Chereads / Treasures of Heaven and Earth / Chapter 128 - Days of Madness - Yāoguài

Chapter 128 - Days of Madness - Yāoguài

Dàilán's body unfolded instinctively into a defensive position as she reoriented herself towards the direction the growling voice was coming from, the balls of her feet resting lightly on the branch she had just been hovering above, before she had consciously thought of reacting.

"Hmph." A cold snort swept across the clearing, causing all the Cultivators below Sky level to stagger as it sent the Essence within their meridians vibrating like a struck bell. The lower level Earth Cultivators felt their consciousness blur as they collapsed on the ground and only the quick reactions of the higher Earth Cultivators managed to save several of their compatriots from dangerous falls onto sharp skinning implements and in one case preventing a boiling cauldron from toppling over even as the remainder of the Cultivators still standing - and not otherwise occupied - started rushing towards the tree branch Dàilán was standing on.

Hearing the others moving closer, Dàilán gestured behind herself with one hand, her palm raised in a warding gesture, "Stay!" she commanded, even as she continued gazing towards the trunk of the mammoth tree whose branch she was perched on.

This caused those few higher ranked Earth Cultivators that had managed to shake off the effect of the sound to halt their movement and quickly take up watchful guarding positions as the rest started helping those Cultivators who were still recovering their senses.

"So. You lead here, little girl." The growling voice was accompanied with a huff of amusement as a hulking form appeared to step out of the trunk.

The towering form of a black bear, that was rearing on its two hind legs? Dàilán blinked as the muscular shape became clearer, realising that it would be more accurate to say that this appeared to be an Essence Beast that had Cultivated to the point of possessing a human-like form.

"Yāoguài…"the young teen Heiress breathed, marveling that she was meeting a creature from the old stories - such an Essence Beast with a humanoid form had not been seen in Jianghu for generations - according to everything she had been taught or researched herself in her investigations related to relics and other antiques.

The eyes of the bear-person narrowed slightly and Dàilán felt the pressure around her increase slightly, so she hastily made a small bow of respect, "Apologies if this one's meger talents in music disturbed Senior." She straightened up gracefully on the branch and gazed calmly at the bear-like features, "how may this one assist Senior?"

The bear person rumbled a deep laugh, "So. Your music is not bad," it gestured heavily at the camp below with a five fingered paw that was tipped by thick claws as thin lips peeled back from a fearsome array of gleaming teeth, "but so many Consumers in my forest, is never a good thing, little girl."

"Consumer? I am young - I have not heard this term before," replied Dàilán, blinking her eyes slowly as she looked up at the much larger form that towered over her despite the fact that there was at least a zhàng between them on the branch.

The bear turned his head to the side and spat, "So. What else would you call yourselves when you consume and harvest the very bodies of my subjects and kin for your Cultivation," he stomped heavily with one clawed foot, causing the branch to sway and groan from the impact, "do not try my patience, little girl."

Dàilán made a pained expression, "Senior - these Essence Beasts are only those we were forced to defend against as they sought to devour us on our travels. Surely all have the right to defend ourselves to the best of their ability? We have no time or inclination to kill wantonly, we are barely able to preserve our group as it stands while taking the most direct route," she paused, shrugging as if unaffected by the growing pressure from the other being, "leaving the defeated to form Essence Wraiths would be foolish - should we not use the Cultivation resources which fall into our hands as efficiently as possible?"

The bear growled, wrinkling its muzzle as if it had smelt something foul, "So. This one sees the excuses of your sort have not changed, but never do any of you think of the consequences of over-harvesting, then are so surprised when the Essence grows weak, little girl."

Dàilán tapped her instrument against one palm thoughtfully. This Yaoguai considered the heavy Essence levels in this wilderness 'weak'? She considered carefully as she made her reply.

"To us, it seems Essence is rising to unheard of levels - beyond those of stories not widely told of for generations. We are barely able to cope - recent changes have apparently contributed to a sudden and violent increase in Essence. I apologise if we have given offense - only in the oldest stories is there mention of Essence…"

Dàilán paused as she suddenly realised the normal terms used to refer to Cultivating animals might be even more offensive than the old name for animal demons and she smoothly continued without letting her consternation show on her face, "that is, we cannot normally speak with other Cultivators aside from humans."

