The next day Ronan woke up later than normal, he stayed up the previous night until 3 AM fixing bugs, it was both a good and bad experience for Ronan, the bad parts were the number of bugs that were found whereas the good parts were the experience he gained, he now realised that he wasn't adept enough to release an expansion pack on his own, he would need several helpers for the bugs alone, like the main game, it has 3 people working to fix bugs and improve the gameplay, whereas the expansion has just Ronan and the A.I. which helps out every now and then, when it isn't writing the observation program.
Today, Ronan wasn't focussed on fixing bugs, he was getting ready for the sit down he was having, although he wasn't required to wear anything he still felt like wearing his suit which he had made just for the court case, even though if the negotiations go through it would be wasted money since he hardly ever dresses up.
Tomorrow wasn't only just about the negotiation, it was also the day when he gets paid by said advertising agency, so he was looking forward to seeing whether they are still skimming money from him or not.
He spent the entire day going over what he was going to say and reading about negotiating tactics, it wasn't often that he got invited to a negotiation. In-fact it was his first time, and that was because they were stealing money from him, money that was rightfully earned by him, thinking about this made Ronan somewhat angry.
He spent several hours on end reading through books to do with successful negotiations, he felt like he was ready, or at least as ready as he'll ever be.
Ronan went to sleep that night anxious, his heart was pounding out of his chest, he both wanted the day to never and for the next day to come faster, he was thinking of many things, before eventually falling asleep at 1 AM.
The next day Ronan woke up at 6 AM, he had to go for his morning run, get a shower, get dressed, make sure he had everything, write a little code then it would be time for him to go to Steve's office for the negotiation.
Throughout the various morning activities he had to complete he was thinking of the negotiation, he assumed it would be like when they first met, back and forth chatter about little things before the negotiation officially started and then it would be business talk from then on, he was hoping it would be finished within an hour, but based on the books he was reading yesterday it was highly likely it may take 3-4 hours.
After Ronan finished his run, he went for a shower, he tried to put the negotiation at the back of his mind and forget about it, but he just couldn't stop thinking about it, as the time ticked along he was getting more and more anxious and it was annoying him to the point that he wished it was scheduled earlier in the day.
During his coding, he was making numerous mistakes, it was mid-day and it was getting closer and closer to the time when he needed to leave for the negotiation, he also had to arrive 30 minutes earlier rather than on time, which he considered a waste of his time.
Ronan got into a taxi, it would take 30 minutes to get to Steve's office and he needed to arrive 30 minutes earlier so he set off 1 hour before the negotiation, this way he could arrive early and get prepared for the negotiation.
30 minutes later and he was there, he was sitting inside of Steve's office, everything was ready, they were just waiting for the others to arrive then they can get this over with.
Another 50 minutes go by and they still haven't shown up, at this point Ronan is really anxious, and annoyed, they made him wait longer than he had too.
Another 30 minutes go by and they finally arrived, they didn't say anything, just sat down as if they were on time and waiting.
No one says anything for 5 minutes, at this point, Ronan goes from anxious to bored, before he was getting really anxious, but now he was just getting bored, they made him wait for over an hour before they decided to show up.
"So what now?" Ronan broke the silence, it was obvious the opposition wasn't going to talk.
"Make an offer." Steve said.
"Sure, $50,000,000." Ronan just randomly blurted out any number he could think off.
"$100,000." The opposition this time consisted of 5 people, he hadn't seen any of them before, they seemed to have more authority than the last lot.
"$45,000,000." Ronan went down in increments of $5,000,000, while the opposition went up in increments of $100,000.
This went on for several minutes, each side waited a couple of minutes before deciding the next value to offer, even though the increments and decrements were the same each time, it got to $20,000,000 on Ronan's side and $800,000 from the opposition, this time Ronan changed it up.
"$10,000,000 and the person who did it." This managed to stun the opposition, they looked at each other, because they knew they didn't have the authority to divulge the name of the person who stole the money, so instead of telling Ronan, they increased the bid, by $500,000.
"$1.3 Million." Which made Ronan even more suspicious, because they went over $1 million which Ronan thought was there limit, so he tested the waters even more.
"$5 Million and the person." This time, they didn't look at each other, instead they increased the bid even more.
"$1.8 Million, We aren't able to give you the persons name so just give up." The opposition clearly wasn't calm.
"Okay then, $3 Million, and I'll let the person who did it go." Ronan counter-offered, to which Steve gave him the thumbs up.
"Deal, you will have to sign many forms including several NDA's, after which the money will be yours, of course, it will also be included in the contract, so you don't have to worry about us not giving you the money." The man in the middle of the opposition replied.
"Ok." Ronan replied, but inside he was secretly downcast, they agreed to $3 million way to easy, he could've probably gotten $5 Million from them if he tried harder, $3 Million wasn't even a weeks worth of income to them, it was barely over 2 days worth.
After all the contracts were signed Ronan received a money transfer, he received $3 Million exactly into his account within minutes.
The other side stood up after signing the forms and walked out of the room, now it was time to get the court case cancelled, it would roughly 2 days for it to go through all the procedures, but it will go away forever.