Chereads / Lost Rose / Chapter 3 - Birthday Part 2 (3)

Chapter 3 - Birthday Part 2 (3)

Knock! Knock! That must be Lucas. Aunt Clara still hadn't arrived. Oh well, didn't matter; the food was getting cold. "Come in!"

As he stepped in I flick on the lights and called out "Happy Birthday!"

He looked at me and smiled. Yay! I made him smile. As we ate, he talked with his mouth full. "Oh, that reminds me. Pedro and the gang got me a present." He held up a box neatly wrapped in red paper - his favorite color. I smiled. "Well, why don't you open it?"

He started tearing the top right corner of the box. After the wrapping came off, he grabbed his pocketknife and slit open the box. Inside was a shiny black gun, a pistol; a couple boxes of bullets were tucked in too. A grin spread across his face. "Those darn rascals."

I remembered something that Aunt Clara gave me a long time ago. She said our parents wanted Lucas to get it on his 16th birthday. I tapped his shoulder.

"Wait here." I ran to the room Aunt Clara and I shared and grabbed the envelope. Coming back, I carefully handed it to him.

"Aunt Clara said mom and dad wanted you to have this on your 16th birthday." He stared at it, slowly setting down his fork. I couldn't help looking away; we both carried that unfair burden, but his share was larger than mine. Taking a deep breath, I smiled and said, "Go ahead and open it."

I began clearing the dishes, trying not to look at him. He swallowed and glanced over at me, not moving to open it. I couldn't help stacking the dishes with a hard clatter.

"It was addressed to you so you probably shouldn't let me see it." Then it hit me. Oh no… "I gotta go to the-" Dropping the plates, my legs propelled me out the door and down the hall. His fork clattered to the floor as he jumped up.

"Wait, Rose are you oka…!"

I sprinted into the bathroom and locked the door. Why is it happening again? I keep getting these weird visions this week. They're scary. I don't want to see any more. Make it stop. Go away!