Chereads / Treasures of Heaven and Earth / Chapter 117 - Sprites wear Clothing?

Chapter 117 - Sprites wear Clothing?

As the Golden Crow broke free of the mountains that dominated the eastward horizon and swept its wings of burning light across the top of the forested wilderness of Fusou, Dàilán opened her eyes and gracefully lowered the bāwū from her lips, the last notes melding seamlessly into the sounds of various local birds singing the dawn chorus.

Slow, even breaths pulled in the cool, crisp air into her lungs, tingling against her sinuses with the fresh, clean scents of dew, grass and flowers as she let her sense of self permeate her body, thoroughly examining her Essence.

A pleased expression crossed her face at the steadier, wider flows of Essence she observed moving through her meridians. Spending the remainder of the night in deep meditation on the music that she could hear when she focused on her Cultivation had solidified the rapid gains she had been forced into during the last few days of frantic battles and repeatedly pushing past her limits.

Looking down at her new flute, she was pleased to see it was visibly longer and slightly narrowed along its length towards the far end. Bands of what looked like darker wood, with intricately engraved patterns of leaves and flowers moulded around each natural bamboo segment, reminding her very much of her previous instrument; bāwū usually had metal or wooden strips along their length for reinforcement.

Even in the bright early morning crow-light the Essence Instrument fairly glowed with health, the bamboo as brilliantly green as the finest polished jade, with glorious grains of purple and gold gleaming proudly down its length, leading to the glittering flowers hanging from the far end - putting any ordinary tassel to shame - as they emitted a pleasing fragrance and glittering motes of pollen.

"A night of Cultivation has done you some good as well," she remarked, smiling slightly as she ran a slim jade-white finger down the shining purple and gold grain. As had become her practice during her recent Cultivation sessions she had played the bāwū - although, of course this had been a first for this instrument - without conscious intent, just playing along with the natural song of Essence throughout her body.

The extremely Essence rich food she had eaten had proved to be very useful as she was able to sustain her meditations until the Golden Crow had completely cleared the horizon. Despite having still felt tired when she had initially awoken the previous evening and not having slept at all the entire night, she felt rested, energetic, balanced - and more grounded somehow.

Gently stretching her legs out of the cross-legged position she had been sitting in all night, she slipped the bāwū into her spatial pouch then worked out the residual stiffness away with a habit she had not been able to maintain in the last week - falling into the familiar movements of tàijíquán - on top of the flat surface of the boulder she had spent the night Cultivating on.

Performing the sets using the restricted surface acted as a small challenge to keep her movements precise and economical.

Dàilán finished all her basic sets, pleased to see that the small break from her daily routine had not caused her skills to atrophy and was considering a more complicated form, but paused as her ears started picking up a perceptible increase in activity from the camp behind her.

Checking the position of the Golden Crow, she murmured to herself, "well into early morning." then smoothly rose and walked casually off the boulder, stepping downward through the air towards the awakening refugee camp.

A moment later she spotted several Guan clanswomen making their way out of the Defense Formations, carrying large buckets - presumably for gathering water. They had only moved several strides outside the Formations when they stopped short and started speaking excitedly. As Dàilán drew near she saw that they were gesticulating and exclaiming over a small stream of fast flowing water that broke away from the main river bed almost a li away to run along the Defense Formation line of the camp for several yǐ, before curving back to rejoin the main river.

"Mistress!" Hasty bows were directed towards her as she drew close and the excited women noticed her, "have you seen? The water comes to the edge of the camp now - did you do this?"

Accepting the bows with a slight one of her own, the young Heiress looked around at the obvious changes, noting an increase in the amount of water in the main river as well as a much cleaner flow and answered equably, "Good morning Clanswomen," she shook her head with a smile, "No, I believe that our new Sage Cultivator ally is to be thanked for improving the water source."

"Ah - the Dàifu! Yes, we feel so much better," agreed one lady and the other women broke into relieved smiles and renewed chattering as Dàilán continued walking into the camp, wondering how exactly her fellow Clanswomen had thought she might have achieved such a thing. Had someone been spreading rumors? The idea of living up to such expectations made her cringe a little internally and she made a mental note to ask Chún how he had changed the river.

Walking back to the small tent she had been sharing with Chénli she saw with satisfaction that everyone seemed to be lively and energetic compared to yesterday. The sounds of relieved and happy chatter as people took stock of the situation and started organising work parties to deal with the camp's immediate needs swirled around her.

