Chereads / Treasures of Heaven and Earth / Chapter 112 - 'Lin Dàifu'

Chapter 112 - 'Lin Dàifu'

Dàilán kept pace beside the young man, watching with wide eyes as plants and branches of trees bent towards the young man as he walked briskly through the forest, down the mountainside.

Since he had started moving he had not spoken a single word to her, although she could hear him humming softly as he strode through the trees. The sound seemed to rise and fall with the touch of his staff on the floor of the forest almost as if it was keeping time with whatever it was he was singing.

Several times, he would brush a shimmering or glowing Essence herb or plant and his humming would intensify slightly as stalks or leaves peeled off - a few times an entire portion of a plant leapt out of the ground and a portion of the root separated apart.

The roots, leaves or stalks would vanish into the cloak of mist that the… Mountain Spirit… wore, while the rest of the plant flew back into the ground and replanted itself, or bent away as they visibly glowed with Essence of different shades and shot out new stalks and leaves.

It was something straight out of the Essence illusion plays that would be put on at the Hujian City theater, or one of those foolish romantic Cultivation novels that were written for mortals that she would read as a guilty pleasure - all Chénli's fault for introducing her to them of course.

Despite the Mountain Spirit only appearing to walk at a leisurely pace, Dàilán noticed that she had to circulate more and more Essence to keep her place - a step behind him. She frowned and tried to speed up to lead the way - after all, how would he know where to go to find the camp - but she found that he smoothly increased his own pace and she could not overtake him.

Over the next kè, Chún noticed with amusement the Consumer following by his side opening her mouth several times in confusion, visibly stopping herself from speaking out - although the furrow between her brows grew deeper each time.

"Niángniang," Chún suggested with humour, "This one will not be offended if you speak."

The young woman hesitated then huffed, "I only wish to lead you to my… the camp."

"Do you know where it is?" inquired the young man, with interest clear in his tone.

Dàilán blinked then gestured south-west, "I travelled from this general direction - so if we backtrack…" she trailed off as the young man… shook his head.

"The blast from the collapse of the secret land - they had to leave the course they were following to find shelter. They are much more western than they would have been if they had continued on their previous path," he informed her matter-of-factly.

Dàilán froze, "They are okay?" The young man disappeared momentarily from in front of her as she stopped moving, but reappeared facing her before the last syllable left her mouth. She flushed in embarrassment as he looked at her quizzically, "I mean - you know where they are?"

Chún blinked at his own absent mindedness and dipped his head in apology, "This one apologises, Niángniang - I just assumed," he paused at her expression and looked away, coughing slightly, "Yes, the only large group other than the Grass forces to approach in this direction for the past week. Their defense… formations are still active - although quite weak - so I am sure they are reasonably okay…"

Dàilán swayed on her feet and barely realised that the young man had caught her, settling her down against a tree trunk. The mists of his Cloak swirled and he put a palm out, "Take this, Niángniang, it will help. I should have not left without checking you earlier."

She looked down to see a familiar pill sitting in his open hand and mechanically reached out with her gloved hand and swallowed it, shivering as the familiar bloom of well being rose and flowed through her. It seemed much stronger than the other pills she had been taking, but the Mountain Spirit frowned and Dàilán realised that two of the fingers of his now empty hand were resting lightly above the back of her wrist.

"You are exhausted and your meridians are over-strained from channelling Essence," he remarked bluntly, "We should wait for you to recover properly."

Dàilán shook her head violently, "No!," she replied urgently, "I must… my father needs your help."

Chún raised an eyebrow as she paused and looked up at him squatting down next to her, "as long there is no more fighting and I do not need to run at my highest speed," she grinned wryly at his raised eyebrow, "I will be okay. I promise to pace myself," she dipped her head, "and please, Senior, this humble one cannot bear the honor of you calling me Lady, this one is…" she paused and her lips pressed together in a bitter line for a moment, "I am Dàilán. I thank you for my life and your help - I would be honoured if you would address me directly."

Dàilán watched hopefully, looking up as he dipped his head in response, "I am Rén Chún - although I rarely bother with names lately. And you honor me with your trust… although," he paused and rubbed his forehead again with the hand that was not holding the staff, "that reminds me," he sighed and Dàilán looked up in confusion.

Chún was feeling more than a little irritated with himself, "I have overlooked… a rather important point," he muttered, answering her confused expression, "I must ask you not to mention this, but…" he concentrated on his Dao patterns of 'nothing out of the ordinary' and pushed the Essence his body into the shape of a three diantian with Consumer meridian channels as per the disguise technique that Yijing had shown him, watching the woman… Dàilán steadily as her eyes widened.

