Chereads / a different story of peace in Skyrim [dropped] / Chapter 8 - the start of a new beginning

Chapter 8 - the start of a new beginning

--------------------four years later-----------------

It's been four years since my parents were murdered and since Alvor took me in he started teaching me how to forge my own weapons and armor right away but he only taught me to forge and cast iron and steel, he told me that if I want to learn to make the other types I would need to find a better master to teach me. At 18 I know that God from my last life fulfilled his promise at the moment I turned because the entire dragonic magically appeared in my head.

Alvor:" Hey Gulbrand today is your 20th brithday is there anything you want?"

Gulbrand:" no thanks unlce Alvor I'm going to go down to whiterun and take up a bounty something tells me that trouble is coming and I want to be as ready as possible."

Alvor:" trouble what trouble sure there maybe the threat of bandits but right now we are in the best time of peace for the last few years."

Gulbrand:" just trust me unlce." I say strapping on my steel armour.

Alvor:" fine fine but take this with you boy."

Gulbrand:" what is it?"

Alvor:" normally I don't make jewelry but your mother commissioned is years ago she said that if she couldn't get it for some reason I was to give it to you when you were getting ready to leave us for your own adventure."

I take it is a gold necklace locket I open it and fight to hold back tears as I see a picture of the three of us that my parents wanted sketched.

Gulbrand:" thank you Uncle."

I have put the necklace on and have finished gearing up, all that is left is to say my goodbyes, I walk out the door not looking back and waving, as I approach the arch way the guard on duty naturally asks me where I'm headed I have no need to lie.

Gulbrand:" I'm stopping by the ruins of my old house to say my goodbyes then I'm off to whiterun to find work."

Guard 1:" ah what kind of work do you have in mind?"

I roll my eyes and I can tell right away he is brand new and sighs but I realize I can at least have some fun with him.

Gulbrand:" I'm going to try and become a werewolf to eat people's brain and tear their livers."

I think he bought it because he immediately pointed his spear at me shaking, at this point I can see the other guards are trying not to laugh, and it hits me that they wanted to loosen this rookie up so I oblige and keep going.

Gulbrand :" easy spearboy relax I'm not going to eat you , you would probably give me heart burn. In fact I probably just run the other way.

I can tell this guy want to shit bricks and his partners are loving it, but the captain figures we had our fun and walks over to intervene but is a little later as the new guy screams and thursts his spear cutting my cheek.

Captain:" settle down jack let the man through--"

Guard 1:" but captain he wants to go kill people!"

The captain can't take it anymore and just starts to laugh and I join in at this point the rookie is lost.

Guard 1:" what's so funny?"

Gulbrand:" oh blessed Talos boots I wasn't expecting to run into a rookie today."

Captain :" Gul can you forgive this newbie we just got him today."

Gulbrand:" not a problem captain I took it Abit to far with him." I turn the rookie, " look I was messing with you I know almost every on the guard here I figured you were new so I wanted to have some fun with ya."

Guard 1:" oh then everything was a joke?"

Gulbrand:"about becoming a werewolf yes but it is true that I'm going to be visiting my old home."

The captain told me to go ahead and wished me save travels as I walked down road to the ruins .

---------------------10 minutes later-----------------

I have made it back to the ruins of the my old house and I just start cleaning it up by sweeping the porch when I finish I walk down towards my parents grave.

Gulbrand:" hey maw hey paw how are things in sovngarde I'm doing ok I'm 20 now can you believe it unlce Alvor has been teaching me how to forge, I'm getting ready to head to whiterun to take my first bounty quest plus I'm going to try and find a new smithing master, so you don't have to worry about me I'll be fine, I miss y'all and maw thank you for the necklace uncle Alvor gave it to me today. I just wanted to say good bye."

I clean off their grave stone and I turn stand start to walk towards whiterun. As I start to long walk to whiterun I realize it is long before night fall so i pick up the pace and after only after a half hour of walking I come across a group of five men gathered a round a small camp fire singing and drinking.

Guy 1:" oh look boys a traveler shouldn't we be kind and other the guy a drink."

Guy 2:" agreed friend let us pass him a bottle."

Guy 3:" as long as he doesn't have any of that nasty blackbriar shit."

Guys 4&5:" I argee."

One guy walks over to to me as soon as I go to walk passed.

Guy 1:" greets traveler care to join us in a nice swing of nectar."

Gulbrand:" what nectar?" I'm honestly not sure what he means but I have a good guess.

Guy 1:" honeybrew Mead of course, what have you never had a drink of the nectar of the gods?"

Gulbrand:" no not really I always wanted to try it but the inkeeper back home was always out." Called it the guy looks as if I had just smacked his mother, before he starts grining like a mad man.

Guy 1:" well then join us friend we have enough bottles to to make the warriors in sovngarde jealous."

Gulbrand:" well I hate to turn down such a offer, well met friend pass me a bottle."

And I end up drinking the night way before we apart ways I stumble alittle ways off to sleep it off.