Strongest Viking Dynasty

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Ranking System

Royalty Structure:

High King / High Queen: Have more than 4 Jarls as subjects

Jarl: Full Independent Lordship or a subject to a High King / High Queen

Clan Structure:

Clan Head: Is the Leader of the Clan and holds the highest position in the Clan.

Huskarl and higher can create their own clan.

Freyr / Freya: The Lord and Lady of the clan.

Rank Structure:

Hersir: Only Chosen by The High King/Queen or Jarl, Leading General. Highest Rank

Merkismathr (Merkis): Only Chosen by the High King/Queen or Jarl, Leading Commander. Second Highest Rank.

Huskarl: The Most Elit and strongest members in their respective tribe and clan. usually leads raids that don't require any higher-ranked oversight. Third Highest Rank.

Aesir: Strong Elite Members, Willing to train other fellow clan members. Third Highest Rank.

Vanir: Strong Elite members, Not willing to train other fellow clan members. Third Highest Rank.

Marauder (Mdr): fierce and strong warriors, usually hold medium importance in clans

Viking: Fierce Fighter who has proved himself through raids, Only given to those who are worthy. The highest rank a normal warrior can obtain without a special recommendation from higher ranked

Himthiki (Htk): the highest rank normal soldiers who aren't worthy of Viking rank will ever get. Is experienced when it comes to taking part in Raids and strong enough to fend for himself.

they are also the bulk of a normal army and is considered average.

Thegn: Experienced Warrior but needs further training.

Drang: Not as experienced as the Thegn but can get there once trained by a higher-ranked member. Members of this rank and lower will not fight in offensive battles.

Herra/Fru: Initiate, those who have not yet proved themselves as warriors and will train under Aesirs

Taken inspiration and ideas and kinda copied from