Dàilán felt her eyes trying to escape their sockets as the… Rén Chún's body seemed to shift oddly and an unsettling ripple of Essence brushed across her as his body melted into the features of a pleasantly featured young man, with long, pale hair and skin, dressed in what appeared to be a peasant tunic and shoes - a simple leather cloak over the top and holding a plain, gnarled wooden branch that appeared to have been shaped into a rough walking staff. The overpowering Essence pressure was now a mere whisper that barely matched to her own low level Sky Cultivation.

Reminded of the Veil Technique she usually held over her own Cultivation, she checked and realised that with her Essence levels so threadbare, the veil was unnecessary and would probably cause strain she could ill afford for now

"When I leave the mountain, I usually prefer not to attract attention," Chún admitted sheepishly, "I usually introduce myself as 'Lin, a simple Relic Hunter'," he breathed out, in embarrassment "All of the commotion around our meeting… I forgot." He looked down at the other young teen and set his jaw, "since it is my own fault, I will not require you keep it a secret, but…"

Dàilán nodded, smiling slightly, "I have lost count of the number of times I wished I have been able to do something similar myself, so I quite understand," she laughed softly, "I must admit, being the least attractive person in the room has not happened to me me for a couple of years at least now."

Chún coughed, "I doubt anyone would ever describe you as 'least attractive' under any circumstance, Lady… Dàilán" he amended at her sharp look.

Dàilán nodded in satisfaction and scrambled to her feet, "Good. I will not bother mentioning it to anyone without asking you first. I doubt my Father would be pleased to hear you described as the most handsome man I have ever seen - and it is hardly pertinent to your abilities as a healer."

She grinned at the young man's stumble as she started walking forward and continued to speak, pretending not to have noticed, even as she started braiding her hair back into a rough plait again and tucking it back into her hood as she pulled it up back over her head, "how do you know where the camp is?"

"It is part of the whole… Mountain Spirit… thing," answered Chún after taking a moment to accept that this woman was being cooperative, "I know where everything is in a certain distance around the Mountain, if… I search for it."

"You mentioned Grass?" questioned Dàilán, a coldness in her voice.

"Their forces - what remains - are falling back to their sect… I do not sense any within range, any longer," responded the young man, walking side by side with her, "This way," he directed, indicating off to their left.

Dàilán sighed in relief, "That is well," as she wearily pushed her legs to move in the direction indicated .


With Dàilán's general exhaustion catching up to her despite the healing, it took another shi at a measured pace she could sustain before the young man - Chún… or 'Lin', rather, led the young heiress into the obviously weary and traumatised group of Guan refugees gathered in a deep, mostly dry streambed, with the rise of a small hill behind them.

As the pair entered the camp boundaries 'Lin' immediately stopped to assist a pale young woman who was staggering along with a large barrel of water from the middle of the stream towards the healer's tents, "Allow me to help with that," he offered smoothly even as he lifted it from the Guan's hands, looking around at the other refugees which seem similarly burdened with stacks of firewood or completely insensenate, stretched out on whatever scrounged items that had been piled together to allow them a place to lie.

The exhausted woman gaped as he took the water from her, "...that… I…" she spotted Dàilán and her face collapsed into relief, "Mistress!" she exclaimed, her exhaustion momentarily in abeyance as she straightened in joy.

"Lán'er!" a minor commotion came from the center of the camp and the heiress spotted a familiar figure jogging over towards her, relief plain on her features.

Chún watched the commotion out of the corner of his eye as Dàilán was wrapped in a tight hug by another young woman - both of them speaking so fast, he thought he might have to actually use some of Tai's abilities to understand what was being said.

Smiling to himself at the thought, he took the opportunity to lay a finger on the young water carrier's wrist, causing her to look up in surprise. He sighed and frowning admonished her, ��with how low your Essence levels are, gūniang should not be working so hard. Take this pill," he instructed sternly, handing the woman another healing pill, "then go lay down and rest."

The young woman blinked dumbly and mechanically swallowed the pill, "But… almost everyone else is worse than I am - I was only connected to the defensive arrays at the end…" she stopped short and gasped in relief as the pill took affect, a hint of color returning to her face, "Oh, you must be the Dàifu!"