However, she found herself wrinkling her nose as she walked - now that she was clean she could smell the sour stench of a group of unwashed people in a small area and the dust kicked up by the travel of people pressed into a small area.

As she reached their tent, Chénli burst out, looking around wildly until she spotted Dàilán. Chénli rushed over but slowed as she came closer and her eyes narrowed, "Where were… what are you dressed in?" She leaned forward and sniffed, "You… you are clean - you have washed…?"

"I woke up earlier," shrugged Dàilán, deliberately ignoring her friends questions, "I found a hot spring a few lǐ away from the camp."

"Ah... wait," Chénli widened her eyes, "where are your robes? I do not recognise that clothing..." pausing, her eyes narrowed again in confusion, "I received the scout reports yesterday - there are no hot springs around the camp!"

"There are now," replied Dàilán, looking around and holding her hand up to stop her friend's exclamations. No one had noticed Chénli's raised voice in the general increasing levels of conversation and activity around them but Dàilán lowered her voice, "Not here," she ordered firmly, "do you know where BloodWitch and Monitor Leng are?"

Chénli frowned, moderating her tone, "I just woke up. I do not know."

"I am going to check on Father," the young Heiress and Sect Leader responded, "find the others and meet me at the Healers tents."

Chénli nodded sharply and moved away briskly as Dàilán changed direction towards the Healers tents at the center of the camp. Around her, people emerged out of their tents, or moved too and fro cheerfully greeting one another and the Heiress as she moved past; some carried bundles of wood or food, obviously preparing for breakfast; other small groups discussed various things intently. A trio of Guan ClansWomen moved out of her way, giving respectful bows, the items in their hands making it obvious that they were heading for the camp boundaries to check the Defence Formations.

Even as Dàilán inclined her head respectfully in response to their bows, she felt the uncomfortable prickling of the Defense Formations soften and drop to a background hum as they were lowered to regular standby mode. The instruments in the Formation Masters hands gave off various sounds and lights and the group sped up to vanish into the increasing hubbub.

"Young… no, Mistress, my Cultivation has advanced!" came a happy call from a younger Guan woman who stepped out from behind a tent as Dàilán kept moving towards the center of the camp, "and I am not the only one - several sisters I have spoken to this morning have said the same."

Dàilán stopped and regarded the young woman - who was actually at least a couple years older than her, "Oh… you were the one who guided the Dàifu to the healer tents yesterday. Congratulations on your advancement."

The lady blushed and bowed, "Thank you, Mistress - between being drained and exhausted after the battles, being pushed past our limits in the trials of the last week and the Dàifu's medicine," she stopped suddenly and gave Dàilán a hasty Cultivator's salute with fist inside palm, "...excuse me for asking, Mistress, have you seen the Dàifu? I wish to thank him. So many of my sisters have recovered and advanced instead of being bedridden or having their Cultivation crippled from pushing all their Essence into the Formations at the end."

Dàilán shook her head slightly, "No, I do not know where he is presently; if I meet him I will mention others wish to speak with him," her eyes narrowed as her expression became intent, "has - anyone - had their Cultivation crippled?"

"I have not heard of anyone, Mistress," replied the other woman, her expression falling slightly, "I can go to the Healers Tents and check."

Dàilán waved her hand, "No, thank you - I am already going there myself to check on the Clan Leader. Please excuse me," she replied, bowing to the other lady - who hastily returned the bow - before the Heiress continued onward towards the center of the camp.

A few moments later Dàilán arrived at the Healers Tents and was gratified to see a regular procession of healthy people exiting the tents - although quite a few appeared amazed at their good fortune. Slipping in the entry between people exiting she looked around the stuffy dimness to find her Father sitting up on a cot with the Head Healer examining him.

"Father!" Hurrying over, she embraced him and the two of them hugged, Dàilán fighting back tears as her Father rubbed softly between her shoulder blades.

"Lan'er..." her Father answered warmly, "I am glad to see you well." He gently pushed her upright and brushed a stray lock of hair back behind her ear, smiling.

"Me... ?" Dàilán laughed wetly and patted him, brushing her hands down his robes, brushing away the wrinkles on his sleeves, "you are the one who was seriously injured to death."

"The Clan Leader has almost fully recovered, Sect Leader," assured the Head Healer from beside the cot, where she had stepped back a couple of steps when Dàilán had rushed over, "The medicine provided by the Sage Healer Alchemist is truly remarkable."

Dàil����n broke into a large smile even as her Father looked puzzled, "Sect Leader? Sage Healer Alchemist? I can see I missed a few things while I was asleep."

