Chereads / Treasures of Heaven and Earth / Chapter 105 - Respect and Courtesy

Chapter 105 - Respect and Courtesy

Chún smiled slightly at the laughter from both heads of the Xuánwǔ, glad that their new guardian was able to express feelings rather than being the 'ice woman' she had initially appeared as, but let the smile fade as he considered Bingqiǎo seriously. Both of them immediately stopped laughing and straightened under his regard.

"That you acknowledge Our position makes this easier. I am guessing that you are aware that you behaved inappropriately when you attacked me?" he indicated his temple casually, "my locus tells me that a blood oath is not usually required when Swearing as a Guardian."

The Xuánwǔ became absolutely still and her body and facial expression smoothed out, "Yes, True Cultivator," she acknowledged stiffly.

Chún inclined his head, "yet you still choose to put yourself under Our authority. I may only recently been a peasant, but my locus tells me that your position as Empress of the North does not permit you to disrespect the Mountain. Why make such a choice after you had done so?"

Bingqiǎo sighed, "It is unlikely, we would ever find a new planet to take up residence. There are other cosmologies, not every new planet requires Guardian Xuánwǔ. Even if we found another? We would most likely be forced off of it - or killed, if we were not killed first. Most Planes that manage Planetary Advancement do not have World Trees to control access - such things are decided by strength."

She shrugged, "We chose the chance you would not punish us unduly for our offence, rather than gamble our life because of our pride." She tilted her head slightly to the right, "May we ask, why did you allow us to become your North Guardian?"

Chún raised his eyebrows, then slowly nodded, "Tai wished it, I felt confident the World Tree would not allow someone dangerous in - and I was unsure how you would react if I merely told you to leave. Some of the old stories about Xuánwǔ…" he paused meaningful and a flush of color appeared on the young lady's cheekbones.

"You - allowed us to be bound by our own actions - now you discipline us without fearing we will damage your locus or hurt you," finished Bingqiǎo, her eyes flashing, "worthy strategy."

"You could choose to repudiate the position," pointed out the young True cultivator mildly, "that blood oath means Heaven would scatter your soul, according to Tai, but that was your choice."

Bingqiǎo sighed and shook her head, "Not that prideful, Quilin."

"You acted that arrogant when you attacked me without even considering if there was any other way to communicate," pointed out Chún, "Xuánwǔ are said to be calculating masters of warfare - yet you simply acted as if I was someone you could easily overpower. If I had been someone of an Immortal Cultivation level who was simply staying low key…"

Bingqiǎo blanched and Chún sighed, "Both of you have a position to live up to now. Act like it going forward. Your punishment - is that from now on you must always treat all beings with respect as if they are your equal, until they prove otherwise. And that last does not refer to their position or strength. Unless someone shows themselves to be an enemy, evil or otherwise unworthy through their actions - you are to interact with them as an equal."

"But… that… even peasants?" The eyes of the Xuánwǔ - on both heads - bugged out, which appeared particularly amusing on the snake's head.

"I - was - a peasant less than two months ago," Chún pointed out, a little sharpness bleeding through his voice.

Bingqiǎo winced and the snake head hissed with distaste, "If we let someone closse, they will get the opportunity to sstrike."

"You are a protector," rumbled out Tai's 'voice' from around them, "You can easily greet and behave with courtesy without compromising security for yourself or myself. Striking first is not always the answer."

Chún shrugged, "There is nothing wrong with expecting an attack, keeping watch on everything the other person is doing and keeping your defenses up - but treat them with respect. If you catch them doing something they should not - then respond appropriately. Assuming everyone you meet is lesser than you and striking first is not a long-term survival strategy."

"A stratagem," remarked the Xuánwǔ thoughtfully, "deception is part of warfare."

"You could look at it that way," agreed Chún, "I tend to think of it as not making more enemies than necessary - without being foolish about it. But," he looked at her sternly, "your courtesy and respect must be genuine - otherwise enemies may notice the falsity and be forewarned and those who would be friends may be insulted and become enemies."

The woman's face looked like she had swallowed something unpleasant. Chún shook his head, "From what you have told me, you have spent a significant portion of your life being looked down on by others who considered you lesser - why do you want to behave the same as those people?"

Bingqiǎo paled and shook her head in confusion; Chún sighed, "regardless of your opinion, it is now part of the requirements of your position and thus your oath; act the way you did to me anyone else without cause and you will have broken it. Tai tells me that breaking your oath will have unpleasant consequences."

After a moment the young woman swallowed again and then slowly dropped to her knees to give Chún three kowtows, her forehead thumping solidly in the grasses each time, "We apologise for our behaviour; request Yellow Quilin to grant forgiveness," she stated stolidly, her head still bowed as she waited for his response.

Chún frowned; internally he was at a loss, "Tai, what do I say?" he asked into the link.

"Let me handle this," replied his locus, feelings of satisfaction flowing through the link between them.

