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Love a starr

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Latest Update2
25 years ago

Chapter 1 - 1

Damon walked through the park a short cut normally not recommended in the dark but he was too tired to worry about the crackheads and Muggers. He trudged up the northern path past the tall spruce trees At a slow pace, his mind wondering In an attempt to forget the terrible day he had. His good friend walked out of game day after completely Rejecting his drunken love confession the day before then he was late for work after begging her to forgive him that morning on the phone. He hadn't meant to tell her, one too many beers and he let it slip, ruining a perfect friendship. Molly said they could still be friends but she couldn't see him for a while. Girls where far to hard a subject for Damon, games where more his pace but finally have a female gamer friend was to much for him. Why did he ruin it he only had 4-5 friends and now he'd lost one. Due to his mind on other things he messed up Orders at work and was short with other customers getting him demoted from his short-lived time as a server back to bar hand duties. 
Cutting through a thick grove of trees to head directly in the direction of his building he noticed Some sort of flickering light in a clearing to his side. Not being in his regular cautious mood and feeling rather "fuck it" with life he walked into the clearing to investigate. During the day this patch of grass was used to play frisbee or for people to have picnics or Sunbathe, but at 3 o'clock in the morning in the pitch black it was odd to see anything out here. Yet in the middle of the field there was a shaft of light glowing and pulsing. Damon stopped dead in his tracks suddenly aware that his carelessness might just get him killed. He stood frozen staring in awe his mind screaming runaway but his body wouldn't move he just stood there staring at the light in the centre of the field as it flickered he noticed it was a solid mass emitting light. From the middle of the object the light grew so bright it suddenly flashed like an explosion and like that the brighter light was gone and a strange cylinder was left in its place the centre of which was emitting just a faint glow now, nothing like the light before. Still thinking he should runaway his feet slowly move forward and walked up to the object. As he grew closer he saw it was a small tank of some sort odd scribbles scrolling across the surface like strange computer code running across a screen but as he got right up to the rather large thing he saw inside. A girl hung lifeless suspended in thick hazy liquid. 
Seeing her he immediately panicked "hey!?" He screamed banging on the glass surface. From inside the girls head shot up and her eyes where wide and bright green almost glowing with the same stange code running through them. What? He thought taking s step back. Then her head dipped forward again her body limp in the container, She's dying was all he could think and looked in a panic at the grass around him. Finding s large rock he ran up to the glass surface and started to smash at it, a few swings and he had a spiderweb crack forming. The girl didn't look up again. " don't drown I'm getting you out!" Damon yelled thrusting the rock at the glass again. Finally it burst and the water came flying out in a wave pushing him back on his ass. A second later he was searching around the wet darkness. A few feet from him lay the girl completely soaked and lifeless. He rushed over and knelt over her. She was the embodiment of beauty soft features long dark lashes and soft flowing brown hair that went past her full bare breasts. The heat rose in his cheeks she's completely naked he quickly took off his hoodie and draped it over her and tried to feel for a pulse. There was one it felt weak to him she wasn't breathing. He quickly went over the method for cpr in his head and leaned in pinching her nose. 
Cough cough she spit up water. Right in his face and gasped for air slowly opening her emerald green eyes. "Hey are you ok?! You were trapped in some tank, what happened?" He quickly asked her panicked
She just blinked looking confused " your probably in shock I'll take you to a hospital"
The girl slowly sat up looking around, and the sweater covering her slid down. Damon's face again went bright red and he quickly looked away "uhhh you were naked in the tank you can use my sweater to cover up" the girl looked down at the damp maroon hoodie in her lap and put it on. At the sound of the zipper Damon turned back to her. " what's your name are you ok?" She just nodded at him still looking slightly confused " ok if you don't think you can walk I can carry you to a hospital " her brow furrowed at the word hospital then a shiver ran down her whole body " crap you must be freezing ok if you want my place is just two minutes away you can get dry and borrow something to wear before we go get you checked out" looking down at her wet body she nodded and got up "are you ok to walk you don't have shoes on" she looked at her feet and shrugged slowly taking a step. Her legs wobbled as if too week to carry her weight and without a second thought Damon swept her up in his arms "I don't live far I can carry you" he said heading out of the clearing toward his apartment building. A few minutes later they had made it to his door and he gently placed her down she stood waiting as he fished the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door "home sweet home" he said opening the door to her. She looked inside for a moment the stepped in. 