Dàilán nodded, "Yes - Father I need to speak with you about recent events - but not here." She looked up at the Healer, "Is it safe for him to travel a short distance?"

"I am perfectly fine," interjected her Father indignantly, "the Healer has done excellent work - I am easily able to move about normally."

"I cannot take all the credit," answered the Head Healer solemnly, "the Elixir and pills provided by the Sage did most of the work. As for whether he can walk a short distance, there should be no issue, but I recommend that your Father not fully exert himself for the next few days and concentrate on consolidating his recovery."

"Only a couple of lǐ, Healer - please accompany us - as Head Healer you should be made aware of the situation," Dàilán requested, "I have located a Hot Spring with high Essence Levels only a couple of lǐ outside the camp."

The Healer bowed, "Of course, Sect Leader. In that case, the Clan Leader should be fine - a hot spring will be helpful for his health - I was not aware there was one nearby."

"It is concealed, I will have to lead the group to it," explained Dàilán, "Chen'er, the BloodWitch and Monitor Leng will be accompanying us."

"A Council then," remarked her Father absentmindedly, studying her with a puzzled expression, "Lan'er - are you... wearing men's clothing... made of Essence Silk?"

Dàilán felt her cheeks heat, "En. My clothing was ruined… the Sage lent me a spare set of his clothing."

Her Father's eyes narrowed, "Yes. I can see that there are some things we need to discuss, indeed."


Dàilán led the small group outside the camp at a casual pace so as not to tax her father unduly; he looked like he would prefer a faster pace, but seeing everyone relaxing as they headed out into the lightly forested area into fresh air, Crow-Light and cheerful birdsong, he visibly released his irritation.

"Someone has cleaned up a great deal," observed Chénli idly as the group walked between the widely spaced trees, ther shoes crunching softly through the drifts of leaf litter that had been piled up after the blast, "I scouted out from the camp after the big explosion and more than two thirds of these trees were knocked over or damaged."

"The women assigned to carry water were all talking about the convenient change in the river's course," added Monitor Leng speculatively, "and I am noticing a lot of strangely convenient, naturally occurring arrangements of rocks, boulders, old growth trees and land features forming Formations."

"Lin - the Sage," Dàilán offered softly, "mentioned that he had set up defense and monitoring formations around the camp - perhaps this is what he meant."

"So he might truly be an Immortal then," rumbled her Father in speculation, "I thought you were referring to him as simply a learned scholar."

Dàilán blinked in confusion, "He said he is… a Relic Hunter," she answered carefully, "with some skill at alchemy and medicines - it was the Healer who said that he would be a Healer Sage."

The Healer was shaking her head as she walked beside Dàilán's Father, "I was merely referring to a very highly accomplished Master Alchemist - not an Immortal… I thought such beings were myths."

"Oh, they exist," disagreed her Father, "I have never met one personally, but the Dragon who gave Dàilán's Mother and I the prophecy - that convinced the Knife Sect to allow us to marry - was a Star Level Immortal creature."

Dàilán's father paused and shut his eyes for a moment as he walked, before swallowing and continuing slowly, "The Dragon mentioned that there were Immortals of immense power that made her seem like a Mortal level Cultivator in comparison. A Sage is a True Rank Immortal," he frowned, "it does seem unlikely that a Sage would truly be here though - a being at that level could easily cause Golden Crow to cease existing with an absent minded thought - they would have no reason to be here and less enjoyment - it would be like one of us trying to walk around inside a Penjing display."

"You have never mentioned that particular adventure," remarked Dàilán, trying to keep any trace of accusation out of her tone, "I had to find out the basics of it from Chénli…"

"I would not speak of it now, if I did not suspect that it had a direct bearing on our current situation," answered her Father, "just from the deference your Sect Member's show you, I can assume that… My father-in-law is no more?"

"He and the rest of the Sect sacrificed themselves to allow a few to escape; Grandfather detonated the Sect's Secret Land rather than let Grass despoil it," answered Dàilán, biting back the swell of sadness that seemed to spread out and accumulate in her throat at her Father's careful query. The other Knife members were visibly affected, slumping slightly and a palaple air of grieving spreading outward from them.

The young Sect Leader blinked back tears even as she felt a pulse of warmth emanating from her Soul Tablet. Glancing downward into the neck of her vest,she thought she saw a brief golden glow, but it vanished even as she was distracted by her Father's next words.

"Some vengeance for your Mother then," her Father murmured quietly, "given that we are no longer under constant attack, I assume their sacrifice took Grass' forces with them. I salute the fact that they were able to hurt the bastards that badly, even as I grieve at the loss."