"Lady Bingqiǎo," rumbled Tai's voice around them, "your actions were unfitting of one of the fabled Xuánwǔ. It is good you have acknowledged this. Your apology is accepted, but your actions will not be forgotten until your future actions prove you truly understand your errors; you would do well to act more as the logical and strategic scholar and ruler you should be, than the simple warrior only seeking battle, going forward."

At Tai's silent guidance, Chún rose back into the air and after a moment the Xuánwǔ followed. They set off back northward at a much higher speed than previous in silence for a while until the grasslands began to give way to a more tundra- like landscape, along with a slow decrease in the ambient temperature.

"We think we would have preferred physical or verbal punishment," articulated Bingqiǎo eventually, "what you require insults our honor and we lose of face - even as logic acknowledges it as sensible. Almost physically painful to admit."

"I cannot take all the credit - my locus pointed most of it out," admitted the young True Cultivator, "it thinks the obsession with status and treating others differently for arbitrary reasons not backed up by their behaviour makes no sense."

They traveled for several more kè in silence. Eventually, Chún inquired, "how much further North do you intend to go? I only ask, because I am seeing signs of snow."

"Can your locus locate suitable yin aspected area? A glacier, ice lake or something similar?" replied Bingqiǎo after a moment's thought.

Chún blinked then inclined his head and turned toward the mountains visible in the distance, "this way," he directed and set off at a blurring pace.


Approximately half a shi later and deep into a mountain range that sprawled dragon-like across an immense area - Chún felt several large Essence Beast presences within the range as the pair of them traveled - he stopped above a high mountain valley surrounded by higher, bleak, snow covered peaks.

Beneath them was a very large dark lake, nearly fifty or so lǐ across at the widest part, the water looking almost black in the early evening light, "My locus says this is the most suitable location for your requirements within several hundred thousand lǐ. The lake is several hundred lǐ deep and connects to several underground water rivers as well as a Yin Essence spring."

There was a pleased hum from Bingqiǎo and he looked over as she nodded firmly, "Yes, we sense it - a very strong source. Excellent - the area as well as the surrounding mountain peaks will make an excellent location for the Palace of the Dark Heavens."

Chún shook his head, "I have enough trouble with my Immortals Cave and you want to build a palace - well, enjoy yourself," he hesitated a moment then asked, "please let my locus know though your connection as Guardian when your guǎn is constructed. I wish to learn formal martial techniques from you."

Bingqiǎo blinked, "You would still choose us as your sifu?"

"Your actions were brash and thoughtless," replied Chún, "but I do not believe they were deliberately malicious. And you are under oath and position to act with respect. Not that I think you would act inappropriately when it comes to martial arts - or your position - of course."

"We would not," confirmed the Xuánwǔ, bowing almost in half in mid-air, "we will endeavour to prove worthy of the World's trust."

Chún nodded, "I will likely bring the White Tiger to visit the first time - after all, you probably need to know what he taught me to begin helping me learn properly."

The Xuánwǔ grimaced, "White Tigers can be trying. Too much yang."

Chún raised an eyebrow in silent response and Bingqiǎo blinked, then spots of color flared on her cheeks as she was belatedly reminded that her own behaviour had been much more trying for the young True cultivator.

He chose to ignore it and instead remarked, "Prince Bái also paid a visit to the Dragon of the East - something about paying his respects as the Flood Dragon has been here since Tai was merely a simple Mountain."

"We shall also do the same," agreed the Xuánwǔ hastily and Chún nodded in satisfaction, "I will warn you that though the Dragon of the East is only a Flood Dragon and has not yet Advanced enough to transform, he has been around a very long time - possibly much longer than yourself. Disrespecting him would be unwise for you," he warned quietly.

"Respect and courtesy," responded Bingqiǎo calmly, "thank you for reminding us."

Tai's 'voice' rumbled out, "I would also like to discuss with you ideas to improve my defenses - as the Tortoise is supposed to act as the shield and you have a natural inclination towards defense."

"Of course, Hidden Mountain. We have an extensive library and personal knowledge of that subject - even including techniques Consumers use," Bingqiǎo answered excitedly.

Chún grumbled, "I foresee much growth and direction of Essence Flows in my future." He bowed, "Dark Lady, I shall leave you to your moving in. This has been an interesting day, but I would like to return to my home before it gets too late. Ask my locus if you ever need to visit."

Bingqiǎo started, breaking off from her excited discussion and solemnly bowed, "thank you for allowing us to prove ourselves, Quilin."

"Black Tortoise and Snake," Chún bowed back, "make certain you do not give us cause to regret it."

He turned and pushed himself to his highest speed, headed back south, retracing his earlier flight. As the last feathers of light disappeared behind the mountain range behind him and he started seeing patches of long grass passing beneath him, a loud rumble spoke to a gathering storm all around, followed by the impact of large droplets of water.

"The Xuánwǔ is settling in nicely," remarked his locus, Tai's satisfaction reverberating through the link as the heavy rain started coming down, only the third downpour Chún could remember in the last two months.

"I hope we do not regret the decision, my friend." he said dryly, relying on Essence sense to navigate through the now blinding rain and deepening dark.