Jamie POV
People trust me with their love lives but I'm starting to think that's a very poor judgment call on their part. I mean, who texts someone that they don't know and asks them for advice to get a girl, or guy, I'm not biased. It's just never made any sense to me really. What brought this up you ask? Well I'm currently sitting in my fourth period English class surrounded by people that probably don't even know my name, and if they did know my name it's probably because I'm the most gunned after nerd in the whole school. Why? Because of Nathaniel Woods.
Not gonna lie, he is a dick, but I can tell that he regrets bullying me every time he does it. I don't know why he continues to bully me but I'll take his not-so-hurtful words over someone else's fist any day. Back to the topic at hand. Mr. Luton had gone off earlier about how Shakespeare wrote that play about how the Montague and Capulet fell into a forbidden love and he was trying to link it to Cupid. He was getting quite heated and I was starting to feel sorry for the poor soul that everyone believed was responsible for finding their true love. Anyway, the subject just reminded me of my situation I guess.
I was lost in thought when the bell suddenly rang and jolted me out of my seat. Christ. I hadn't meant to get so distracted. Why can't I just pay attention like normal people! I pulled my backpack on to my shoulder and grabbed my books off my desk before heading to the door. My backpack is so heavy. I almost made it to the door without any incidents, that is until Becky stuck out her shinny red stilettos and my face had another not-so-pleasant meeting with the floor. We were starting to get very well acquainted these days, the floor and I. Best friends till the end.
I held in a snort at my short self-pity moment and got to my feet shooting a glare in Becky's direction. Now don't get me wrong, I am a nerd, but that doesn't mean I can't get feisty if I want to! She simply looked at me unphased and shrugged.
"Oops?" Now I really snorted.
She couldn't even apologize in a more convincing light. I just shook my head and picked up my books.
"It's alright. Your head's too empty to understand when you've done wrong."
After my smartass reply, that I was really trying hard not to laugh at, I quickly turned and sashayed through the doorway. Entering the crowded and ever growing obnoxious halls I let my face crack into a small smile. I looked down at my phone for literally two seconds before my body made contact with a hard chest. I stumbled and cursed under my breath looking up to snap the head off of the person that just stood there. My remark caught in by throat when I saw Nathaniel staring back at me with such an intense heat, that I stumbled back I few steps.
He just stared at me before saying "watch where you're going." and continuing on with down the hall.
I'm not gonna lie. He kinda looked like shit. Shaking my head I try and rid the look of utter guilt that covered his face out of my mind.
Nathaniel POV
Shit, shit, shit! I can't believe I'm late for school again! My dad's going to kill me. He may never be home but he'll still find out cause he's overbearing as hell like that. I can't deal with stupid people today, and by stupid I mean sluts. Ugh! Just because I'm the star quarterback and everyone 'loves' me I have to act like I personally enjoy sleeping around with girls and bullying kids who can't defend themselves. It's so low of me to do that. I hate doing that. But I just can't bring myself to stand up to 1,000 kids and say 'hey! Fuck you!' So here I am leaving another one night stand with Becky.
I grab my keys out of rumpled pants pocket and turn the key in the ignition, listening to purr of the engine come to life. I put the car in gear before heading in the direction of school. Why is life so tiring? I have to stop several times at many stop signs that are periodically placed in the middle of no where. Honestly. There was one place on a strip of road with no way that you could anywhere! What was the point of that sign? Letting out an exasperated sigh, I continue to school.
I make it to school in time to sign into my second period class only moments after the bell rang. I take my seat beside Keegan and fist bump him before turning back to the front of the class. Mrs. Ratcliffe drones on about the importance of the holocaust or something and I try to tune her out as much as possible. I hate learning about dead people. Instead I look around the room and my eyes land on the most beautiful pair of baby blues I've ever seen.
He's not looking at me. So I know I can stare for a few seconds longer without anyone taking notice. I count to five in my head before I reluctantly pull my gaze from his eyes and turn it in the direction of our boring history lecture. I may very well kill Mrs. Ratcliffe by the end of the class if she doesn't shut up.
Sadly she never shut up and I never got to end her existence. So sad. It's the end of fourth period and I was in my own head space so I hadn't been paying attention to where I was going and I walked right into him. I looked down and almost lost my breath. He looked so gorgeous with that smile on his face. I just stared at him for a second and he took a few steps away from me, bringing me back to reality.
I walked passed him with a quick "watch where you're going." and went straight to my car.
I am so done with stupid people today.