Chereads / Overseer's Asylum / Chapter 9 - The Doctor

Chapter 9 - The Doctor

And then we were off to the 51st floor. As the elevator opened we came across a huge laboratory.

We went across the laboratory to see if anyone was around but we couldn't see anyone around, So, we decided to go around the laboratory and find something that could be of use to us.

I went through some table drawers and found a device. At first, I didn't understand what it was, but then I thought of the HG on my neck. I started to feel what the HG looked like and then saw the device on the drawer and I felt that the device was actually an HG. I didn't think anything else but took the HG with me.

After a while, the HGs beeped and the Overseer said," I saw what you did there. Some of you in the piece did see a device on the drawer and didn't know what it was, did you ? ".

James and the others were clueless about what he was saying but I knew what he was about to say.

Then the Overseer continued," The device which you saw was an HG but it hasn't been activated yet and I will tell the rest later because it is about the time my disciples or you can say your doctors are going show up they were not on the 51st floor but they were on the 50th floor having a meeting with my other disciples, So, Don't be afraid to ask for any help from them ".

Then the HG beeped off. We knew he was talking to all the others too, that is why he told "them". So then James looked a bit worried.

Rebecca went over to him and asked," What is it that scares you now because you were the one who encouraged the kids and now you look pale ? ".

James replied," I feel the doctor is going turn out to be big trouble for us, The Overseer said they were humans so they might have already planned on how to trap us, I guess or why would they all have a meeting as he said, It is just that I don't want the kids to go through this upfront now itself because they are still scared and they have already lost one of them, Those are staying strong even after that. Since we lost Danny I cried a lot when I saw him die taking care of the creatures called Dent on the 66th floor and when the 2nd wave of the Dent came I knew it was my fault for letting him sacrifice. But before he died he told me to take care of that kid, Allan who was in one of the cells that we were hiding from the Dents. Danny saw Allan before I ever did and he told me that it is better if we hid in that cell then when I turned back to check if the cell was clear I saw Allan still unconscious and I knew he hid in here just to save the kid because if Allan had been conscious and saw one of those creatures and made any sound, he would have been there meal. And now look how far we have reached. I would now say that Danny didn't die in vain neither will I let that happen. I will save these kids and help them out of here ! ", He looked at Rebecca and said.

Rebecca looked back at James and said," Well, you have a goal to escape out of here the thing I don't understand that how in the world did I date Martin and you remember there were other people just like us without the HG ".

James said," Yes, I do remember, but we can't say for what reason we are here yet till he tells it to us ".

Rebecca agreed to what James and then continued to search around for an HG. I went up to James and Rebecca and then showed them the HG which I had found in one of the drawers. Rebecca was shocked at first because she thought it was mine till she saw my neck and saw there was one on my neck.

Rebecca asked me," Where did you get it from ? ".

I replied," I got it from a drawer like the Overseer told, but I got it before the Overseer even spoke about it, I was wondering since it is a device that can be activated, it also could be deactivated right, we have to try our best to rescue whoever is injected with the virus because the stress level is increasing slowly floor by floor for Everyone".

Suddenly our HGs beeped and the Overseer said," Oh I forgot to tell you a bit more about it and what I know you all will be thinking since it is a device it can be deactivated, Yes, the HG can be deactivated but it can only be deactivated when I say or it can be automatically deactivated when you exit the pieces which only the 1% of my students who have entered have achieved. This is the last thing I would warn you about till the next tape, So, Take care ".

Then the HG beeped off, We then started to wait with our pistols aimed at the elevator to threaten the doctor. Then after a while, the elevator opened and someone stepped out of it and then looked around and saw all of us holding our pistols right at him, he still remained calm and went to his desk at sat down on the chair.

The Doctor then said," There is no use if you kill me here because I am here to help you. To be honest, I am always against the work of the Overseer but I work for him just by force ".

Then the doctor got out of his chair and moved toward the locked passage and then said to us," Why are you all just standing there Come in I want to show you something that I have been working on ".

We thought he was telling the truth, So, we started to follow him. But James showed us a gesture to stop and Rebecca also did the same.

James asked," You told me you don't agree with his work, So, Why don't you just let us through ? ".

The Doctor said," I have to tell my name before we go ahead with the conversation. I am Vector, I am the one who helped the Overseer with the creation of the virus Bits which is used to infect you all. But only two are infected in your group. I should tell the truth by now one of the injected students is dead, So, He has been mutated into the Bit by now. I thought this would be easy and you all would fall for me but it is hard like the Overseer said. That is why I had a backup planned ".

Then he took a gas mask from his desk drawer and then took a device out of his pocket and pressed the button on it. Then we saw gas cylinders pop out of the 4 corners of the room. It sprayed something on us that we felt unconscious and fell to the ground. We couldn't do anything about we thought it was over.