"As do we all," interjected the Bloodwitch in a cold tone that was at odds with her current appearance, "but how does this subject match what we were speaking of? I was scouting out this way yesterday - there was nothing here."

The strongest Cultivator in the camp was skipping along with the group as a young girl - no more than ten summers old - although the massive slab of metal the seemingly tiny girl casually rested on her left shoulder, belied her seemingly helpless appearance.

As the youthful looking Cultivator finished her question the group ambled to a halt as Dàilán stopped and pointed at the heavily overgrown copse of trees, "the Hot Spring is in there," she directed with a forced cheerfulness she did not really feel, deliberately changing the subject of the conversation.

"Ke~ke… now that I should have definitely noticed in my scouting yesterday," the BloodWitch placed a tiny hand exaggeratedly over her mouth, frustration leaking through into her voice into creepy laughter, "that does not even look like the same forest - more like a patch of jungle."

"All of the landscape and larger trees and boulders in this area are a naturally formed concealment array," pointed out Monitor Leng. The Formations expert was nearly beside himself with professional interest, judging by how he was looking around and moving various odd Essence sensing tools around, "this whole area is essentially a large natural Essence Treasure."

That caused a shift in the atmosphere as all of the Cultivators looked at the area with new eyes and Dàilán felt a frisson of alarm at the speculative gleams in them, "About that - the Sage… requested strongly that we not disturb the Essence Treasures that support the Hot Spring," she spoke firmly, "I have already seen much more plentiful resources growing wild further into the wilderness - not more than a couple of days travel from here," she looked at everyone in the eye, "there is no reason to irritate a powerful Cultivator for low level Essence Treasures."

Several of the others - including the BloodWitch - looked like they wanted to protest and Dàilán held up a hand, "Senior Enforcer - if you are correct and all of this was not here yesterday - do you wish to incur the displeasure of someone who can do all of this overnight?"

The BloodWitch's eyes widened and Dàilán's Father chuckled, "an excellent point, Daughter - although I suspect you know more than you are saying."

"I concur - it would probably be a bad idea to make any major changes," interrupted Monitor Leng, his head bent over something that hummed and flashed, "such as harvesting any Essence Treasures we find."

The Formation Master paused and looked up and around at everyone, "it looks like all the 'naturally occurring' formations here are interlinked in such a way that removing too many items could cause a collapse which would probably be fatal to anyone in the vicinity. Perhaps in the future the Essence Treasures acting as anchors could grow robust enough to not need every rare herb - but at the moment everything - for all its natural seeming, is delicately balanced."

"That makes sense," remarked Chénli, speaking up for the first time since they left the camp, "everything in this area - was - completely destroyed - he probably did not have a lot to work with. Yet he has seemingly gone out of his way to make us more comfortable - what exactly does he want from you… us?"

"All of that is what I wish to discuss - but the Spring will keep away any curious eyes and ears. Follow me along the path into the forest - for such a small area you get lost the moment you step off the path," answered Dàilán obliquely, ignoring the Monitor's muttered, "Of Course…" as she moved forward to lead into the patch of luxuriant plant life.

Privately she noted with interest that the area of verdant green seemed to be considerably larger than she recalled - she smiled to herself heard the gasps of the others as the Essence Levels began to slowly rise with each forward step - much more gradually than she recalled, but starting from much further out than last night. The young teen Cultivator wondered if this meant that eventually the improved Essence levels and matching increase in plant life would spread through the area.


As Dàilán was leading her group into the Hot Spring, Chún was going about his morning routine around the Heaven and Earth Vine clearing on Hidden Mountain Planet; specifically, he was once again being beaten up around the misty clearing by Shé Yin under the label of 'practice'.

"Fasster… you musst be fasster…" demanded the huge silver snake prince as he drew back from his latest strike. Shé Yin's current size would almost qualify him for small Flood Dragon status, there were definite signs of horns growing atop his head; Chún shook his head in amazement at the memory of the tiny snake he had brought home two months previous - living around the Silver Tree Essence Treasure with its combinations of Metal and Lightning Essence obviously agreed with the Snake Prince - and then kept shaking it to clear his grogginess from the latest blow.

"Should I not be seeking out the Xuánwǔ for training?" he asked plaintively, "I need to learn how to fight like a human. I am struggling to make the moves required in the more advanced forms of Snake Style."

