would fail my quest. Still as I ran I had to be careful as well as I tried to not run into anyone since I still and that piss anyone off quest. But as I ran I easily made it to the auction house without hitting anyone, a few yells but nothing more than that.

"Ah back so soon." Said a familiar voice as I turned to see the pretty lady who welcomed me in the first time but now she was dressed in a small amount of what looked to be some sort of drake leather armor. Her figure still stood out in the armor as she moved like a sly vixen as her slim hips swayed her way over to me. I could only gulp slightly as I tried to push some evil thoughts away.

'Barbarian.' Gaia said in my head as ignored the somewhat jealous goddess.

"Going to the dungeon?" I asked her as she showed a surprised face as if something hadn't worked.

"Yeah…Perseus right?" She asked me as I nodded as she got a thinking face as she looked at me.

"That is my name." I confirmed as she seemed to hum about something as she thought.

"Perseus do you happen to know a succubus or other love related demi humans?" She asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you hitting on me?" I asked her as she gave me a glare.

"No you idiot I am just wondering how you aren't a drooling mess after I used my charms on you." She said as my eyebrow went higher.

"Charms?" I asked her as she cleared her throat.

"Not important, just answer the question." She said as I rolled my eyes. In truth I guess you could say thanks to my past life I was kind of immune to beautiful women.

Alert! New skill created!

Passive skill: Charm resistance lv-1 (0%)

Resist the beautiful people of this world and become completely immune to charm.

.5% charm resistance (.5% more each level)

This is when I knew [Muscle memory] was going to pop up, even if charm resistance really wasn't related to muscles for the most part I knew it was going to happen.

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Charm resistance] has reached lv-100 and has ranked up to [Common Charm resistance]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Common Charm resistance] has reached lv-100 and has ranked up to [Uncommon Charm resistance]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Uncommon Charm resistance] has reached lv-100 and has ranked up to [Rare Charm resistance]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Rare Charm resistance] has reached lv-100 and has ranked up to [Epic Charm resistance]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Epic Charm resistance] has reached lv-100 and has ranked up to [Legendary Charm resistance]!

Ding! Due to [Muscle Memory] [Legendary Charm resistance] has reached lv-98!

'Not again.' I moaned in disgust as my past life seemed to alter the present. Still the question remained just how the hell I gained so much charm resistance in my past life. Sure I was surrounded by beautiful goddess and nymph all the time but was I really so dumb that I never noticed? I was also sure Aphrodite was a solid 80% of all that experience.

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-19 it has leveled up to lv-20!

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-20 it has leveled up to lv-21!

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-21 it has leveled up to lv-22!

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-22 it has leveled up to lv-23!

Ding! Due to constant use of [Muscle Memory] lv-23 it has leveled up to lv-24!

While I was a little disappointed in myself for having such a cheat I was not upset in the least. Now I didn't have to worry about being controlled by a succubus or some other love like monster. I bet even charm potions didn't even work now.

"I don't have any friend like that, also I am busy so I need to see your boss." I said as she frowned at me for ignoring her.

"Children these days." She said with a sigh as she rubbed her temples.

"Fine she is inside." She said as she walked by me but then stopped and gave me one last glance.

"Hmm…Maybe when he is older." She said to herself and skipped away as I could only sigh.

'Twelve years old and already being chased by older women.' I said to myself.

'I thought you wanted women to come after you.' Said Gaia in a snarky tone as I sighed.

'I will admit it does sound nice but if I am going to have sex with someone I don't want someone who looks at men like they are candies.' I admitted as Gaia only laughed.

'Oh so you don't like the dominate women type, nice to know.' She said with a laugh as I growled at her.

'I wouldn't say that but any man gets pleasure from dominating women, no matter who they are they will always have that dark part in their heart in which they do. Also this helps me make a decision about who I am going to sleep with first. Some easy to control and who doesn't mind being slightly abused during sex.' I said as I tried to make Gaia angry. Which worked perfectly.

'No! I will not allow such a thing!' Gaia said angrily as I shrugged.

'Why not? You're not here right now so there is no possibility of you stopping me.' I said in a playful tone as I bet Gaia was losing her mind right now.

Alert! A powerful presence is trying to take over your mind!

As that popped up I flinched in pain as it felt like someone was punching me in the head. I was lucky I didn't collapse as I stopped walking and slowly raised a hand to my head.

