Mrs. Chen got a respite, to use napkins to tidy her lips, and stated, "As for the second, only 3-shots needed. But based on age deterioration, everyone gives different indications during each shot."
Yue Wan's lip parted, as she gradually breathed in, her heart was pounding in a race. Her Father never would allow anyone to injects without his consciousness. Suddenly she gets flashed with the memory, her eye-augment in a blackout, 'so then it must be because of that,' she murmured.
Looking at Yue Wan's frowned eyebrows, Mr. Chen's concern voice waked her up from dilemma, "Miss. Yue, you have something to inquire?"
Yue Wan shrugged from her seat on being named. Then with a milky voice, she conveyed, "What if we voluntarily injected it as a medicine? Like taking any self-vaccine in the precautions?"