Chereads / The Evolution of a Monster / Chapter 3 - The Basics

Chapter 3 - The Basics

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[Name] Jason

[Level] 1

[Stats] (Strength 1) (Agility 4) (Intelligence 21) *DING* new stats once you learn more about this world

[Species] Forest Gnoblar

[Skills] (Scavenger lvl 1)

[Extra affects] Reincarnated

How do I start? What should I do? These thoughts were all that went through my mind.

Thinking about how most novels that I read, the MC almost always tried identifying his skills. So, identify skill (Scavenger, the ability to gain more xp and find useful items in the world; each level increases chance of finding an item and the amount of xp.)

Identify skill (Reincarnated, This creature was reincarnated letting them level up faster and gain extra stats each evolution :WARNING this is not a big boost, where normal creatures gain 1 strength you gain 1.5 strength aka a 50% increase, Do not get a big head.)

Huh, so I am slightly better off than everything else but only just? Well seeing as there are clearly monsters in this forest, I should probably make a weapon. Thinking back to my past life, the natives in my country used to find a type of rock called flint and chip it until it was sharp. Seeing as my claws could barely cut skin I decide it would be good to find a piece of flint.

Looking around I examine each rock by the large pond, although looking at it longer it would be more of a lake, I gain a new skill (Identify lvl 1).

Identify skill (Identify, the ability to identify natural resources, processed goods, and eventually creatures; each level increases the level of item or creature you can see.)

Finally, after 40 minutes of Identifying rocks I find the type i am after.

[Name] Flint

[Type] Natural reasorce

*Used to make primitive tools in tribal societies

Thinking of my basic level of understanding i take the flint and hit it with a rock to flake of pieces that can be used to make blades. So i find a rock small enough for me to pick up, but heavy enough to flake off pieces. Then I walk up to the flint, which is about as big as my torso, and start trying to flake off a pice for my purpose. After a while i finally get a piece along with the skill (Flintknapping).

Using my new skill, which just helps the process of flintknapping, I create a small 1.5 inch long blade.

I use the blade to cut some vines and an 8 inch long branch. Using the blade I cut a line in the tip that is just wide enough to slide the blade into the it. Then chipping a notch onto each side of the blade making a spear head. Sliding the head into the body, I tie the vine around the blade and branch, fitting the vine through the notches. Thus I create a 9ish inch spear from tip to butt. After I finish the spear I gain the skill (Crafting lvl 1).

When i wield the spear it effectively doubles, almost triples, my reach. Now with this, I feel like I could go hunting of perhaps even fishing.