'Point proved just stop please.' I said in a pained voice as the pain slowly faded away and the alert box closed.

'Say anything like that again and I will make you strip in public and pee yourself. Women should be treated kindly regardless of who they are, I understand there are some exceptions but even then I don't want to hear you talking about stuff like that.' She said firmly.

'Got it treat women nicely, unless they deserve it.' I said as Gaia seemed to nod in my head as I sighed to myself. Somehow I felt like Gaia had more control over me than I was lead to believe.

'Good now forward march.' Gaia said as I rolled my eyes as I could tell she was distracting me from the topic, sneaky little goddess.

"Oh hello young man." Said a familiar voice as I looked to see Greta in her fancy dress as I smiled.

"Hello Greta nice to see you again." I said as she smiled at me and led me to the backroom where we exchanged the items before.

"So what brings you here?" She asked me as I smiled and took a small jar of a light green mud as her eyes went wide.

"Y-You actually managed to get it to drop divine earth god's mud?" She asked in a surprised tone as she slowly took the jar and looked at it as her face was in one of awe.

"Yeah I managed someone." I said but then she stopped as she looked at me.

"But I asked you to sell it to me only if you managed to get two." She said as I nodded and then I took out two more bottles as it she gasped and almost dropped the jar she was holding.

"I think I lucked out." I said rubbing my head as she tried to find something to say but couldn't.

"L-Lucked out? This luck you have is like the heavens Perseus!" She yelled as she looked at the three jars.

"Also I know that this little jar of mud is actually only worth 50 white gold so I thank you for doubling the price of one." I said as I handed her the jar that she had set down as her hands slowly grasped it.

"Actually 50 white gold is what the guild would give you but they only use the item drops for themselves and equipment. They are a very private company of a sort and refuse to trade any drop items higher than legendary. But if you sell this yourself for someone to use then even an emperor would pay at least 2 platinum for this mud." She said as I slowly nodded. That was some good info to know about.

"So I guess that means we are business partners now." I said as she laughed out loud and took out a platinum coin and the platinum membership card.

Alert! Quest Complete!

Quest name: Personal seller

Quest tasks: Sell a divine earth gods mud to fat women.

Quest requirements:

— Get divine earth gods mud (complete)

— Sell mud to fat women (complete)


— 1 platinum coin

— Alchemist association platinum membership card.

— Map of 1-5 floors of Gullion dungeon

— Lv-2 magic scroll x 3

"Indeed it does." said the women as she handed me the platinum coin and membership card. At the same time all the items that I got from the quest that she didn't give me were place in my inventory.

"So I can rely on you for a better price on legendary and higher items?" I asked her as she smiled.

"I can guarantee you at least double the price." She said as I nodded.

"Sounds good. Any chance I can get a discount buy here?" I asked her.

"The platinum membership card I just gave you gives you a 30% discount on all items you buy." She said as I nodded.

"Well it is a pleasure doing business with you. Once I turn 14 I hope your pockets are deep because with luck like mine I think I will sell more than just a few legendary and above grade items to you from the dungeon." I said with a laugh as both us money loving people laughed a good laugh.

'You people.' Gaia grumbled in my head.


"Oh good to see you again Miss. Night." Said a male's voice as a women in light blue robes walked into a room that only had one large desk and a few chair surrounding a coffee table in the middle. A large bay window was right behind the desk revealing a great view of the city below, however you could tell that this room was moving ever so slowly as the view slowly shifted.

But the women was one of pure beauty and elegance as she slowly walked into the room. Her attire similar to the schools white thick robes with the school's emblem but but hers was covered with more emblems that showed rank in the school. Hers was also a light blue instead of the white that all the students had. Hidden in the thick cloak her slender but full body stood as her cloak gave no hint to the curves she had.

A veil covered the front of her face and a large witch's hat sat on the top of her head, her long black hair fell like a waterfall out of the hat the ran all the way down to her lower back. With the veil in the way the only thing you could see was her vibrant blue eyes and long elf like ears that poked out of her hair.

"Evening Principle Mathews." She said with a small curtsy as to the 40 some year man in front of her. Short blond hair all slicked back on his head as his vibrant youthful look had a hint of wisdom and intelligence to it. His cloak was like the students and plain white but had much more symbols and emblems on it than Miss. Nights. This was the robe of the highest authority in the magic academy.

"I see that you have brought back a few interesting individuals from the enrollment." He said as he glanced at a glass ball that was sitting on his desk a few inches in front of him.

