The blood has now dried up, the meat is rotting. Shaun longs for a drop of water now. He could do anything, anything for it. He extinguished the fire and started to move, wondering about the man he killed. Who was he? What he was doing in the deserted street of Karolika and that too in a uvan? He could not figure out.It does not make sense. Nothing makes sense anymore.
Five days had passed since the blood dried up. Till, he could not manage to find water or any liquid to drink. He can't move on, his legs are too tired to move, his throat is dry, he can't even urinate to satisfy his thirst now. It's unbearable. Will he die? Shaun thought to himself.
Shaun woke up with a jerk, a loud screeching sound was coming from somewhere, heavy footsteps running towards him. He tried to stand, but even before he could move hooded black figures has surrounded him. Pointing a strange, dirty greenish object at him. They said something to him, but he couldn't understand them. He tried to move, a blue light flashed and he was hit by a sharp pain in his chest.
Where is he? Shaun wondered. A dark veil hangs over his eyes. He tried to open his eyes, but in vain. It won't open for an unknown reason. He tried to move his arms and legs, but could not feel them. He couldn't even hear anything an eerie silenced followed. Is he dead? A fear started to grip him, how hard he tried he couldn't escape that feeling, a low, dark, terrible fear started hovering inside him. The fear that he has died. He couldn't shake it. A numbness followed. What now? Is it hell? How it's gonna be? Would he be burnt in the fire? Why anything isn't happening? This complete blackness is killing him. He would go mad, in desperation he tried to scream but to his horror not a single sound would escape his throat.
An eternity passed, but nothing happened. Time seemed to have stopped. No matter what Shaun does, nothing would happen. The darkness seems to be eating and gnawing at his soul. He would go mad, he is sure of it. Is he dead? "Someone say something?" Shaun screamed in his mind.
"Wait, what is it? A sound? Am I hearing it correctly? Or imagining it?" - Shaun thought to himself. "The sound was almost inaudible, but still it was a sound. Am I hallucinating it? But how that could be? I am dead, right?" - Shaun continued with his train of thoughts.