"Thank you " she whispered her first words since they met. 
"Ahh no problem, so are you ok? What happened? How'd you get in a fish tank I the middle of the park?" He rambled off excitedly 
"I don't know.." she lowers her gaze to the floor sounding sad
" what!? Do you remember anything?!" Damon exclaimed putting his hand on her shoulders. She looked up into his eyes and shook her head no a moment later she shivered again "oh crap you gotta be freezing let me grab you some dry stuff come here" he said grabbing her hand and leading her into his bedroom. Her opened his dresser drawers and dug thru pulling out some basket ball shorts and a tee shirt "here I'll get you a dry sweater too one sec" he said putting the clothes in her arms and Turing to his closet. Grabbing a black pullover he turned to see this strange girl naked and pulling on the T-shirt again he blushed and turned back around "uhm maybe don't get naked in front of strangers ok" 
 "Huh ... oh sorry" a moment later she put her hand on his shoulder and he turned just his head to peak at her she was looking at him with curiosity in her green eyes " you saw already why do you blush" Damon turned to face her thrusting the sweater at her "because girls should be modest and I'm not some pervert!" He stomped out of the room
" modest." She said to her self slowly pulling the sweater over her head. Slowly coming out into the open living area she watched Damon start the kettle " I'll make you a cup of tea to warm up, that stuff fit ok?" He looked up at her from the stove. She nodded and walked over to him. "Im Damon by the way and I still don't even know your name" 
Leaning up against the counter she had a look of concentration as she put her pointer finger up to her full pink lips. Her long dark lashes fluttered above her bright green eyes as she seemed to think on his question. She looked up to the ceiling, A piece of Her long Auburn hair falling over her shoulder, and sighed. She's so pretty Damon thought she has to be a kidnap victim I should get her to the authorities. 
"Aria" she said softly looking back to his face with a slight smile. 
"Aria that's great do you remember anything else?" 
"No " she shook her head looking dejected. The kettle whistles and she jumped looking wide eyed at it. 
"Teas ready" Damon chuckles as he poured the steaming water into a mug "here you go Aria" he handed the mug over to her. She looked at it curiously and slowly brought the cup to her lips as she watched Damon do the same with his mug. "Carful. It's not to hot, milk or sugar?" He asked her watching her look into the cup as it hovered over her lips. She looked back him. 
" I don't really know..." she trailed off looking sad again. 
"You really don't remember anything at all." 
"I know this language I think I know my name and I know there's more I know but I just can't see what it is like it's behind a fog" she said again bringing the mug in for a sip of tea and smiling slightly "and I know this tastes good" 
Damon chuckled again " well I can bring you to a hospital to get checked out or maybe the cops. I'm sure someone is looking for you" 
"No. I know I can't be found..." she said looking confused "I don't know why or by who but I can't be found." 
"Hmm ok well it's probably from whoever took you and put u in that tank not the people who could help you" 
Aria shook her head no with a face of determination. "No they can't help me!"
"Who cant? The doctors would check your not hurt in anyway and the cops are good guys they'd help you find your family"
"No! No no no I can't go there I will leave here" she put the mug down and moved toward the door. Damon stepped in front of her. 
"Ok ok don't go, you can stay here. I won't take you to anyone until your comfortable but you can't go out and wander the city with no memory" 
Aria looked at him a bit shocked. Then relaxed and smiled "thank you I feel very.... tired" she said having to think of the right descriptive word 
"You can have the bed I'll take the couch, come on" he walked back to the bedroom motioning her to follow. He grabbed a pillow and blanket for himself and headed back out turning to her in the doorway "make yourself at home I'll be right outside if you need anything " Aria smiled and sat on the edge of the bed as Damon closed the door on his way out. 
He went and Laid on the couch stuffing the pillow under his head and stared at the ceiling. What just happened, there's a beautiful girl with amnesia in my bedroom and I'm what just harbouring this stanger why won't she go to the hospital maybe she's faking it maybe she's a robber or murderer! Nah that would be a pretty elaborate scheme just to rob me. But that tank thing what were they doing with her? Why was no one else around who put her there? Questions swirled through his mind until he finally fell asleep.