Shé Yin hissed in laughter even as Tai responded in the link, "That one would not thank you for wasting her time - even if she is probably going to force you to re-learn all the basics to her satisfaction - you at least need to show you have been diligent in learning from your current teachers - or she is just going to kick you straight out."

"You realise that makes absolutely no sense," retorted Chún, still trying to shake off the slight dizziness he felt, "if she's going to force me to re-learn everything anyway - is this not a waste of time?"

"So you are planning to wait until Prince Bái turns back up?" remaked his locus pointedly, "as I recall, you said you would wait until he returned to discuss your training with Bingqiǎo. Do you know how long before the Xuánwǔ finishes constructing her Palance and is able to start teaching you? Waiting would be a waste of time."

The young True Cultivator rolled to his feet with a grumble and sidestepped Shé Yin's immediate surge forward, twisting to avoid the coils that were flung in his direction.

"You cannot delay your Martial Training," his locus' displeasure and concern shook the link with images of that female Consumer blurring forward with flashing daggers, "Orchid-in-Mountain-Mists is much better trained than you in Martial Techniques - she would defeat you easily in a pure physical combat match."

"How did I kill that Consumer that was about to kill - her - then?" questioned the young teen, as he struck out with his staff bouncing off Shé Yin's scales and did a skip-leap over his scything tail, "Ffight like a Ssnake, human hatchling - not a monkey…" hissed his sparring partner at Chún's jumps and leaps, "Fflowing… not flying."

Chún nodded in response and bent backward almost double to avoid the next strike as Tai replied to his question, "He was unaware of your presence, you were moving almost as fast as a lightning strike and you hit him with a small mountain's worth of Essence focused through the World Tree Staff."

There was a pause and then his locus admitted, "not to mention the combined velocity you and the tip of the staff that made contact with him was traveling at. On the other hand, as you humans say, if you had confronted him in a straight battle and he could overcome the advantages of being a source of Essence and having me as a locus gives you..." Tai trailed off ominously.

"I suppose it is not a very good secret if I have to go full True Cultivator just to win a basic fight," admitted Chún.

"Your new ally may be less inclined to stay that way if she can finds out not only are you younger than she is, she can defeat you in a straight fight," Tai pressed, "as unlikely as it may be - Consumers and True Cultivators often spar for training without going all out. What will you say if she asks for a sparring session - sorry, I can only overwhelm you with Essence or you will defeat me as if I were a small child?"

"I am sure you are exaggerating," snorted the young teen, "but I take your point. I need to grow stronger in more ways than just Essence Manipulation - I am sure there are other people out there who are just as strong when it comes to Essence and skilled in martial techniques - they would defeat me also, even if I used everything I have learnt."

"Yes, there are," agreed his locus, "with all the commotion around here lately, it is almost inevitable some will be attracted in this direction to check things out once the Essence in the area settles down. We need to get Orchid-in-Mountain-Mists and her group settled inside our defensive Dao patterns and able to deter invaders before that happens. We are lucky that all the wild Essence currently rampaging out there, around my original site on the Golden Crow Planet, is currently cutting this area of the wilderness off from searching techniques and communication."

"How long do we have?" asked Chún as he twisted around one of Shé Yin darting strikes and returned him a hard one on the snout, causing the silver snake to go cross eyed and lie still.

"Not long," answered his locus, "the Essence is starting to calm down and flow back into the Land, revitalising it - it will become very attractive to Consumers soon."

"Speaking of Dàilán - the Essence Sprites seemed very excited when I gave them her clothing," the young teen remarked into the link as he sucked in great mouthfuls of air in an attempt to get his breath back.

"Move lightly and stretch," reminded Tai, before returning to the previous topic, "the Defensive Formations woven into her robes are fascinating - I already have some ideas how to enhance our Dao Patterns with what I have observed."

The Mountain rumbled with laughter in the link as Chún started doing some basic monkey movements to cool down, "the Essence Sprites love her clothing. They have completely updated their own wardrobes to match the style already and appear to be rebuilding her clothing from scratch - including enhancing the Formations - although they are being grown into the Essence Silk rather than stitched in on top of the natural flow of the cloth."

"What… the Sprites wear clothing?" Chún laughed in surprise and Tai rumbled his own laughter, "they copy anything they see, whether people or beasts. Where do you think they got the idea for those little buckets they haul around? Since you grew the gliding horse they have made miniatures of those too."

"All I see is little lights of Essence bouncing around when I look at them," mumbled Chún scratching his head, "will they finish with the clothing soon?"

