I open my eyes. Anthony? What happened?
"You just passed out so I thought I'd wait until you woke up. Another vision?" I can't put any words together. I can't speak.
"Don't worry about it. I can read your mind, I know what your feeling. I don't know what you saw, but judging by your response it was probably something horrific. Don't worry you don't have to tell me. Everything will be okay." Then he smiled, though it looked like he had been crying. Why? Why was he worried about me? I'm so confused. "Before you passed out I was going to tell you about your visions. Those visions are your memories….. Of the past. That's why I say try to remember." No. I don't want this to be my past no, no, no.
"My brother….where…"
"I said dont talk. You're too weak. If you keep forcing yourself your going to pass out again. The Nazi's took him, at least that's what we call them. They don't have an actual name. But they don't want your brother - they are trying to get to you." But why me?
"Well, because you are very powerful and they want to create an army. Recreate the world where all humans are enhanced so that human life would be better. Less suffering and stuff, at least that's what they believe. They want to destroy the world and start over." My brother…. Is gone because of me. I'm always a burden on him. "That's not true Rose. Your brother loves you very much. He is grateful that he has you as a sister. Don't think things like that." I feel tears rolling down my checks. Anthony is being…...whats the word....nice? Yes, my heart feels warm. This only ever happened when I was around Lucas. "Yes I care about you very much. I'm glad you are starting to understand. Well anyway I'll walk you home, so come back and I'll talk to you more about how we are going to get Lucas back." No, I have to get him back myself.
"Don't you dare try going by yourself. I still need to teach you how to use your power. Besides you don't know where he is but I have an idea. So come tomorrow and we will leave that night okay? Some people will be joining us. You don't always have to be alone."
"Fine,I'll wait till tomorrow."