The bear squinted and Dàilán suppressed a sigh of relief as the pressure from the other's aura release as he gave a rumbling laugh, "So. It appears this Mówáng has been asleep a long time. This is a little bit interesting. From your reaction to this Mówáng, I feel you are more knowledgeable than those others we captured, little girl."

Despite the tension she felt, an involuntarily bitter laugh slipped out of Dàilán's mouth, "Recent events have broadened my horizons quite rapidly, Senior," she acknowledged with a brief dip of her head as her eyes narrowed, "May I ask, who do you refer to when you say you have captured some people, Senior?"

"So. Two small fries that were poking around, slightly stronger than you, little girl." The large black bear groaned comfortably and raised his arms behind his head as leaned back against the trunk, crossing his tree-trunk thick legs nonchalantly.

"They are unharmed, I trust, Senior?" Dàilán's voice was light, but a certain intent was visible in her body language as she leant slightly forward.

"So. The one which has a similar scent to you is fine, merely a few bruises," agreed the Yaoguai, "the small one I gave a few slaps to, before she was less noisy." The small round ears on the top of the black furred ursine head flicked forward with interest, "they are yours, I think, little girl?"

"Yes, Senior. Some of our stronger members were merely scouting around for the next stage of our journey - our progress thus far has been unexpectedly fraught with difficulties, so - it is better to have some idea of the next step," Dàilán replied with assurance, "we are only passing through with no intent to trespass."

"So-ho… passing through, indeed? Much time has passed then, if Consumers with this level of strength feel they can pass through this Mówáng's forest and find a safe destination?" The bear made a show of looking around and scratching his head, "perhaps this confidence comes from the Expert who created this interesting fortress..." he took several deep sniffs and narrowed his eyes, "you have a faint scent of potential as well as of that True Expert on you… but your strength has not grown to that state yet, little girl."

"Senior has chosen to speak with this one despite the fact that we are not so strong," pointed out the young Heiress, regarding the Cultivated Beast with interest in her unflinching gaze, "what does Senior want?"

The bear gaped his jaw before laughing uproariously, "So! This is the mentality of a Hero! It seems that this Mówáng has underestimated the thinness of Essence to indicate that the time of Heroes was over…" the bear yaoguai appeared to have a nostalgic expression on his face as he shook his head, until an intent expression appeared on his face, adorable round ears tipping forward atop of his otherwise fearsome head, "...what connection do you have with the Expert that has restarted the Great Circulation - the one who created this Fortress, the clothes you wear and that instrument you hold… little girl?"

There were a number of poorly stifled gasps issuing out from the group of refugees who were listening intently from below the branch where the two of them were standing. What was this gossip about their princess wearing robes made by a strong Cultivator? Could the beast be referring to Sage Lin?

Dàilán's gaze turned vigilant, "The Expert whom you speak of is the one who invited my small group to settle in his land. He is the one who set these sanctuaries up to allow us breathing space to recover between each leg of travel."

The Yāoguài rubbed his muzzle with one large paw, rumbling thoughtfully, "So-so. He is not with you - unwise for him to set you to travel alone through this Mówáng's territory."

He looked down at the slight figure of the young teen and nodded, "This Mówáng will give the Expert some face. You have a day to leave this Mówáng's territory. If you and yours are not gone by this time tomorrow - this Mówáng will not be polite."

Dàilán's expression froze as the Yaoguai turned and started disappearing into the foliage the same way he had emerged, lazily tossing up a thick arm and massive paw, its voice rumbling out as its form became indistinct, "this Mówáng will entertain your two people as my guests until you leave. Then you will not be inclined to remain within this fortress like a turtle in its shell - little girl."


After the Yāoguài left, Dàilán immediately had to deal with the panicked reaction from the other refugees. The Essence Beast had not concealed its voice at all. So everyone was very clear on what had just occurred and the situation the camp had suddenly been placed in.

Dàilán was obligated to spend an incense stick worth of time reassuring the worries of the others - directing that only the absolutely necessary harvesting activities be continued - and all other efforts be redirected to repacking and organising critical items, resources and other essential items to be ready for travel as soon as possible, without undue concern - but ensuring the group was able to leave quickly if necessary without leaving anything important behind.

As the rest of the refugees focused on completing vital tasks as soon as possible - including starting to take down the tents that had been partially erected - Dàilán convened an emergency meeting of her advisors, on the same branch that she had just finished meeting a creature out of legend.

"Options?" she asked firmly looking around at the set expressions of the others.