"They appear close to done - do not worry, you will have a new gift to present to your 'friend' soon," his locus rumbled and Chún rolled his eyes at the teasing.


Back at the Hot Spring, after couple of kè or so later of scrubbing, everyone in Dàilán's group - besides herself - was seated contentedly, relaxing in the steaming water of the Hot Spring and passing around wine they had placed into the hot spring to heat; Leng and her Father had the luxury of an entire half of the spring to themselves while the women took the other half.

Fortunately, there was more than enough space for three people to stay on one side of the bamboo wall - Dàilán stayed seated on the woman's side atop the large boulder that she had played her bāwū from the previous night, feeling no need for another bath so soon - and directed the others as to the best bushes and herbs strategically placed around the Spring for washing and deodorizing.

She had also pulled out her new bāwū to amuse herself as the others concentrated on cleaning up; playing a cheeky tune when the Healer insisted on checking her Father's injuries on the make side of the Spring - while telling Leng to look elsewhere or he would be an eunuch as all the women had noticed the flash of disappointment in the 'reformed' pervert when he had seen the bamboo privacy wall.

In truth the Monitor was much more focused on the impossibilities that his trained senses and eyes were noticing - a perfectly 'natural' set of fortunate landscape features that managed to provide an ideal microclimate for bathing and Cultivation.

"This Treasure is healing your Father's injuries much faster than he would outside," reported the Healer in satisfaction when she returned back to the woman's side.

Dàilán breathed a sigh of relief and relocated to another boulder that sat directly on the privacy fence line so that both the men and women could see her as the others chimed in with similar remarks and agreement about the positive effect the area was having on their own injuries and Cultivation. When everyone had finished toasting their new benefactor, Dàilán held up a hand for attention.

"We would be poor guests for our gracious host should we overharvest or damage this gift he has provided - does everyone agree? We may not have much left, but we still have our face," she directed, to a chorus of agreements.

"Therefore, Monitor, Senior Enforcer - you must make an oath to me that you will not discuss your suspicions with the other camp members. If anyone asks - the natural landscape has a fortunate alignment that has allowed this Treasure to flourish. One that we should respect rather than plunder." Dàilán's voice had steel in it and the others nodded their heads.

"If any of the older Formation Masters from the Guan or Knife had survived, there would be issues," answered Leng, "but as it stands, we are the only ones left in the group learned enough to realise that this could be something more. The Formation Masters that escaped are mostly Apprentices - their Masters died fighting off the invaders. They are well trained, but only know how to execute the Formations they have learnt - and have not started to really learn enough to develop their own - they will not notice."

He shrugged and looked up at his young leader from the hot water, "I see the sense of it - you have my word, Sect Leader. And the formations are growing in strength and size quickly. Give this area a week and it would be impossible for even me to tell this has not always been here. I wish I knew how that was done…" he trailed off shaking his head, "...a real expert."

"A fortunate encounter then," the BloodWitch cackled to herself softly as she wiped her mouth from taking a swallow of wine, "we could use one of those. I agree as well, Sect Leader. So does Crusher," she lightly reached behind her and tapped the large slab of metal masquerading as a sword that she had stabbed into the ground behind her before she had dropped into the hot spring.

"Ours as well," chorused the remainder, politely ignoring the BloodWitch's eccentricities - although her father winked at her as he raised a wine jug.

"We should organise a bathing rota," interjected the Healer, "Small groups of six or so at a time - make sure people know the rules and the path. The camp is beginning to have sanitation issues."

"We will need to organise a guard and someone to lead them in then," pointed out Chénli, "to prevent any incidents - one of us first, then pick others who are able to resist temptation. One of us can double check periodically as well," she mock-glared at the dividing bamboo privacy wall, pitching her voice tauntingly, "Although our recent experiences have forged a close bond of respect and trust between everyone - it is best to be careful of perverts - is that not so Monitor?"

Leng's indignant denials made everyone laugh, but everyone agreed, especially when Leng pointed out that people stealing the Essence plants was a larger concern, although the Healer countered that the majority of the Essence herbs here were good aids in washing but not so much for Cultivation.

"So the real question," questioned her Father pointedly once the laughter had died out, "is why? What have you agreed to, my daughter, for such a high level Cultivator - or perhaps something more - to show us such favor? I see the clothing you wear and the king's ransom of an instrument you play - the priceless materials that this fence," he rapped on the jade bamboo gently with one fist, "is constructed of. What is the price?" His eyes were dark and worried as he stared at his daughter.

Dàilán took a deep breath and started to speak, choosing her words carefully…