"...and that class, is how Emperor Zarasul saved the Capital and introduced the art of binding to the people", Professor Orlgard explained as she deactivated the artifact and the class began to pick up their collective dropped jaws.
[Okay, I now have a modicum of respect for the new Emperor], Voxea mentioned casually.
[A modicum?! We just witnessed the man ride a stallion made of storms and fury into the eye of a skeleton monster the size of a castle and cause it to explode! What the heck earns more than a modicum]?!
[Doing it naked], Voxea quipped.
"That's all for today class. Make sure to get to your next scheduled classes on time or enjoy the rest of your day as you wish", Professor Orlgard said as several of the students began to make way for the exit.
As I was busy mentally digesting what was just shared with us, a tap on my shoulder brought me back into reality.
"Hey Sil-Sil! Looks like today was our only class. Albina wanted to go check out the training facilities. Wanna come?", Savina asked me with an expectant look on her face. I was about to accept until Voxea interrupted me.
[Hold up girl, tell them that you'll catch up with them later].
[I wanna go see that Undrax fellow. There's something I want to confirm. Consider it a favor from you to me], Voxea said mysteriously.
[Huh...alright, fine].
[Yay! I owe you one, once more], Voxea said joyfully.
"Maybe later guys, there's something I want to check out first", I said while tapping on my temple.
Albina and Bori were a bit confused at my statement, luckily, Savina understood my meaning. After I had revealed Voxea to Savina, we devised a simple way to tell her when I was about to go do maji stuff.
"Oh. Okay then, don't take too long though", Savina replied without skipping a beat.
[Savina is such a good girl...], Voxea commented mysteriously.
[Well then, this place is creepy].
[Black wood, creepy bones and charms? Looks like normal necromancer asthetic to me], Voxea replied.
After Voxea and I left the group to their own devices, the two of us made our way to the academy wing that housed the staff offices.
Evidently, the staff here had some form of freedom in how they decorate their offices, because Voxea and I had passed by some remarkably strange doors. Aside from having the professors names slapped on to the doors, each door was incredibly different from one another.
The one to the left of Undrax's door looked like it was overgrown with vines and mushrooms, while the one to the right was glowing and had jars filled with jellyfish in place of torches flanking it. Undrax's door was...creepy.
The door itself was a solid black singular piece of timber, no seams or metal bands holding it together. It was decorated with bones and gems, a skull with onyx eyes and ring in its mouth serving as the knocker. But the part that weirded me out the most, was that every single piece of this door had spells runes carved into it from top to bottom. I couldn't make out a single spell formation, but I could feel that this door was a magical hazard waiting to happen.
[So... you're gonna knock or what?], Voxea goaded me.
Taking a deep breath and steeling my nerves, I reached for the knocker and gave it a good tapping.
"A GUEST IS HERE", the skull suddenly announced.
Needless to say, I jumped back the moment skull talked.
"Come in", a voice from inside called out. The creepy talking door then slowly swung inward, allowing Voxea and I to enter.
[Was...was House Undrax always this creepy?], I asked Voxea while forcing a straight/brave face.
[All necromancers tend to be, so yes].
As I entered the room, the first thing I noticed that the room felt incredibly cold. Not a winter cold, but like a graveyard cold. Surrounding me were books stacked onto each other like evergreens in a forest and-
[Why does he have a collection of skulls]?
[Like I said, necromancy gets weird].
"Are you two gonna keep us waiting or what?", a deep voice called out to us, snapping me back to reality.... waitaminute.
Did he just refer to us and himself in plural form?