"We should stay here," Monitor Leng's reply was blunt, "that Yaoguai was talking big, but he has no actual ability to harm us within the natural Formations that are here. He called it a Fortress rather than a sanctuary - a most apt description - I have been examining the flows of Essence within the Formations that are part of the clearing and I am absolutely certain that anyone starting any lethal violence within the bounds of the clearing will attract unpleasant consequences - perhaps even to the extent of having their Cultivation wasted."

Chénli had a set expression on her face, clearly angry with the fact that she had not been at Dàilán's side when a threat came close to her friend and mistress, "the Yaoguai was probably only able to come into the clearing because he had consciously chosen not to take any offensive action towards us. Once we leave the protection of the Sanctuary…" She slowly shook her head and looked at her mistress with flat eyes, "we may have to sacrifice Senior BloodWitch and your Father to allow the rest of the group to recover their strength."

"What happens once we - need - to leave?" Questioned one of the older Guan Cultivators, before Dàilán had a chance to reply, "we cannot stay here permanently - our supplies will eventually run out. If we delay - then once we have to come out - that creature is certain not to let us leave peacefully after defying his… order," the woman made an unhappy face, "there is unlikely to be much real benefit to sacrificing the Clan Head in the long term. If we leave tomorrow, we may be able to make it out of its territory and to the next sanctuary safely."

The Knife Sect Healer's expression was grim as she held out a hand for attention, "despite the positive effects of your playing, Sect Leader, our group has not yet recovered enough to travel again. If we do leave, we would need to leave at crow-rise tomorrow to have any hope of reaching the next point on the map before tomorrow evening - so we will not have more than today and tonight to rest - we cannot wait for the Yāoguài's deadline."

As alarmed looks were exchanged between the others, the Healer shook her head, "I assume that our progress will only become more challenging the deeper we travel into the Fusou - especially with the rapidly changing environment and increasing Essence levels. We will lose people if we travel further without giving the camp a chance to regather their strength."

"So, in summary, we need to find a way to convince the local king to tolerate our presence," mused Dàilán, "I do not know how likely that is - the Yāoguài seemed almost disgusted by our presence - although I am not sure exactly why."

"I would say more wary than anything else," added the Monitor, "especially when it came to yourself, Sect Leader - he seemed especially interested in your bāwū - and anything else related to Sage Lin."

"The Yāoguài was worried about our relationship with the Expert who set up this Sanctuary," the teen heiress deduced slowly, "he made some mention of having slept a long time and things having changed. Perhaps he is an Ancient being who has been in seclusion for a considerable length of time. I know from my studies of ancient relics and legends that it has been tens of thousands of years since Yāoguài were commonplace - it has been at least a thousand since any record of them was made. Most Cultivators consider them old legends rather than real beings - like the Four Guardian Beasts of the Heavens."

"Perhaps if we could speak with one of the old monsters from one of the Peak Sects, they could tell us something different," one of the other Knife Sect Cultivators pointed out, "but they would have to be half immortals and we are unlikely to have the misfortune of meeting any of those - I hope," this humor brought uneasy chuckles from the group, "even in the Sect, the Sect Ancestor - who was rarely seen as he had closed himself up to try and break through into the World level - would not have been old enough to answer such a question - though he might have known something from his Seniors."

"The Yāoguài did say that he found the Essence levels barely adequate," the Healer reminded them, "but - we - are choking on them; our basic tools are all overloaded - the communication jades still do not work. That said, our small group has had more successful Cultivation level breakthroughs in the past week than I have seen in any similarly sized group - and they are all stable. All of our members have successfully broken into the Earth Level after Cultivating while you played, Sect leader - even the young girls, which I would have said would be impossible." She sighed, "the world is changing."

"The question is - is this temporary? Or the forefront of something greater," asked Monitor Leng, "the Mountain Spirit... this Yāoguài, the disruptions, It seems like something is moving in the Heavens. And does that mean that more old creatures and powerful beasts will be appearing, if the Essence levels keep rising?"

Dàilán's eyes narrowed as she thought furiously, "you bring up several important points; if more old legends are waking, the Fusou is likely a place where they may have gone to sleep. No one has ever been able to completely cross it - neither is there any record of any travellers from its far side. Even the old records regard it as mysterious and dangerous - though unlike our more recent 'knowledge' - the old records always regarded it as a place where opportunity and danger went hand in hand, rather than a barren wilderness."