After a while when I was conscious again I looked around to see that I was in a room which looked like a dentist's room and I was in a chair for a check-up. Then when I tried to move my hand I saw that they were cuffed up and so was I cuffed up to the chair. I looked around to see if anyone was around. I didn't see anyone nearby, it was just me tied up to the chair. After a while when I was struggling to get uncuffed, I heard a Man talking and headed this way. I kept quiet and acted still unconscious. When the Man came closer I could hear him clearly this time.

He said," Master, I have to say this is the hardest test I ever had in the piece till now but I can take care of them but they don't fall easily into traps as I thought. So, That is why I planned to put a forced trap as a backup... ".

While he was talking I understood that it was the Doctor, So, I slowly opened my eye and looked at the Doctor, Vector. He was still on the call and talking to the Overseer.

And then Vector continued," Master, I am sorry but I am about to get a bit busy in here, I will report to you soon after I end this ", Then he immediately faced me and said," You sure are a smart one. And you are also special to me. I have to tell you the truth, you're HG is already flashing red, which means you have reached your highest stress level, So, you know what that means, right? It means you should have been mutated by now ".

I was really confused when he told me that, I then looked at my collar to see what colour it was, and I saw that was red. But I didn't understand what should be happening by now. Then I remembered what the Overseer told us in the beginning, he told us that if it was flashing red we would be mutated through the virus which was injected into us but only two were injected and Vector told us that already one of the injected, Xavier had already died, So, there was only one more and then I looked back at my collar then I freaked out by screaming.

Vector said to me," Calm Down! Nothing will happen to either your friends or your brother and you are absolutely alright! It is because you are immune to this virus. I have to say it is impossible but something else happened to your body, You don't have to worry because it is a good thing for you... ", I didn't know what to say because I didn't expect this to happen but then I was wondering what changed in my body.

Vector continued," You might be wondering what changed in your body, you have a faster reaction than any other normal human, Like I said before it was not true because I respect my Master and would disrespect him even once that is why I have taken your blood as a sample, So, I will do you all a favour and let you go, if... ".

I knew there was something that he might want before letting us go but I had to hear him out.

He continued," If you just let me do my experiment on one of your friends ".

I was shocked after hearing what he just said and so I immediately said," No ! Not even one of them, I can't let you hurt them ".

Vector said," I knew that there might also be a possibility like this, that is why I have cuffed you up completely. I am sorry but I will keep my word and leave you all through. I won't hurt your brother. I will look around and find anyone that I would like to experiment on but I can't promise you they will be alright, I got to go and do my work. You can try to escape or even wait here till I come back and then I will let you go ".

I could not speak a word as I felt like I just accepted him trying to kill my friends.

And now it was off to the others. When Diana was back conscious she heard someone call her name when looked around she saw that everyone was there and they were all tied up to their bed and the room looked like a hospital ward for treatment. She that Rebecca, James, Allan, John, Benjamin, Hassan and George were still unconscious. Diana then saw the curtain beside her as she heard Andrew calling her name.

Diana replied," I am here ! ", Andrew was relieved and then Andrew told Diana that I wasn't there along with them. She thought I might be in trouble or since he was a doctor she thought he might be experimenting on me.

Suddenly they all heard footsteps headed to their room they all stayed quiet to see who it was, then they saw it was the Doctor, Vector. He took a look at everyone in the room.

Vector smiled at Diana and said," I know that you have been thinking about the other girl. Well ! You don't have to worry about her she is safe... ", Then he looked at Allan who was still unconscious and then looked up and said," I am in need of a volunteer who would like to join me on a quest ".

Andrew didn't think twice at first because he thought it would be better than staying stuck over there. He also thought that since he will be released, he could also help the others escape after he takes Vector out. And then after the Doctor uncuffed Andrew and then as he got out of his bed, he started to stretch his arms and then tried to punch the Doctor on the head but it didn't work because Vector caught his right hand even without looking and then twisted it and put him in the ground and broke the joint of his arm. And then Andrew started to scream in agony.

Vector said to Andrew," I told you to volunteer, So, I didn't choose you but you chose yourself and don't ever try that again, kid. Next time you try anything stupid I will just snap your neck... Oh! I am really sorry about that I forgot that I made a promise to the other girl ".

Andrew looked at Vector, frightened and crying and asked," Why are you doing this? What have we ever done to you ? And What is the meaning of all this ? ".

Vector looked down for a while and then put his head up and gave a grin and replied," I am doing this for the Overseer to show my respect, You have done nothing but we are doing this for the evolution of human beings and Don't worry about your arm I will fix it later after the experiment ".

Then he started to drag Andrew out of the room by dragging his broken arm while he was crying for help. Meanwhile, Diana was frightened of what she has just seen and she couldn't do anything to help him.

Now it was off to Sarah and Others after the Overseer told them about the Doctor was on a meeting with the other disciples. Sarah was thinking about us whether we are alright or not.