Her exclamation brought the tearful reunion at the side to an abrupt halt, "You mean he is…" came a doubtful question from the woman who had come out of the camp at a run to greet Dàilán so effusively.

The young heiress nodded, smiling, "yes - I found the... medical sage," confirmed Dàilán, "Chénli, this is… Lin Dàifu."

Chún smiled politely and bowed towards this Chénli who was watching him warily, confusion plain on her features, "I dare not call myself Dàifu - this humble one has some small skills in healing and medicine," he hefted the water barrel for emphasis, "perhaps this discussion would be better served among those who need my assistance."

The young lady that had been carrying the water previously, spoke up, "Please, Dàifu - I already feel so much better," she stepped towards the healers tents, gesturing urgently, "many of my friends need your medicines more than I do… did," she corrected, smiling gratefully as Chún inclined his head and followed her towards the tents at the center of the camp.

Dàilán watched as the young man with the water barrel disappeared into the healer's tents and sighed. Chénli followed her gaze and clicked her tongue, "Mistress are you sure? He seems… young."

"I was very close to death when he found me, Chén'er. I was quite sure I was about to go to spend time with Mother and Grandfather, but he just," Dàilán waved her hand idly, "and suddenly all the wounds were gone. Then he gave me one of those pills - a lot stronger than the ones we bought. I am still exhausted, but…" she turned to face her sister, friend and bodyguard, "you are right in thinking he is not exactly what he appears, but if he bore us any harm, all he had to do was let the Traitor kill me instead of intervening."

Chénli's hand dropped to her sword, her eyes narrowing and Dàilán clamped a hand over her bodyguard's wrist as Chénli hissed, "you are telling me you led a powerful Cultivator in disguise into our camp?!"

Dàilán's hand tightened, "Trust me, Chénli. He only wishes to avoid attracting too much attention. You would not last a breath against him if you tried - he destroyed Cǎo Jiàn in less than that. He led me here - it seems he has known about us and Grass for some time."

"Cǎo Jiàn is dead?" Chénli asked, then her eyes widened, "wait… you fought him? You died?"

Dàilán grabbed her nearly hysterical friend in another tight hug, "Nearly - nearly dead - I overestimated myself when I fought the traitor - then Lin came in and it was over within the space between breaths. I am fine now. I am here," her own voice stumbled sas she reassured her friend who was suddenly hugging her tightly back again and she choked, "I have been more worried about you - the communication jades were not working…"

Chénli chuckled wetly, "imagine how I felt when I realised that you were out here alone with no way to let us know if you had survived?" She hummed and stepped back rubbing her eyes and nose with her sleeve, "Monitor Leng has a theory about that - something about fluctuating Essence increases or something. That one deserves a rise in rank, by the way, he is the only reason the camp survived."

Dàilán drew in a shuddering breath as she composed herself, "I was wondering…"

"Yes, he made some sort of calculation and had us all moving the camp - at an insane rate, we used Essence like water - in a completely different direction, for almost a shi to get us down here and behind that," Chénli indicated the hill with a wave of her hand, "we had barely shifted to fixed defense mode and goten the Formations linked to the local Essence lines when…" her hand made a spreading motion helplessly and Dàilán nodded her head in understanding, "Yes, I saw the light," she confirmed, "I was a good deal further into the wilderness though - it still hit me like a táifēng wind and a fist strike - how did the camp manage to survive so much closer?"

"The páifāng to the sect is… was, that way," Chénli gestured through the other side of the hill, "so when there was that - explosion - the hill redirected a great deal of the force around the camp. That and being lower…" her shoulders slumped, "Monitor Leng ordered everyone to shore up the Defense Formations as soon as the light…" she shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself, "all of us were frantically pumping Essence into the Defensive Formations and we still were nearly scoured out of existence when the blast hit us."

"That is why everyone is in such bad shape," realised Dàilán, "everyone's essence is depleted."

"Not to mention meridian damage among those who have been carrying the heaviest portion of maintaining the Formations - and some of the lower leveled - from backlash at the end as well," Chénli shook her head, "even Senior BloodWitch is spent - I hope you are right about your new friend, if he decides to kill us all - there is nothing we can do about it."

"I am going to see Father and you can see for yourself," replied Dàilán as she started moving quickly towards the central tents, "he agreed to help us."

"Heng, agreed is it?" questioned Chénli sourly with her arms crossed and brows drawn down, as she followed, quickly drawing even with the Heiress, "what did you agree to, to convince such a powerful Cultivator to come and help a bunch of strangers?"

