I order myself an iced caramel coffee as the man ordered his. "Sir I never did get your name. " He chuckles shyly.. "ah yes.. my name is Shiro. I am the founder of a software company. We often make new graphics for games and whatnot. We have many buildings branched out across the world." I take a sip of my coffee, "I see.. so it's a large company and your son is supposed to inherit it as well. May I ask what type of rumors are preventing that." Mr. Shiro seems rather hesitant to say, "ah well you see. People have been saying that he doesn't like women, but I know that's not true. He was once very affectionate towards this one girl before she left him. He went a little bitter after that, but please don't let that discourage you. " "I see I think I understand. Do you think that maybe I should meet your son before a hand you know to get to know him? I think if I got to know him more maybe my father won't be that much against it. " He exclaims in agreement, "yes that would make sense for sure. How would tomorrow sound? I can send a car for you to bring you to the house to get to know him. " "Yes that would be ok. I just want to help my father if this is how I can do that then I'm willing to do anything. " I notice Mr. Shiro staring at me for a moment. "You know that really is an admirable trait you have. How much you care for your family. I can see your family is close." I smile to him, "yes we are. After all they are all I really have. Well I look forward to tomorrow. " He stands up and offers his hand, "thank you Mrs...? " Oh that's right I never gave him my name yet. "You can call me Kiyomi. " I shake his hand, "I'll see you tomorrow then. " I give him a farewell as he leaves. I can't believe it. I'm going to be married so soon. I don't even know who this person is.What if he doesn't like me? " I shake my head to stop thinking of such things. I'm doing this to help my family and he just needs someone to get rid of those rumors. That's all there is to it. Besides it isn't official yet. I will have to wait and see of who this person really is.