"Yes I tried to pick the most competent and powerful people I could find. I even managed to find a young man by the name of Alexander Griffon who has a very high potential among his fellow youths." She said as the man nodded. I guess being 60 years old allowed the women to call the 20 year olds youths.

"Indeed he does show promise. Now about this Perseus fellow." He inquired as the woman sighed as she guessed she saw this coming.

"He is a simple nobody that I found on the side of the rode. Though he is a nobody, he does have a class one spirit that he must have been blessed with at birth. Currently he doesn't know any magic at all and the only retaining feature about him is his ruggedness and his overall personality. He is like a barbarian that found a golden sword." She said as the man just stared at the screen.

"Indeed, I can even see that he damaged his mana veins and needs a little to recover. However there is something off with this youth." Said the man as Miss. Night's eyebrow raised upwards.

"What do you mean?" She asked him.

"In the past 12 hours I have kept my eye on him and in those past 24 hours he has acquired over 3 white gold just from monster drops that he sold to the guild. He has acquired all the ingredients to make the divine spirit body for his spirit. Finally he has even went as far as acquiring three divine earth god's mud just when my magic ball ran out of magic. He even sold one to the alchemist auction hours and acquired a platinum coin and membership card." He said as Miss. Night seemed shocked.

"Yet I cannot for the life of me discover anything about him. Every time I try to probe his mind for information I am blocked by some sort of magic and forced to deal with whiplash of the magic. All I do know is that this young man is different, he even went as far as signing up for all first year and second year courses." Said Mathew as the Miss. Night slowly nodded as she had just come back from the guild broker in the school and given the money that Perseus was using to pay for his schooling to the secretary just 20 mins ago.

"Yes he did give me the amount in monster drop items." Miss. Night said as Mathew looked up at her.

"What items?" He asked her.

"Earth drake scales." She said as he started to laugh.

"I assume he acquired those during a spirit takeover, which is the only explanation for his shot mana veins." He said as Miss. Night seemed impressed by the principles perception.

"Indeed sir." She said as he smiled.

"Good, good…Miss. Night if I am correct you have appointed yourself as the personal teacher for this young man correct?" He asked as Miss. Night was shocked.

"Sir he hasn't even passed the test yet." She said.

You see once their application is submitted to the school they have two years to pass any course test. Because the long distance some have to make they are allowed to stay at the school for those two years so they pay the two year fee which Percy paid. But this is only allowed during the testing process. It doesn't matter how long it takes you as long as you pass the test in those two years you are in.

But once this time is passes and you haven't passed any course test then you are asked to leave and try again in the next 10 years. Most courses are at least 20 years long since they bring people up from apprentice all the way up to master class of their subject. This goes to say that the tests from the courses are extremely difficult since you basically getting 20 years of schooling for free. All you have to do is pay the dorm fee each year and you are good.

"I don't care if he passes it or fails it, as soon as you accepted those item drops from he became a student for the next two years. But even if he doesn't pass any test I still want you to teach him." Said the principle as Miss. Night was in shock.

"Sir that would be breaking school rules, teachers are not allowed to teach any person who hasn't passed the test for a course." She said as the principle sighed.

"I don't care from this moment you will be his personal teacher, I know he paid you as well so don't complain." He said as Miss. Night bit her lip.

"Good now we wait one month for his mana veins to heal and then we test him. Also you are getting a bonus for personally teaching him." He said as Miss. Nights ear lightly twitched. If there was one thing she couldn't resist it was money.

"Fine, but what happens when the two year testing period is up and he still hasn't passed the course tests?" She asked the principal.

"Then we will hire him a guard and you will continue to teach him until his is 18 years old." He said as Miss. Night sighed deeply and nodded seeing she had no way out of this.

"Fine but what is it about him that makes you think so highly about him?" She asked as he stared at the magic orb as Percy left the alchemist association and started to head his way towards the school.

"Warriors intuition." Said the man as the women rolled her eyes.

"I thought that only women had intuition that would pick out destined people." She said as the man laughed.

"While that is true sometimes like myself who has served on the front lines can see just how talented someone is." He said as Miss. Night raised an eyebrow.

"Then just how much talent does this young man that I picked up have?" She asked the principal as he stared at Percy.

"Enough to make this Alexander you picked up looked like a dumb rock and Perseus look like an almighty phoenix that sores through the skies and space itself."