Dàilán blushed at the stink eye that her friend was giving her and glanced away, "Not what you are thinking of - although, if I am to be honest..." she trailed off almost dreamily, then shook her head, "do not tell Father," she added, looking back around hastily to catch Chénli's astonished reaction, "it is my responsibility as leader anyway."

Chénli's mouth closed with an audible click and her shoulders slumped, "When I feel less like I have been dragged backward through Yama's eight hells," she mumbled, "you and I are going to discuss this. I am sure your Father will have something to say - when he recovers," Chénli added quickly as they ducked inside the entrance of the healer's tent.

"The Heir's Father will just be fine," reassured the Healer who was passing out cups of red liquid and other concoctions to the Cultivators acting as assistants. She had evidently overheard Chénli's comment as they entered and moved unhurriedly over to them, relief clear in her features, "I am amazed you managed to locate the Master, Heir," she added quickly, giving a grateful bow, "I have never seen anything like it - he rarely has to do more than brush against a person to give an accurate diagnosis or have their strength return. His decoctions are almost miraculous, to say nothing of the other medicines he has provided."

Dàilán looked over at the healers working bench where Chún… 'Lin', she reminded herself, stood, with a large covered pot emitting puffs of steam over a dancing Essence Flame that burned at the center of one of his palms. His other hand hovered abstrusely over the covered pot, which spun slowly in response to his gestures, one way and another.

"This batch has finished decocting," 'Lin' spoke up, inclining his head towards the healer, as the pot suddenly spun and the lid flipped off releasing a wave of refreshing steam and fragrance, "it should be distributed as quickly as possible to decrease any loss of potency."

"Of course, Medicine Sage," replied the Healer, walking swiftly over to the worktable and examining the pot, then raised her voice, "hmmm, one part to three of pure water - tea should work I think - taken warm." 'Lin' bowed in respectful agreement at her decision and the Healer beamed at this approbation of her own skills, making gestures to the assistants left in the tent who all moved quickly as she directed, "use the rest of the water and send it to everyone in camp, quickly - but with all deliberate care. We cannot afford to waste such valuable Essence herbs."

Chún scooped out a portion of the medicine into cups and filled the rest of each cup with hot water, then walked over to Dàilán, offering one cup to her and the other to Chénli wondering why the Heiress was blushing while her friend was alternating between glaring at both of them.

"Both of you need to drink this tea," he directed firmly, "and then at least four shi of uninterrupted sleep. That goes for everyone in the camp. The Head Healer has agreed and is enforcing it as we speak."

Chún blinked as Chénli grabbed both cups and took a small sip of each, while glaring at him and rolled his eyes, "Relax, I would not poison anyone."

Chénli's expression eased and her posture straightened, exhaustion visibly settling into a more healthy tiredness. One eyebrow quirked and she nodded, handing one cup to Dàilán, who accepted gracefully, taking her own sip, causing her expression to brighten.

"We cannot," replied Chénli, "there must be a guard rotation…" she stopped indignantly as he held up a hand, "You are in shèngshàng's territory. This Lord takes responsibility for your safety - at least temporarily."

"Your…!" Chénli subsided, bristling as Dàilán raised a hand of her own and pulled her hood back, letting the simple plait she had placed her hair in untwist, "Under the same terms as you previously offered?" she asked the Mountain Spirit - it was definitely the Mountain Spirit she was talking to not a simple Relic Hunter - and breathed out a sigh as Chún nodded in agreement "My Father? And the others?"

"The same. Your Father's wounds have been treated successfully - he is merely sleeping and healing now. He should awaken around the same time as everyone else tomorrow morning,"

Chún replied calmly, "now I must insist you find your beds."

"What did you demand from my mistress?" questioned Chénli through gritted teeth, "If you have used us to gain unfair advantage from her, I swear I will make you pay."

"Enforcer Fuan - Enough!" snapped Dàilán, "this neither the time or the place for this conversation. We are all barely functional, which is precisely why the Sage has made these arrangements. I could hardly imagine any other reason why you would question my own judgment on this." She bowed deeply to Chún, "I find myself indebted to you once more, Dàifu. Please excuse our manners - the situation leaves us without our normal courtesy."

Chénli's face was immobile, but she bowed in apology, "Apologies for my choice of words. But it is my duty to guard my Mistress."

"Your loyalty and love for your mistress does both of you credit," answered Chún formally, "and sets my own heart at ease - a warrior such as yourself would only trust someone of honor and integrity - so I am assured that your Mistress will not treat my request lightly."