"I always wondered why Hujian was placed so close to the border of civilisation," remarked another Guan Cultivator woman, "it did not really make sense - given that the Fusou seemed largely barren - it is mostly just the quantity of harvests rather than the quality that makes the city's location worthwhile. That is why it was considered a Second-Tier city at best - out on the edge of nowhere, where Clans out of favour were banished or desperate commoners came to try their luck "

"Speaking of old records - Hujian was not always like that," the Monitor spoke up, his expression showing that he was thinking rapidly, "for a Second - almost Third-Tier - city Hujian always seemed oddly constructed to me. Most cities outside of the First-Tier do not bother with such expensive defenses or extravagant differences between the districts," Leng paused and looked around, "I do not think any of the Guan here have been to any of the Imperial Capitals?"

"Have you?" asked Dàilán in return and Leng made an uncomfortable face as he answered, "briefly - as part of an Order or two. My point is - despite being out on the edges of an insignificant Empire at the edge of known civilisation, Hujian could compare favourably with Imperial Lotus or any First-Tier city of the other larger Empires. It is only that its Lower ring is much deeper than its Middle and Upper rings - and its Upper and Middle rings are both much smaller than in other similar cities. But it has them - which in itself is unusual for a Second or below tier city."

One of the other Knife Sect made an odd sound, "I remember those records - did they not claim that Hujian was a First Tier city and alternate Capitol? But they were very old - I remember reading them in an effort to understand why the Sect had placed a páifāng so close to an insignificant city."

Dàilán snapped her fingers, "Father spoke about this once when I was much younger - it was a bedtime story he told me about the history of the Clan. He said it was part of why Hujian had so many old Clans with residences there even if most of them did not maintain a presence."

The others looked at her as she rubbed her forehead in an effort to remember, "A long time ago the riches coming out of the Fusou basically made the old empire - before the Lotus - very powerful. Hujian was set to guard and control the trade - there was something about the Clans all fighting over the wealth and defending against beast waves and Ancient Sects."

She shook her head slowly, "I remember that story started my interest in relic hunting and finding out more about the past. I was very young and I did not have any context for the story, so I did not really understand what he meant when he said Hujian was special."

She smiled, shaking her head, "I do remember my mother teasing him about it - she called it 'typical Clan obsessions with past glories', but having grown up in Hujian I never really considered the city unusual - I always heard from everyone in the Clan how much they wished to be elsewhere - preferably Imperial Lotus."

"Hujian is like a smaller version of Imperial Lotus - except with much bigger slums," Monitor Leng declared, before chuckling, "at least it - used - to have a larger lower ring. Who knows what will happen once they finish reconstructing the lower ring from the destruction caused by your GrandMother's decisive action to wipe out the Grass attack on the Guan compound?"

He raised a finger as if he was a lecturer rather than a Formations and spy master, "Surely by now, even the outlying areas of the forest have been affected by the rising Essence levels with corresponding improvements in the havests - if riches start flowing again, the city may truly regain its lost splendor."

"I hope my Cousins are swift enough to catch the opportunity," Dàilán mused, "unfortunately, the politics there will be even more dangerous if things are shifting that rapidly back home - what is left of Grass and their supporters in the shadows - would make sure we all had 'unfortunate accidents' if we returned," she frowned, "do you suppose Grass somehow got wind of the change coming and tried to take advantage?"

The Monitor and all of the 'older' Knife Sect ex-Enforcers were shaking their heads, "these are movements from the Heavens themselves - perhaps whatever demon they worship whispered a warning - but it clearly failed to do them much good. Indeed, the very collapse of both groups has left even more room for changes."

"I will be having words with the Heavens if it turns out they orchestrated the collapse of the Sect just to increase Essence Levels on Golden Crow," grumbled Dàilán, but Chénli interrupted her dark thoughts with a definite shake of her head, "the past few weeks have made me realise the Sect had lost its way. The Founder must have been about to descend from the heavens to slap our faces in disgust. Perhaps this is a chance for the Sect to rebuild itself the way it was meant to be."

Dàilán shook her head as if to dispel all the various tangents flying about, "all of this just means that we need to find a guide or guides through the wilderness until we reach the Sage. I think I need to go out and negotiate for passage - since the Yaoguai appears interested in the Sage, he might be willing to guide us safely though the rest of the way. Particularly if there are other Mówáng further along our path - he might be able to convince any others to allow us passage as well. I can assure him that his assistance is a sufficient introduction to meet with... Sage Lin."

