After they finished eating, Jackson drove Halia home. When they reached the front of her apartment block, Jackson stretched out his hand and said, "Give me your phone."
Halia hesitated, but handed it to him anyway. Luckily, she didn't have anything top secret stored on it.
"Now that we're friends, we should have each other's phone numbers. I've already called the manager at the club and explained why you suddenly left today. I also told him to take extra good care of you. If you have any other issues, let me know. Make sure not to stay there for too long, the club is a dangerous place."
Halia nodded as Jackson gave her back her phone.
She then waved goodbye, got out of the car and headed up to her apartment.
It was only after she walked in through the front door that she realized she still had Jackson's coat on - she now had two of his coats!
"I guess this is a good excuse to see him again," Halia smirked.