Sarah said," I have a plan, The Doctor will probably lead us to a trap, So, We have to fake that we do believe him while Dexter aims at the Doctor's head to kill him, I know it is a cold-blooded idea but we have to get out of here safely ".

Dexter told," He might eventually find me aiming the gun at him... I feel I have to stand behind all of you and slowly do it and then it will work ".

Sarah smiled and said," You are right, we will get through this, Oh I forgot to ask didn't you meet The Bit how did you escape from it ? ".

They were all scared all of a sudden and said," To be honest we don't know what we did because we just stood silent there while we let it pass through and then waited there till it was far from us and continued on and then we met you ".

Sarah felt that she and Xavier could have done the same thing and then away from it but then she remembered the Bit she faced had eyes. That was the time she realised there were 2 types of Bit.

Then after a while, they heard the elevator opening. They hid around the laboratory. They saw a lady come out. They came into the laboratory and checked her drawer.

The Lady said," You should know that I already know you are here. You can come out I won't do anything to you ".

Sarah knew she had told them not to fall for her but fake it but now she didn't want to do it because she feels the Lady had planned something for them.

The Lady continued," My name is Lana and I am now feeling shy because you are not showing up ".

Sarah looked at the others while hiding and they looked back at her. She showed them a gesture not to show up but Ben didn't listen to her while Dexter and Harry stood still in their positions and listened to her.

As Ben stopped hiding and showed himself, Lana saw him and asked," Are you the only one in here ? ".

Ben replied," Yes, I am only here the others died as a sacrifice ".

Lana said," Since you are alone I can reward you for reaching this far ", She told that as she started to strip her shirt.

Ben started to blush and then told her to stop. Lana stopped and then gave him a grin. Ben looked at her grin and grinned back at her. That was the time when Dexter aimed at her head and fired the bullet. Lana immediately died after that. Ben felt sad because something was going on between them and he started to like it.

Dexter went towards Ben and whispered," Bro ! that was really something going on and I know it was. The thing is I didn't want to fire it was because Sarah told me to fire ".

Ben was smiling when Dexter told that but Dexter told Sarah had told Dexter to fire it he got angry and looked at Sarah. Sarah looked back at Ben, Shy and embarrassed. Then Ben felt guilty about what happened between him and Lana.

Then Ben whispered to himself," Lana ! I will never forget what could have happened between us, I wished had our time if it weren't for Sarah's jealousy ".

Harry heard what Ben said and replied," You know you should be thanking her for warning Dexter or could have been in trouble if it weren't for Sarah. You don't realise because it didn't happen or you would have thanked her ".

Sarah got angry at the both of them because they were still talking about it and so she went up to them and slapped them both.

Ben and Harry asked," Why was that for ? ".

Sarah replied," I just liked you both that is why ".

Ben said," I knew that you were jealous of Lana ".

Sarah, Harry and Dexter laughed at him. After that, while they were moving towards the elevator, Harry asked Sarah," Where you serious while you said you like me...? Because I like you too ! ".

Sarah paused and stopped there for a moment and then said," Ya, But I didn't mean it in any other way ".

Harry felt sad and said," Oh ! I am sorry, I... I just, forget that I even said that ", and then he just went on ahead.

Dexter came to Sarah and asked," What happened to him ? ".

Sarah replied," He told me that he liked me, I told him I see him as a friend, I feel sorry for him ".

Dexter smiled at me and said," It is Ok ", Ben overheard our conversation and said," He is always like that but you don't have to worry about him he will be alright because from now on he will stay strong and protect you ".

When Sarah heard that, it reminded her of Xavier because he died for her. And then she was happy and then she knew that she also liked Harry because he reminded her of Xavier. And then they reached the elevator and were off to the 50th floor.

And now it was off to us, I still was lost in my world because I couldn't think what could happen to any of them after he experimented on them with the virus along with my blood which is used as an antidote.

Then I heard someone come into the room it was Vector, The Doctor. He came into the room and looked at me and said," Your blood is a danger to us I thought... but I could also kill the other person I thought... and the answer is it cures. Your friend is safe. I Let them all out but the Lady kicked me from below it hurt a lot but I had to take it as a reward and thank you for cooperating with me. I will let you also go ".

As he untied me I started to get angry and I also wanted to kick him from below and that is exactly what I did, As I did that he fell to his knees and said," I will take it for my master ".

And then I left him there and moved out of the room and then I reached the laboratory and saw the others. Diana told that Andrew had broken his arm because of the Doctor now it looks fixed. After that, we were all headed to the 50th floor.

As we reached the 50th floor we came across a safe room like before but not luxurious as before. But there was food, a toilet, bed for each one of us.

So, after that, we all took a rest on the 50th floor and then entered the elevator to the 49th floor, Who knows what we might see there because the Overseer didn't say anything about it. This might be the reason he left us alone...