The eyebrows of everyone rose and Chénli tentatively spoke out what everyone was thinking, "...are you certain Sage Lin will honour such a promise that you made?"

"...mostly," admitted Dàilán, after several breaths.

"If not?" demanded her best friend, aghast.

"At least then we will be at our destination," pointed out Dàilán, "after that - if Sage Lin refuses to meet with the Yāoguài," she shrugged, "if the Yāoguài wishes my life in exchange and the Sage chooses to allow him to act so rampantly on his lands after the Sage has already guaranteed our safety…"

"Meticulous," observed the Healer, "the Yaoguai will likely have to take a step back or risk slapping the face of the Sage. On the other hand, the Sage seems like an amiable fellow, he is unlikely to cause trouble for himself by making unnecessary enemies of the Mówáng within the Fusou."

"I am hoping to create an ally," admitted the young Heiress, "this Mówáng is not an enemy yet, merely wary, else they would have killed Father and Senior BloodWitch already - he did not seem to be the sort who would lie about something like that."

"Overwhelming Strength does make lying about things like that unnecessary," agreed the Healer, "I could not see through his Cultivation - but for a Yaoguai to be able to assume a demi-human form, it must be towards Peak Sky at least if not above."

"I do understand his concern somewhat," remarked the Knife Sect Cultivator that Dàilán had spoken to earlier about the Essence Beast harvesting, "no doubt there will be many avaricious types trying their luck in the Fusou once the Essence disturbances stabilise and we - are - at this very moment rendering many Essence Beast corpses down for resources."

The Enforcer stroked his chin thoughtfully, "I found that epithet he used - Consumers - particularly descriptive as well. That comment about overharvesting causing Essence levels to drop, particularly… The decrease in Essence and Cultivation Resources throughout Golden Crow over the past few generations, has been a subject of much discussion among the larger Sects and Clans."

"We do tend to consume a lot of resources in our Cultivation," pointed out another younger Guan, "this is the first time I have had ready access to so much - although with such high levels of Essence around me I have not needed to use as much as I did back…" she trailed off, looking upset at the thought of the compound.

"There was some thought given to the possibility that Golden Crow may simply be growing old," mused the Essence Beast expert, "but the Yāoguài seemed to be suggesting it may have been caused by Cultivators using up resources faster than they can be replenished."

"Oh, surely the mighty Sects and Clans would not be making such a basic error…" protested one of the other Guan, causing Chénli to snort inelegantly in response, "do you think most Cultivators see past their own advancement when they hunt Essence Beasts or search for Treasures?"

"My discussions with the Sage seem to indicate there are ways to Cultivate without overconsumption of precious treasures," added Dàilán, "I know I have not needed to consume anything for its Essence since I changed the way I Cultivate - based on the studies I have made of that ancient book. I keep expecting that to change but… well, with all this Essence just floating around…" she waved her hands around casually.

"Being shoved into our meridians is a better description," grumbled the Healer.

"Sage Lin did seem particularly interested in you teaching your method of Cultivation to others," Chénli reminded Dàilán, who nodded in response, "yes, that was what I was trying with playing my bāwū."

"Remarkably successfully, I would say," agreed the Healer, "but all of this discussion, however intriguing is just delaying the inevitable - should we allow our Leader to go and negotiate with a possibly hostile, definitely stronger force?"

"I am going with you," Chénli declared before Dàilán open her mouth could question the phrasing of being 'allowed' and she turned to regard her friend and bodyguard with a sardonic expression as Chénli continued, "we must try - both because we will likely not complete the trip if we do not and to ensure that your Father and Senior BloodWitch are released."

Monitor Leng sighed, "I will continue to prepare the camp for rapid evacuation, just in case your negotiations fail."

The others exchanged glances of general agreement and the Healer shrugged in resignation, "very well. Do - try - not to take any unnecessary risks, Sect Leader?"

There was a breath of silence before everyone fell about laughing, which also served as the signal for the meeting to break up. Within moments the branch was empty except for Dàilán and Chénli. The young teen heiress looked at her friend's ironic expression and protested indignantly, "all the risks I have ever taken were completely necessary!"

"En, of course, Mistress."

"Stop that, Chén'er."

"Very good, Mistress."