Chénli stiffened and Dàilán sighed, "Chénli, his request is reasonable and is not a condition of his assistance. He has only asked that I - consider - accepting his offer, of my own free will, in return for his help."

Chún chuckled and waved his hand casually causing a shimmer to surround them momentarily, and both women felt the prickle of a strong Formation activating as sounds beyond the three of them became indistinct, "I suspect that anyone who forced your mistress into anything she did not agree to would come to regret it, sooner or later. I would rather have a willing ally than a resentful captive."

He blinked at the almost blinding smile that broke over Dàilán's face at his observation and though her expression only made the young woman even more remarkably beautiful, he found himself shivering with a nameless dread at its underlying savagery, "to set your heart at ease, Chénli, since it is clear your Mistress is more like a sister to you - I have only asked her to consider willingly hold my secrets and guard them, under a Dao Oath."

Looking at Chénli's shocked and Dàilán's surprised expressions, he sighed, "Under the circumstances I am willing to include you in such an oath as well. In return I would grant what is left of the Clan and the Sect a place to settle and re-establish itself, with your Mistress as representative between your group and… myself."

He tapped his gnarled staff on the ground meditiavely, before continuing, " I have no love for those fools who call themselves Grass, but my capability to keep them away from my lands is limited. With a Sect or Clan defending their homeland while the land itself supports you with Cultivation resources, you would quickly grow strong enough to deal with the now weakened Grass Cult."

Dàilán frowned, "you did not mention this before," she pointed out and Chún sighed, "Your family is treated now - so we are discussing options in good faith rather than under any perceived threat. Your group is not a threat to me now, but you could be later unless we are true allies."

Chénli snorted at that, "there will always be some who betray. You ask a great deal."

Chún nodded, "I will deal with that if it comes to it. And I have asked much less than I could have, nor have I made any demands - which given your debt to me…" he trailed off ominously.

Surprisingly Chénli nodded, "If we decline your offer, you would demand a Dao Oath of secrecy from those of us who know anything, of course. But you hope for trustworthy allies."

Dàilán's eyes were hooded as she turned her cup around in her hands, looking into the depths of the liquid, "The wilderness here is truly rich - if it is a recent development and we can establish here before anyone else discovers it…" she paused and looked up sudden understanding visible on her face, "the missing Grass forces and the open route eastward - that was you…"

"Yes," confirmed Chún, "for now the improvement of the wilderness in this area remains a secret, mostly for my own protection."

Chénli was looking at 'Lin' with a narrow gaze, "Are you a high level Essence Beast?"

Chún laughed, "No, I was born human - same as both of you. But I am not telling you any more without an Oath - either to not speak and leave or to guide your group to a suitable place and keep what you learn about this Lord to yourself. I have already said too much as it is…"

"As this touches on our honor," declared Dàilán firmly, "neither of us will speak of it without your leave." She looked at Chénli until the other young woman sighed and nodded. "But…" Dàilán looked up at Chún, "May she know the rest?"

"What else…" grumbled Chénli and Chún sighed, "if you think it necessary?"

"I do not like keeping secrets from her and besides - at least one other trustworthy person should know," pointed out Dàilán in a reasonable tone of voice.

"But not your Father?" Chún let one eyebrow raise as the young teen Heiress blushed, "that is that, this is this," she retorted stubbornly, "we will tell him that you are in disguise to avoid people noticing a high leveled Cultivator" she clarified hastily, "that is fairly common in Jianghu anyway. But he does not need to know anything else."

"If it helps," added Chénli, looking very interested, "I am sworn to the Sect, not the Guan Clan. So she is my leader, not her father."

Chún shook his head, "As you said earlier, this is not the time or place for this. This Dao Pattern of concealment is only temporary - people will notice if I drop the disguise. You both need to rest. I will see to the camp." He waved his hand and the normal level of sound resumed.

As Chún exited the tent in haste, he fought to keep his expression level at Tai's running commentary, "They are both firecrackers - good idea keeping both of them," flowing under Chénli's whispered question from behind him, "I know you would not be acting like this if he was ordinary, sister mine. I already can tell he is powerful and skilled for your father's generation, let alone ours - how good looking is he, exactly?"

His cheeks flared as Tai erupted in laughter at Dàilán's barely heard response - despite his fleeing away from the tent at top speed - "Most beautiful man I have ever seen."